context("Incidence main function") # setting up the data -------------------------------------------------- the_seed <- eval(parse(text = as.character(Sys.Date()))) # Date incidence -------------------------------------------------- # note: the choice of dates here makes sure first date is 28 Dec 2015, which # starts an iso week, so that counts will be comparable with/without iso. # This also ensures that the last date is 2016-04-04 so that there are 15 weeks # represented here. set.seed(the_seed) dat <- as.integer(c(-3, sample(-3:100, 49, replace = TRUE), 100)) dat_dates <- as.Date("2015-12-31") + dat test_that("construction - default, integer input", { ## USING DAILY INCIDENCE x <- incidence(dat) ## classes expect_is(x, "incidence") expect_is(x$dates, class(dat)) expect_is(x$counts, "matrix") ## dimensions expect_equal(nrow(x$counts), length(x$dates)) ## results expect_false(any($counts))) expect_equal(length(x$dates), diff(range(dat)) + 1) expect_equal(sum(x$counts), length(dat)) expect_equal(sum(x$counts), x$n) expect_true(all(diff(x$dates) == x$interval)) ## USING INCIDENCE PER 3 DAYS x <- incidence(dat, 3) ## String numbers can be interpreted as intervals expect_identical(x, incidence(dat, "3")) ## classes expect_is(x, "incidence") expect_is(x$dates, class(dat)) expect_is(x$counts, "matrix") ## dimensions expect_equal(nrow(x$counts), length(x$dates)) ## results expect_false(any($counts))) expect_equal(sum(x$counts), length(dat)) expect_equal(sum(x$counts), x$n) expect_true(all(diff(x$dates) == x$interval)) }) test_that("construction - ISO week", { ## USING WEEKLY INCIDENCE inc.week <- incidence(dat_dates, interval = 7, standard = FALSE) inc.isoweek <- incidence(dat_dates, interval = 7) ## classes expect_is(inc.week, "incidence") expect_is(inc.isoweek, "incidence") ## dimensions expect_equal(setdiff(names(inc.isoweek), names(inc.week)), c("weeks", "isoweeks")) expect_equal(length(inc.isoweek$isoweeks), length(inc.isoweek$dates)) expect_equal(nrow(inc.isoweek$counts), length(inc.isoweek$dates)) ## results expect_false(any($counts))) expect_equal(sum(inc.isoweek$counts), length(dat)) expect_equal(sum(inc.isoweek$counts), inc.isoweek$n) expect_true(all(diff(inc.isoweek$dates) == inc.isoweek$interval)) }) test_that("construction - numeric input", { ## USING DAILY INCIDENCE dat_int <- c(0L, 2L, 5L, 9L, -1L, 9L, 10L, 6L, 5L, -3L, -1L, -1L, 6L, 2L, 7L, 3L, 7L, 10L, 2L, 7L, 10L, -1L, 6L, -2L, 0L, 2L, -3L, 2L, 9L, 1L, 3L, 5L, 3L, -1L, 8L, 6L, 8L, -2L, 7L, 2L, 8L, 6L, 7L, 4L, 4L, 8L, -3L, 3L, 7L, 6L, 3L, 9L, 3L, 0L, -3L, -2L, 1L, 4L, 6L, 2L, 9L, 1L, 3L, 1L, 6L, 0L, 3L, 7L, -2L, 9L, 1L, 8L, 1L, 1L, 3L, 9L, 9L, 2L, 7L, 10L, 3L, 6L, 2L, 1L, 7L, -1L, 6L, -2L, 0L, -1L, 0L, -3L, 5L, 9L, 7L, 8L, 3L, 2L, 8L, 5L) dat_num <- dat_int + 0.1 msg <- paste0("Flooring from non-integer date caused approximations:\n", "Mean relative difference: 0.0228833") expect_warning(incidence(dat_num), msg) x_num <- suppressWarnings(incidence(dat_num)) x_int <- incidence(dat_int) ## compare outputs expect_equal(x_num, x_int) expect_is(x_num$dates, "numeric") expect_is(x_int$dates, "integer") }) test_that("construction - Date input", { x <- incidence(dat) x.dates <- incidence(dat_dates) expect_message(x.i.trim <- incidence(dat, first_date = 0), "[0-9]+ observations outside of \\[0, [0-9]+\\] were removed." ) expect_warning({ expect_message({ x.d.trim <- incidence(dat_dates, first_date = "2016-01-01") }, "[0-9]+ observations outside of \\[2016-01-01, [-0-9]{10}\\] were removed.") }, "options\\(incidence.warn.first_date = FALSE\\)") expect_message({ expect_failure(expect_warning({ x.d.trim <- incidence(dat_dates, first_date = "2016-01-01") }, "options\\(incidence.warn.first_date = FALSE\\)")) }, "[0-9]+ observations outside of \\[2016-01-01, [-0-9]{10}\\] were removed.") x.7 <- incidence(dat_dates, 7L, standard = FALSE) x.7.iso <- incidence(dat_dates, "week") x.7.week <- incidence(dat_dates, "week", standard = FALSE) expect_warning(x.7.week2 <- incidence(dat_dates, "week", iso_week = FALSE), "`iso_week` has been deprecated") # iso_week can reset standard, but is given a warning expect_identical(x.7.week2, x.7.week) ## Here, we