test_that("extract_random_effects works", { # ONLY random effect expected1 <- extract_random_effects( formula = y ~ f(id, model = "iid", hyper = list(prec = list(initial = -15, param = c(2, 2)))) ) expect_equal(expected1$reff_vars, "id") expect_equal(expected1$reff, "f(id, model = \"iid\", hyper = list(prec = list(initial = -15, param = c(2, 2))))") # Random effect and one covariate expected2 <- extract_random_effects( formula = y ~ x + f(id, model = "iid", hyper = list(prec = list(initial = -15, param = c(2, 2)))) ) expect_equal(expected2$reff_vars, "id") expect_equal(expected2$reff, "f(id, model = \"iid\", hyper = list(prec = list(initial = -15, param = c(2, 2))))") }) test_that("extract_variables_from_formula works", { # Check that all elements are characters expected <- extract_variables_from_formula(formula_moi = y ~ x + z, formula_imp = x ~ z) expect_true(all(sapply(expected, class) %in% c("character", "list"))) # Check that it correctly identifies interaction between error variable and another covariate. expected2 <- extract_variables_from_formula( formula_moi = y ~ x + x:z + x:m + z:s, formula_imp = x ~ z) expect_equal(expected2[["error_interaction_list"]], list(c("x", "z"), c("x", "m"))) # Make sure it also works if only term is interaction term expected3 <- extract_variables_from_formula(formula_moi = y ~ smoking:sbp, formula_imp = sbp ~ smoking) expect_equal(expected3[["error_interaction_list"]], list(c("smoking", "sbp"))) # Multiple variables with error expected4 <- extract_variables_from_formula(formula_moi = y ~ x + v + z + s, formula_imp = c(x ~ z, v ~ z + s), error_variable = c("x", "v")) expect_equal(length(expected4$covariates_imp), 2) # Random effects in MOI and imputation model # ONLY random effect expected5 <- extract_variables_from_formula( formula_moi = y ~ f(id, model = "iid", hyper = list(prec = list(initial = -15, param = c(2, 2)))), formula_imp = x ~ f(group, model = "iid", hyper = list(prec = list(initial = -15, param = c(2, 2))))) expect_equal(expected5$random_effect_variables_imp[[1]], "group") expect_equal(expected5$random_effect_variables_moi[[1]], "id") # Random effect and one covariate expected6 <- extract_variables_from_formula( formula_moi = y ~ x + f(id, model = "iid", hyper = list(prec = list(initial = -15, param = c(2, 2)))), formula_imp = x ~ s + f(group, model = "iid", hyper = list(prec = list(initial = -15, param = c(2, 2))))) expect_equal(expected6$random_effect_variables_imp[[1]], "group") expect_equal(expected6$covariates_imp[[1]], "s") # Multiple error variables expected7 <- extract_variables_from_formula(formula_moi = y ~ x1 + x2:z, formula_imp = list(x1 ~ z, x2 ~ 1)) expect_equal(expected7$covariates_imp, list("z", character(0))) # Missingness model with random effect expected8 <- extract_variables_from_formula( formula_moi = y ~ x + z1 + z2, formula_imp = x ~ z1, formula_mis = m ~ z2 + x + f(id, model = "iid", hyper = list(prec = list(initial = -15, param = c(2, 2))))) expect_equal(expected8$random_effect_variables_mis[[1]], "id") expect_equal(expected8$covariates_mis[[1]], c("z2", "x")) # Multiple error variables with missingness models expected9 <- extract_variables_from_formula(formula_moi = y ~ x1 + x2 + z1 + z2 + z3, formula_imp = list(x1 ~ z1, x2 ~ 1), formula_mis = list(m1 ~ z2 + z3, m2 ~ z1)) expect_equal(expected9$covariates_mis, list(c("z2", "z3"), "z1")) # Catching errors ----------------------------------------------------------- expect_error(extract_variables_from_formula(formula_moi = "string", formula_imp = x ~ z)) expect_error(extract_variables_from_formula(formula_moi = y ~ x + z, formula_imp = y ~ z, error_variable = "x")) }) test_that("make_inlamemi_formula works", { # Multiple error variables formula1 <- make_inlamemi_formula(formula_moi = y ~ x1 + x2 + z, formula_imp = list(x1 ~ z, x2 ~ 1), prior.beta.error = c(0, 1/1000), error_variable = c("x1", "x2")) terms1 <- labels(terms(formula1)) expect_in(c("alpha.x1.0", "alpha.x1.z", "alpha.x2.0"), terms1) expect_equal(length(terms1), 9) # Multiple error variables and interaction effect formula2 <- make_inlamemi_formula(formula_moi = y ~ x1 + x2:z, formula_imp = list(x1 ~ z, x2 ~ 1), prior.beta.error = c(0, 1/1000), error_variable = c("x1", "x2")) terms2 <- labels(terms(formula2)) expect_equal(length(terms2), 10) # Basic case formula3 <- make_inlamemi_formula(formula_moi = y ~ x + z, formula_imp = x ~ z, prior.beta.error = c(0, 1/1000)) terms3 <- labels(terms(formula3)) expect_equal(length(terms3), 6) # Missingness model formula4 <- make_inlamemi_formula(formula_moi = y ~ x + z, formula_imp = x ~ z, formula_mis = m ~ z, prior.beta.error = c(0, 1/1000), prior.gamma.error = c(0, 1/1000)) terms4 <- labels(terms(formula4)) expect_equal(length(terms4), 9) }) test_that("make_inlamemi_stacks works", { # Stacks ---- # Simulated data, stacks with berkson level simple_stacks_cb <- make_inlamemi_stacks(formula_moi = y ~ x + z, formula_imp = x ~ z, data = simple_data, error_type = c("classical", "berkson")) # Check rows and columns of "data" expect_equal(nrow(simple_stacks_cb$data$data), 4*1000) expect_equal(ncol(simple_stacks_cb$data$data), 4) # Check rows and columns of "effects" expect_equal(nrow(simple_stacks_cb$effects$data), 4*1000) expect_equal(ncol(simple_stacks_cb$effects$data), 9) # Check the names expected_names_effects <- c("beta.0", "id.x", "weight.x", "id.r", "weight.r", "alpha.x.0", "beta.x", "beta.z", "alpha.x.z") actual_names <- unlist(simple_stacks_cb$effects$names) names(actual_names) <- NULL expect_equal(sort(actual_names), sort(expected_names_effects)) # Framingham data framingham_stacks <- make_inlamemi_stacks(data = framingham, formula_moi = disease ~ sbp + smoking, formula_imp = sbp ~ smoking, error_type = "classical", repeated_observations = TRUE) # Check rows and columns of "data" expect_equal(nrow(framingham_stacks$data$data), 4*641) expect_equal(ncol(framingham_stacks$data$data), 3) # Check rows and columns of "effects" expect_equal(nrow(framingham_stacks$effects$data), 4*641) expect_equal(ncol(framingham_stacks$effects$data), 7) # Multiple error variables mult_error_stack <- make_inlamemi_stacks(data = two_error_data, formula_moi = y ~ x1 + x2 + z, formula_imp = list(x1 ~ z, x2 ~ 1), error_type = list("classical", "classical")) expect_equal(length(mult_error_stack$effects$names), 11) # Should check random effect example here # Missingness model missingness_model_stack <- make_inlamemi_stacks(data = simple_data, formula_moi = y ~ x + z, formula_imp = x ~ z, formula_mis = m ~ z + x, error_type = "missing") # Catching errors ----------------------------------------------------------- # Check if the error variable is called "error_variable" formula_moi <- mpg ~ error_variable + cyl + disp formula_imp <- error_variable ~ cyl expect_error(make_inlamemi_stacks(data = mtcars, formula_moi = formula_moi, formula_imp = formula_imp)) # Repeated observation stuff -- # Check that the error variable is actually in the data expect_error(make_inlamemi_stacks(data = framingham, formula_moi = disease ~ SBP + smoking, formula_imp = SBP ~ smoking, error_type = "classical")) # Check that repeated_observations has been set to TRUE framingham$sbp <- rep(NA, nrow(framingham)) # (normally the column will not be in the data, if i don't do this we get an errro and a warning message, and idk how to expect that) expect_warning(make_inlamemi_stacks(data = framingham, formula_moi = disease ~ sbp + smoking, formula_imp = sbp ~ smoking, error_type = "classical")) # Check if variables in formula are in data (but not sensitive to repeated measurements) expect_error(make_inlamemi_stacks( formula_moi = inla.surv(t, d) ~ sbp + aged + smoking + sex + diabetes, formula_imp = sbp ~ age + smoke + sex + diabetes, data = nhanes_survival, error_type = c("classical", "missing"), repeated_observations = TRUE) ) }) test_that("make_inlamemi_families works", { #Testing survival model and missingness model surv_stack <- make_inlamemi_stacks( formula_moi = inla.surv(t, d) ~ sbp + age + smoke + sex + diabetes, formula_imp = sbp ~ age + smoke + sex + diabetes, formula_mis = m ~ smoke, family_moi = "weibull.surv", data = nhanes_survival, error_type = c("classical", "missing"), repeated_observations = TRUE) families_surv <- make_inlamemi_families(family_moi = "weibull.surv", inlamemi_stack = surv_stack) expect_equal(families_surv, c("weibull.surv", "gaussian", "gaussian", "binomial")) nhanes_stack <- make_inlamemi_stacks( formula_moi = inla.surv(t, d) ~ sbp + age + smoke + sex + diabetes, formula_imp = sbp ~ age + smoke + sex + diabetes, data = nhanes_survival, error_type = c("classical", "missing"), repeated_observations = TRUE) }) test_that("make_inlamemi_scaling_vector works", { # Check that the scaling vector is the correct length expect_error( make_inlamemi_scaling_vector(simple_data, error_variable = "x", error_type = c("classical", "berkson"), classical_error_scaling = rep(1, 500))) }) test_that("make_inlamemi_control.family works", { cont.fam <- make_inlamemi_control.family( family_moi = "gaussian", error_type = c("berkson", "classical"), prior.prec.moi = c(10, 9), prior.prec.berkson = c(10, 9), prior.prec.classical = c(10, 9), prior.prec.imp = c(10, 9), initial.prec.moi = 1, initial.prec.berkson = 1, initial.prec.classical = 1, initial.prec.imp = 1) expect_equal(length(cont.fam), 4) expect_equal(cont.fam[[1]]$hyper$prec$initial, log(1)) expect_equal(cont.fam[[1]]$hyper$prec$param, c(10, 9)) # With missingness model cont.fam_mis <- make_inlamemi_control.family( formula_mis = m ~ x + d, family_moi = "gaussian", error_type = c("berkson", "classical"), prior.prec.moi = c(10, 9), prior.prec.berkson = c(10, 9), prior.prec.classical = c(10, 9), prior.prec.imp = c(10, 9), initial.prec.moi = 1, initial.prec.berkson = 1, initial.prec.classical = 1, initial.prec.imp = 1) expect_equal(length(cont.fam_mis), 5) }) test_that("fit_inlamemi works", { # Fit the model simple_model <- fit_inlamemi(data = simple_data, formula_moi = y ~ x + z, formula_imp = x ~ z, family_moi = "gaussian", error_type = c("berkson", "classical"), prior.prec.moi = c(10, 9), prior.prec.berkson = c(10, 9), prior.prec.classical = c(10, 9), prior.prec.imp = c(10, 9), prior.beta.error = c(0, 1/1000), initial.prec.moi = 1, initial.prec.berkson = 1, initial.prec.classical = 1, initial.prec.imp = 1) # Test if the number of hyperparameters is 5 expect_equal(nrow(simple_model$summary.hyperpar), 5) # Check that the model hass the correct class expect_s3_class(simple_model, c("inlamemi", "inla")) # Check the estimate for beta.x and the precision of MOI-level beta.x <- simple_model$summary.hyperpar["Beta for beta.x", "mean"] expect_equal(beta.x, 2, tolerance = 0.3) prec.moi <- simple_model$summary.hyperpar["Precision for the Gaussian observations", "mean"] expect_equal(prec.moi, 1, tolerance = 0.2) # Multiple error variables prior.prec.y <- prior.prec.x1.u_c <- prior.prec.x1 <- prior.prec.x2.u_c <- prior.prec.x2 <- c(10, 9) initial.prec.y <- initial.prec.x1.u_c <- initial.prec.x1 <- initial.prec.x2.u_c <- initial.prec.x2 <- 1 control.family <- list( list(hyper = list(prec = list(initial = log(initial.prec.y), param = prior.prec.y, fixed = FALSE))), list(hyper = list(prec = list(initial = log(initial.prec.x1.u_c), param = prior.prec.x1.u_c, fixed = FALSE))), list(hyper = list(prec = list(initial = log(initial.prec.x1), param = prior.prec.x1, fixed = FALSE))), list(hyper = list(prec = list(initial = log(initial.prec.x2.u_c), param = prior.prec.x2.u_c, fixed = FALSE))), list(hyper = list(prec = list(initial = log(initial.prec.x2), param = prior.prec.x2, fixed = FALSE))) ) # Multiple error variables multiple_model <- fit_inlamemi(formula_moi = y ~ x1 + x2 + z, formula_imp = list(x1 ~ z, x2 ~ 1), family_moi = "gaussian", data = two_error_data, error_type = list("classical", "classical"), prior.beta.error = c(0, 1/1000), control.family = control.family, control.predictor = list(compute = TRUE) ) # Missingness model mis_mod <- fit_inlamemi(formula_moi = y ~ x + z1 + z2, formula_imp = x ~ z1, formula_mis = m ~ z2 + x, family_moi = "gaussian", data = mar_data, error_type = "missing", prior.beta.error = c(0, 1/1000), prior.gamma.error = c(0, 1/1000), prior.prec.moi = c(10, 9), prior.prec.imp = c(10, 9), initial.prec.moi = 1, initial.prec.imp = 1) #class(mis_mod) <- "inla" summary(mis_mod) labels(terms(mis_mod$.args$formula)) # Catching errors ----------------------------------------------------------- })