context("incidence object accessor tests") set.seed(999) int <- sample(-3:50, 100, replace = TRUE) dat <- as.Date("2018-01-31") + int grp <- sample(letters[1:3], length(dat), replace = TRUE) xg <- incidence(dat, groups = grp) x.1 <- incidence(int) x.7 <- incidence(int, 7L) <- incidence(dat, "day") x.wee <- incidence(dat, "week") x.mon <- incidence(dat, "month") x.mon2yr <- incidence(c(as.Date("2017-12-15"), dat), "month") x.yer <- incidence(c(dat, dat - 365, dat - 365 * 2), "year") test_that("get_interval works for integers", { expect_equal(get_interval(x.1), 1L) expect_equal(get_interval(x.1, integer = FALSE), 1L) }) test_that("get_timespan works", { expect_equal(get_timespan(x.1), x.1$timespan) expect_equal(get_timespan(x.mon), x.mon$timespan) expect_error(get_timespan("coffee"), "Not implemented for class character") }) test_that("get_n works", { expect_equal(get_n(x.1), x.1$n) expect_equal(get_n(x.7), x.7$n) expect_equal(get_n(x.mon), x.mon$n) expect_error(get_n("coffee"), "Not implemented for class character") }) test_that("group_names works", { expect_identical(group_names(xg), letters[1:3]) expect_null(group_names(x.1)) group_names(xg) <- c("foo", "bar", "baz") expect_identical(group_names(xg), c("foo", "bar", "baz")) expect_error(group_names(letters), "Not implemented for class character") expect_error(group_names(letters) <- 1:10) }) test_that("group_names can collapse groups", { xg2 <- group_names(xg, rep("a", 3)) xg3 <- group_names(xg, c("a", "b", "b")) expect_error(group_names(xg, letters[1:4]), "value must be the same length as the number of groups") expect_error(group_names(xg, c(letters[1:2], NA)), "value must be able to be coerced to a character vector") expect_equal(ncol(xg3), 2L) expect_equal(sum(get_counts(xg3)), sum(get_counts(xg))) expect_equal(colSums(get_counts(xg3))[["b"]], sum(colSums(get_counts(xg))[c("b", "c")])) expect_equivalent(xg2, pool(xg)) }) test_that("ncol works", { expect_equal(ncol(xg), 3L) expect_equal(ncol(x.1), 1L) expect_equal(ncol(subset(xg, groups = 1:2)), 2L) }) test_that("get_dates works for integers", { expect_equal(get_dates(x.1), x.1$dates) expect_equal(get_dates(x.1, count_days = TRUE), seq_along(x.1$dates) - 1.0) expect_equal(get_dates(x.1, "center"), x.1$dates + 0.5) expect_equal(get_dates(x.1, "right"), x.1$dates + 1) }) test_that("get_dates borks correctly", { expect_error(get_dates("grind", "Not implemented for class character")) }) test_that("get_interval works for integer weeks", { expect_equal(get_interval(x.7), 7L) expect_equal(get_interval(x.7, integer = FALSE), 7L) expect_error(get_interval("pizza"), "Not implemented for class character") }) test_that("get_dates works for integer weeks", { expect_equal(get_dates(x.7), x.7$dates) expect_equal(get_dates(x.7, count_days = TRUE), 7 * (seq_along(x.7$dates) - 1.0)) expect_equal(get_dates(x.7, "center"), x.7$dates + 3.5) expect_equal(get_dates(x.7, "right"), x.7$dates + 7) }) test_that("get_interval works for character days", { expect_equal(get_interval(, 1L) expect_equal(get_interval(, integer = FALSE), "day") }) test_that("get_dates works for character days", { expect_equal(get_dates(,$dates) expect_equal(get_dates(, count_days = TRUE), (seq_along($dates) - 1.0)) expect_equal(get_dates(, "center"),$dates + 0.5) expect_equal(get_dates(, "right"),$dates + 1.0) }) test_that("get_interval works for character weeks", { expect_equal(get_interval(x.wee), 7L) expect_equal(get_interval(x.wee, integer = FALSE), "week") }) test_that("get_dates works for character weeks", { expect_equal(get_dates(x.wee), x.wee$dates) expect_equal(get_dates(x.wee, count_days = TRUE), 7 * (seq_along(x.wee$dates) - 1.0)) expect_equal(get_dates(x.wee, "center"), x.wee$dates + 3.5) expect_equal(get_dates(x.wee, "right"), x.wee$dates + 7.0) }) test_that("get_interval works for character months", { expect_equal(get_interval(x.mon), c(31, 28, 31)) expect_equal(get_interval(x.mon, integer = FALSE), "month") expect_equal(get_interval(x.mon2yr), c(31, 31, 28, 31)) }) test_that("get_interval works for character years", { expect_equal(get_interval(x.yer), c(366, 365, 365)) expect_equal(get_interval(x.yer, integer = FALSE), "year") }) test_that("get_dates works for character months", { expect_equal(get_dates(x.mon), x.mon$dates) expect_equal(get_dates(x.mon, count_days = TRUE), c(0, 31, 59)) expect_equal(get_dates(x.mon, "center"), x.mon$dates + c(31, 28, 31) / 2) expect_equal(get_dates(x.mon, "right"), x.mon$dates + c(31, 28, 31)) }) test_that("errors happen", { xx <- x.1 xx$interval <- factor("what") expect_error(get_interval(xx), "factor") }) # Data for the get_info and get_fit accessors set.seed(1) dat2 <- sample(1:50, 200, replace = TRUE, prob = 1 + exp(1:50 * 0.1)) sex <- sample(c("female", "male"), 200, replace = TRUE) <- incidence(c(dat2, abs(dat2 - 45) + 45), 7L, groups = c(sex, rev(sex))) test_that("get_counts works with and without groups", { expect_is(get_counts(, "matrix") expect_identical(get_counts(,$counts) expect_identical(get_counts(, "female"), get_counts(, 1)) expect_message(get_counts(, c("female", "nb")), "The following groups were not recognised: nb") expect_error(suppressMessages(get_counts(, "what")), "No groups matched those present in the data: female, male") }) context("incidence_fit* object accessor tests") i.fitlist <- fit_optim_split( fits <- get_fit(i.fitlist$fit) # Creating an `incidence_fit_list` object with no groups column fits_list <- fits for (i in names(fits)) { fits_list[[i]]$info$pred$groups <- NULL } class(fits_list) <- "incidence_fit_list" attr(fits_list, "locations") <- as.list(names(fits)) test_that("fit_optim_split() returns an incidence_fit_list", { expect_is(i.fitlist$fit, "incidence_fit_list") }) test_that("get_fit() returns a list of incidence fit objects", { for (i in names(fits)) { expect_is(fits[[i]], "incidence_fit", label = i) } expect_identical(fits[[1]], get_fit(fits[[1]])) }) test_that("get_info() will return a vector for r", { rvec <- get_info(i.fitlist$fit, "r") expect_length(rvec, 4) }) test_that("get_info() will return a vector for doubling/halving", { dvec <- get_info(i.fitlist$fit, "doubling") <- get_info(i.fitlist$fit, "doubling", na.rm = FALSE) expect_length(dvec, 2) expect_length(, 4) expect_identical(dvec,[1:2]) hvec <- get_info(i.fitlist$fit, "halving") <- get_info(i.fitlist$fit, "halving", na.rm = FALSE) expect_length(hvec, 2) expect_length(, 4) expect_identical(hvec,[3:4]) }) test_that("get_info() will return a data frame for pred", { # Should have groups be female and male pred.g <- get_info(i.fitlist$fit, "pred") # Should have no groups <- get_info(fits_list, "pred", groups = NULL) # Should have groups be female and male pred.g1 <- get_info(fits_list, "pred", groups = 1) # Should have groups be before and after pred.g2 <- get_info(i.fitlist$fit, "pred", groups = 2) expect_null($groups) expect_identical(pred.g$groups, pred.g1$groups) expect_identical(levels(pred.g2$groups), c("before", "after")) }) test_that("get_info() will return matrices for *.conf", { hconf <- get_info(i.fitlist$fit, "halving.conf") <- get_info(i.fitlist$fit, "halving.conf", na.rm = FALSE) expect_is(hconf, "matrix") expect_is(, "matrix") expect_length(hconf, 4) expect_identical(hconf,[-(1:2), ]) })