can test if starting on a different day gives us expected results x.ds <- incidence(dat_dates + 1L) x.7.ds <- incidence(dat_dates + 1L, 7L, standard = FALSE) x.w.ds <- incidence(dat_dates + 1L, "week", standard = FALSE) x.7.ds.iso <- incidence(dat_dates + 1L, 7L) x.w.ds.iso <- incidence(dat_dates + 1L, "week") ## Testing monthly input w <- "The first_date \\(2015-11-30\\) represents a day that does not occur in all months." w <- gsub(" ", "\\\\s", w) expect_warning( <- incidence(dat_dates - 28, "month", standard = FALSE), w) <- incidence(dat_dates, "month") expect_equal(format($dates, "%m"), unique(format(sort(dat_dates), "%m"))) expect_equal(format($dates, "%d"), rep("01", 5)) # all starts on first expect_equal($dates[[1]], as.Date("2015-12-01")) expect_equal(sum($counts), 51L) <- incidence(dat_dates, "month", standard = FALSE) expect_equal(format($dates, "%m"), unique(format(sort(dat_dates), "%m"))[-5]) expect_equal(format($dates, "%d"), rep("28", 4)) # all starts on the 28th expect_equal($dates[[1]], as.Date("2015-12-28")) expect_equal(sum($counts), 51L) ## Testing quarterly input w <- "The first_date \\(2015-11-30\\) represents a day that does not occur in all months." w <- gsub(" ", "\\\\s", w) expect_warning( <- incidence(dat_dates - 28, "quarter", standard = FALSE), w) x.qu.iso <- incidence(dat_dates, "quarter") expect_equal(x.qu.iso$dates, as.Date(c("2015-10-01", "2016-01-01", "2016-04-01"))) expect_equal(sum(x.qu.iso$counts), 51L) x.qu <- incidence(dat_dates, "quarter", standard = FALSE) expect_equal(x.qu$dates, as.Date(c("2015-12-28", "2016-03-28"))) expect_equal(sum(x.qu$counts), 51L) ## Testing yearly input dat.yr <- c(dat_dates, sample(dat_dates + 366, replace = TRUE), sample(dat_dates + 366 + 365, replace = TRUE) ) x.yr.iso <- incidence(dat.yr, "year") x.yr <- incidence(dat.yr, "year", standard = FALSE) w <- "The first_date \\(2016-02-29\\) represents a day that does not occur in all years." w <- gsub(" ", "\\\\s", w) expect_warning( <- incidence(dat.yr, "year", first_date = as.Date("2016-02-29"), standard = FALSE), w ) expect_equal(get_dates(x.yr.iso), as.Date(c("2015-01-01", "2016-01-01", "2017-01-01", "2018-01-01"))) expect_equal(get_dates(x.yr), as.Date(c("2015-12-28", "2016-12-28", "2017-12-28"))) expect_equal(sum(x.yr$counts), sum(x.yr.iso$counts)) ## compare outputs expect_equal(x$counts, x.dates$counts) expect_is(x$dates, "integer") expect_is(x.dates$dates, "Date") expect_equal(x.7$counts, x.7.iso$counts) expect_equal(x.7.iso$dates, x.7.week$dates) # shifting days gives the desired effect expect_equal(x.ds$dates[[1]], x.7.ds$dates[[1]]) expect_equal(x.ds$dates[[1]] - 1L, x.7.ds.iso$dates[[1]]) expect_identical(x.7.ds.iso$dates, x.w.ds.iso$dates) expect_failure({ expect_identical(x.w.ds$dates, x.w.ds.iso$dates) }) ## Printing will be different with text-based interval expect_output(print(x.7), "\\$interval: 7 days") expect_output(print(x.7.iso), "\\$interval: 1 week") }) test_that("construction - POSIXct input", { ## USING DAILY INCIDENCE dat.pos <- as.POSIXct(dat_dates) x.dates <- incidence(dat_dates) x.pos <- incidence(dat.pos) ## compare outputs expect_equal(x.dates$counts, x.pos$counts) expect_is(x.dates$dates, "Date") expect_is(x.pos$dates, "POSIXct") }) test_that("construction - character input", { dats <- Sys.Date() + sample(-100:100, 5) datc <- as.character(dats) <- incidence(dats) i.char <- incidence(datc) i.chaw <- incidence(paste(datc, " ")) expect_message(i.cham <- incidence(c(datc, NA, NA)), "2 missing observations were removed.") expect_is(, "incidence") expect_identical(, i.char) expect_identical(, i.chaw) expect_identical(, i.cham) }) test_that("corner cases", { expect_error(incidence(integer(0)), "At least one \\(non-NA\\) date must be provided") expect_error(incidence(numeric(0)), "At least one \\(non-NA\\) date must be provided") expect_error(incidence(NA), "At least one \\(non-NA\\) date must be provided") expect_error(incidence(NULL), "dates is NULL") expect_error(incidence(Inf), "At least one \\(non-NA\\) date must be provided") expect_error(incidence(1, "grind"), "The interval 'grind' is not valid. Please supply an