context("standardisation tests") d <- c('2019-04-18', '2019-04-14', '2019-03-31', '2019-04-03', '2019-03-30', '2019-04-05', '2019-03-12', '2019-04-07', '2019-04-02', '2019-03-09', '2019-04-20', '2019-04-23', '2019-03-07', '2019-03-25', '2019-03-27', '2019-04-13', '2019-04-15', '2019-04-04', '2019-03-30', '2019-03-19') test_that("standard will override first_date", { expect_output(print(incidence(d, interval = "week", standard = TRUE)), "2019-03-04") expect_output(print(incidence(d, interval = "week", standard = TRUE)), "2019-W10") expect_output(print(incidence(d, interval = "isoweek", standard = TRUE)), "2019-W10") expect_output(print(incidence(d, interval = "1 isoweek", standard = TRUE)), "2019-W10") expect_output(print(incidence(d, interval = "monday week", standard = TRUE)), "2019-W10") expect_output(print(incidence(d, interval = "week", standard = FALSE)), "2019-03-07") expect_error(incidence(d, interval = "isoweek", standard = FALSE), "The interval 'isoweek' implies a standard and cannot be used with `standard = FALSE`") expect_error(incidence(d, interval = "monday week", standard = FALSE), "The interval 'monday week' implies a standard and cannot be used with `standard = FALSE`") expect_output(print(incidence(d, interval = "month", standard = TRUE)), "2019-03-01") expect_output(print(incidence(d, interval = "month", standard = FALSE)), "2019-03-07") expect_output(print(incidence(d, interval = "year", standard = TRUE)), "2019-01-01") expect_output(print(incidence(d, interval = "year", standard = FALSE)), "2019-03-07") })