save_png <- function(code, width = 600, height = 400) { path <- tempfile(fileext = ".png") png(path, width = width, height = height) on.exit( print(code) path } expect_snapshot_plot <- function(name, code) { skip_if_not_installed("ggplot2", "2.0.0") skip_if_not_installed("outbreaks") skip_on_os("windows", "mac") skip_on_ci() name <- paste0(name, ".png") # Announce the file before touching `code`. This way, if `code` # unexpectedly fails or skips, testthat will not auto-delete the # corresponding snapshot file. announce_snapshot_file(name = name) path <- save_png(code) expect_snapshot_file(path, name) } test_that("plotting works", { ebola <- subset(outbreaks::ebola_sim_clean$linelist ,! daily_incidence <- incidence(ebola, date_index = "date_of_onset") daily_incidence_plot <- plot(daily_incidence) expect_snapshot_plot("daily_incidence_plot", daily_incidence_plot) weekly_incidence <- ebola |> mutate(date_of_onset = as_isoweek(date_of_onset)) |> incidence(date_index = "date_of_onset") weekly_incidence_plot <- plot(weekly_incidence, border_colour = "white") expect_snapshot_plot("weekly_incidence_plot", weekly_incidence_plot) weekly_incidence_gender <- incidence( ebola, date_index = "date_of_onset", groups = "gender", interval = "isoweek" ) weekly_incidence_gender_plot <- plot(weekly_incidence_gender, border_colour = "white", angle = 45) expect_snapshot_plot("weekly_incidence_gender_plot", weekly_incidence_gender_plot) weekly_incidence_gender_plot_filled <- plot(weekly_incidence_gender, border_colour = "white", angle = 45, fill = "gender") expect_snapshot_plot("weekly_incidence_gender_plot_filled", weekly_incidence_gender_plot_filled) weekly_multi_dates <- incidence( ebola, date_index = c( onset = "date_of_onset", infection = "date_of_infection" ), interval = "isoweek", groups = "gender" ) weekly_multi_dates_plot <- plot(weekly_multi_dates, angle = 45, border_colour = "white") expect_snapshot_plot("weekly_multi_dates_plot", weekly_multi_dates_plot) weekly_multi_dates_plot_filled <- plot(weekly_multi_dates, angle = 45, border_colour = "white", fill = "count_variable") expect_snapshot_plot("weekly_multi_dates_plot_filled", weekly_multi_dates_plot_filled) covid <- subset( covidregionaldataUK, !region %in% c("England", "Scotland", "Northern Ireland", "Wales") ) monthly_covid <- covid |> tidyr::replace_na(list(cases_new = 0)) |> incidence( date_index = "date", groups = "region", counts = "cases_new", interval = "yearmonth" ) monthly_covid_plot <- plot(monthly_covid, nrow = 3, angle = 45, border_colour = "white") expect_snapshot_plot("monthly_covid_plot", monthly_covid_plot) dat <- ebola[160:180, ] small <- incidence( dat, date_index = "date_of_onset", date_names_to = "date" ) epiet_plot <- plot(small, show_cases = TRUE, angle = 45, n_breaks = 10) expect_snapshot_plot("epiet_plot", epiet_plot) small_gender <- incidence( dat, date_index = "date_of_onset", groups = "gender", date_names_to = "date" ) epiet_gender_plot <- plot(small_gender, show_cases = TRUE, angle = 45, n_breaks = 10, fill = "gender") expect_snapshot_plot("epiet_gender_plot", epiet_gender_plot) influenza <- incidence_( outbreaks::fluH7N9_china_2013, date_index = date_of_onset ) influenza_plot <- plot(regroup(influenza)) expect_snapshot_plot("influenza_plot", influenza_plot) y <- cumulate(weekly_incidence) cumulate_plot <- plot(y, angle = 45, nrow = 3) expect_snapshot_plot("cumulate_plot", cumulate_plot) rolling_average_plot <- weekly_incidence |> mutate(rolling_average = data.table::frollmean(count, n = 3L, align = "right")) |> plot(border_colour = "white", angle = 45) + ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = date_index, y = rolling_average)) suppressWarnings(expect_snapshot_plot("rolling_average_plot", rolling_average_plot)) })