integer.") expect_error(incidence(as.Date(Sys.Date()), last_date = "core"), "last_date \\(core\\) could not be converted to Date. Dates must be in ISO 8601 standard format \\(yyyy-mm-dd\\)") expect_error(incidence(1, "week"), "The interval 'week' can only be used for Dates") expect_error(incidence(as.Date(Sys.Date()), standard = "TRUE"), "The argument `standard` must be either `TRUE` or `FALSE`") expect_error(incidence(sample(10), intrval = 2), "intrval : interval") expect_error(incidence(1, were = "wolf"), "were") expect_warning(incidence(c(dat_dates, as.Date("1900-01-01"))), "greater than 18262 days \\[1900-01-01 to" ) msg <- 'Not all dates are in ISO 8601 standard format \\(yyyy-mm-dd\\). The first incorrect date is' expect_error(incidence('daldkadl'), paste(msg, "daldkadl")) dats <- as.character(Sys.Date() + sample(-10:10, 5)) dats[3] <- "1Q84-04-15" expect_error(incidence(dats), paste(msg, "1Q84-04-15")) dats[3] <- "2018-69-11" expect_error(incidence(dats), paste(msg, "2018-69-11")) dats[3] <- "01-01-11" expect_error(incidence(dats), paste(msg, "01-01-11")) dats[3] <- "01-Apr-11" expect_error(incidence(dats), paste(msg, "01-Apr-11")) msg <- paste0("Input could not be converted to date. Accepted formats are:\n", "Date, POSIXct, integer, numeric, character") expect_error(incidence(factor("2001-01-01")), msg) }) test_that("incidence constructor can handle missing data", { miss_dat <- dat miss_dat[5] <- NA expect_message(incidence(miss_dat), "1 missing observations were removed.") }) test_that("incidence constructor can handle data out of range with groups", { set.seed(the_seed) g <- sample(letters[1:2], length(dat), replace = TRUE) expect_message(incidence(dat, first_date = 0, groups = g), "[0-9]+ observations outside of \\[0, [0-9]+\\] were removed." ) }) test_that("Expected values, no group", { expect_true(all(incidence(1:10)$counts == 1L)) expect_true(all(incidence(sample(1:10))$counts == 1L)) # set.seed(1) res1 <- incidence(c(3,2,-1,1,1)) res2 <- incidence(c(0,0,0)) # res3 <- incidence(sample(1:80, 1000, replace = TRUE)) # res4 <- incidence(as.Date("1984-01-01") + sample(1:100, 200, replace = TRUE)) res5 <- incidence(c(3,2,-1,1,1), 2L) res6 <- incidence(c(0,0,0), 3L) # res7 <- incidence(sample(1:80, 1000, replace = TRUE), 4L) # res8 <- incidence(as.Date("1984-01-01") + sample(1:100, 200, replace = TRUE), 12L) expect_equal_to_reference(res1, file = "rds/incidence.res1.rds") expect_equal_to_reference(res2, file = "rds/incidence.res2.rds") # expect_equal_to_reference(res3, file = "rds/incidence.res3.rds") # expect_equal_to_reference(res4, file = "rds/incidence.res4.rds") expect_equal_to_reference(res5, file = "rds/incidence.res5.rds") expect_equal_to_reference(res6, file = "rds/incidence.res6.rds") # expect_equal_to_reference(res7, file = "rds/incidence.res7.rds") # expect_equal_to_reference(res8, file = "rds/incidence.res8.rds") }) test_that("Expected values, with groups", { dat <- list( as.integer(c(3,2,-1,1,1)), as.integer(c(0,0,0)), as.integer(c(0,1,2,2,3,5,7)) ) fac <- list( factor(c(1,1,2,2,2)), factor(c('a','b','a')), factor(c(1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1)) ) res.g.1 <- incidence(dat[[1]], groups = fac[[1]]) res.g.2 <- incidence(dat[[2]], groups = fac[[2]]) res.g.3 <- incidence(dat[[3]], groups = fac[[3]]) expect_equal_to_reference(res.g.1, file = "rds/res.g.1.rds") expect_equal_to_reference(res.g.2, file = "rds/res.g.2.rds") expect_equal_to_reference(res.g.3, file = "rds/res.g.3.rds") }) test_that("user-defined group levels are preserved", { g <- sample(LETTERS[1:5], 100, replace = TRUE) g <- factor(g, levels = LETTERS[5:1]) i <- incidence(rpois(100, 10), groups = g) expect_identical(group_names(i), levels(g)) i.df <-, long = TRUE) expect_identical(levels(i.df$groups), levels(g)) }) test_that("Printing returns the object", { x <- incidence("2001-01-01") y <- incidence(1:2, groups = factor(1:2)) z <- incidence(dat_dates, interval = 7) expect_equal_to_reference(capture.output(print(x)), file = "rds/print1.rds") expect_equal_to_reference(capture.output(print(y)), file = "rds/print2.rds") expect_equal_to_reference(capture.output(print(z)), file = "rds/print3.rds") })