context("Get a summary statistics table") test_that("Getting a summary table is identical to computing and exporting a summary table", { data <- data.frame( PARAM = c("a", "b", "a", "b"), TRT = c("A", "A", "B", "B"), AVAL = c(1, 2, 4, 5), USUBJID = ) summaryTableOutput <- getSummaryStatisticsTable( data = data, rowVar = "PARAM", colVar = "TRT", var = "AVAL" ) summaryTable <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data = data, rowVar = "PARAM", colVar = "TRT", var = "AVAL" ) summaryTableOutputSteps <- export(summaryTable) expect_identical(summaryTableOutput, summaryTableOutputSteps) }) test_that("No output and a message is generated if the data is empty", { expect_message( res <- getSummaryStatisticsTable(data = data.frame()) ) expect_null(res) }) test_that("A variable with subgroups and a flag variable are correctly combined when multiple statistics are set", { data <- data.frame( TRTEMFL = c("Y", "Y", "N", "N"), WORST = factor( c("Mild", "Moderate", "Mild", "Mild"), levels = c("Mild", "Moderate"), ), TRT = c("A", "A", "A", "A"), USUBJID = c("1", "2", "3", "4"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ft <- getSummaryStatisticsTable( data = data, var = c("TRTEMFL", "WORST"), varFlag = "TRTEMFL", colVar = "TRT", stats = getStats(c("n", "%")) ) dataRef <- data.frame( col1 = c( "TRTEMFL", "n", "%", "WORST", "Mild", "n", "%", "Moderate", "n", "%" ), col2 = c( NA_character_, "2", "50.0", NA_character_, NA_character_, "3", "75.0", NA_character_, "1", "25.0" ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) expect_equal( object = ft$body$data, expected = dataRef, # rownames might differ check.attributes = FALSE ) }) test_that("The width of the columns is correctly set", { data <- data.frame( TRT = c("A", "B"), USUBJID = c("1", "2"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) columnsWidth <- c(0.5, 2, 8) ft <- getSummaryStatisticsTable(data = data, colVar = "TRT", columnsWidth = columnsWidth) expect_equal(object = ft$body$colwidths, expected = columnsWidth) }) test_that("A warning is generated if the width of the columns is not correctly set", { data <- data.frame( TRT = c("A", "B"), USUBJID = c("1", "2"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) columnsWidth <- c(2, 8) expect_warning( object = getSummaryStatisticsTable( data = data, colVar = "TRT", columnsWidth = columnsWidth ) ) })