context("Get set of statistics") library(clinUtils) test_that("The output format of formatted base and combined statistics is correct", { type <- c( "n", "m", "%", "%m", "Mean", "SD", "Median", "SE", "Min", "Max", "median (range)", "median\n(range)", "mean (se)", "mean (range)", "n (%)", "n/N (%)", "m (%)" ) statName <- sapply(type, identity) statName[grep("^median|mean", type)] <- clinUtils::simpleCap(statName[grep("^median|mean", type)]) statName["mean (se)"] <- "Mean (SE)" for(type in type){ expect_type(getStats(type = !!type), "list") expect_length(getStats(type = !!type), 1) expect_equal(names(getStats(type = !!type)), statName[[!!type]]) expect_type(getStats(type = !!type)[[ statName[[!!type]]]], "language") } }) test_that("Base count and summary statistics are correctly formatted", { typeBase <- c("n", "m", "Mean", "SD", "Median", "SE", "Min", "Max") statBase <- c(n = "statN", `%` = "statPercN", `%m` = "statPercm") statBase <- sapply(typeBase, function(type){ if(type %in% names(statBase)){ statBase[[type]] }else paste0("stat", type) }) for(type in names(statBase)){ expect_equal({ summaryTable <- setNames( data.frame(c(1, 2, NA_integer_)), statBase[!!type] ) stat <- getStats(type = !!type) eval(expr = stat[[!!type]], envir = summaryTable) }, formatC(x = summaryTable[[statBase[!!type]]]) ) } }) test_that("Percentage of subjects and records are formatted correctly", { statPerc <- c(`%` = "statPercN", `%m` = "statPercm") for(type in names(statPerc)){ expect_equal({ summaryTable <- setNames( data.frame(c(56.7, 0, 0.999, 1e-6, 99.99, NA_integer_)), statPerc[!!type] ) stat <- getStats(type = !!type) eval(expr = stat[[!!type]], envir = summaryTable) }, formatPercentage(x = summaryTable[[statPerc[!!type]]]) ) } }) test_that("The number of subjects is correctly formatted with specified number of decimals as number", { stat <- getStats(type = "n", nDecN = 1) summaryTable <- data.frame(statN = c(13, 100.56)) expect_equal( eval(expr = stat$n, envir = summaryTable), c("13.0", "100.6") ) }) test_that("The number of records is correctly formatted with specified number of decimals as number", { stat <- getStats(type = "m", nDecN = 2) summaryTable <- data.frame(statm = c(13, 100.567)) expect_equal( eval(expr = stat$m, envir = summaryTable), c("13.00", "100.57") ) }) test_that("The mean is correctly formatted with specified number of decimals as number", { stat <- getStats(type = "Mean", nDecCont = 4) summaryTable <- data.frame(statMean = c(1098, 100.567567)) expect_equal( eval(expr = stat$Mean, envir = summaryTable), c("1098.00000", "100.56757") ) }) test_that("The mean is correctly formatted with specified number of decimals as function", { stat <- getStats( type = "Mean", x =, nDecCont = function(x) 2 ) summaryTable <- data.frame(statMean = c(1098, 100.567567)) expect_equal( eval(expr = stat$Mean, envir = summaryTable), c("1098.000", "100.568") ) }) test_that("The median is correctly formatted with specified number of decimals as number", { stat <- getStats(type = "Median", nDecCont = 4) summaryTable <- data.frame(statMedian = c(1098, 100.567567)) expect_equal( eval(expr = stat$Median, envir = summaryTable), c("1098.00000", "100.56757") ) }) test_that("The standard deviation is correctly formatted with specified number of decimals as number", { stat <- getStats(type = "SD", nDecCont = 4) summaryTable <- data.frame(statSD = c(1098, 100.567567)) expect_equal( eval(expr = stat$SD, envir = summaryTable), c("1098.00000", "100.56757") ) }) test_that("The standard error is correctly formatted with specified number of decimals as number", { stat <- getStats(type = "SE", nDecCont = 4) summaryTable <- data.frame(statSE = c(1098, 100.56756767)) expect_equal( eval(expr = stat$SE, envir = summaryTable), c("1098.000000", "100.567568") ) }) test_that("The minimum is correctly formatted with specified number of decimals as number", { stat <- getStats(type = "Min", nDecCont = 4) summaryTable <- data.frame(statMin = c(1098, 100.56756767)) expect_equal( eval(expr = stat$Min, envir = summaryTable), c("1098.0000", "100.5676") ) }) test_that("The maximum is correctly formatted with specified number of decimals as number", { stat <- getStats(type = "Max", nDecCont = 4) summaryTable <- data.frame(statMax = c(1098, 100.56756767)) expect_equal( eval(expr = stat$Max, envir = summaryTable), c("1098.0000", "100.5676") ) }) test_that("The default set of summary statistics is correctly extracted", { statType <- c("statN", "statMean", "statSD", "statSE", "statMedian", "statMin", "statMax") type <- ifelse(statType == "statN", "n", sub("stat", "", statType)) expect_identical( getStats(type = "summary-default"), getStats(type = type) ) }) test_that("The entire set of summary statistics is correctly extracted", { statType <- c("statN", "statMean", "statSD", "statSE", "statMedian", "statMin", "statMax", "statPercN", "statm") type <- sapply(statType, sub, pattern = "stat", replacement = "") type["statN"] <- "n" type["statPercN"] <- "%" expect_identical( getStats(type = "summary"), getStats(type = type) ) }) test_that("The default set of count statistics is correctly extracted", { statType <- c("statN", "statPercN") type <- c(statN = "n", statm = "%") expect_identical( getStats(type = "count-default"), getStats(type = type) ) }) test_that("The entire set of count statistics is correctly extracted", { statType <- c("statN", "statPercN", "statm") type <- c(statN = "n", statm = "%", statm = "m") expect_identical( getStats(type = "count"), getStats(type = type) ) }) test_that("The median (range) is correctly extracted", { stat <- getStats(type = "median (range)") statType <- c("statMin", "statMax", "statMedian") type <- sub("stat", "", statType) summaryTable <- setNames(, rnorm(4))), statType ) # check value statValue <- eval(expr = stat[[1]], envir = summaryTable) statBase <- getStats(type = type) statBaseValue <-, eval, envir = summaryTable)) expect_equal( statValue, with(statBaseValue, paste0(Median, " (", Min, ",", Max, ")")) ) }) test_that("The median\n(range) is correctly extracted", { stat <- getStats(type = "median\n(range)") statType <- c("statMin", "statMax", "statMedian") type <- sub("stat", "", statType) summaryTable <- setNames(, rnorm(4))), statType ) # check value statValue <- eval(expr = stat[[1]], envir = summaryTable) statBase <- getStats(type = type) statBaseValue <-, eval, envir = summaryTable)) expect_equal( statValue, with(statBaseValue, paste0(Median, "\n(", Min, ",", Max, ")")) ) }) test_that("The mean (se) is correctly extracted", { stat <- getStats(type = "mean (se)") statType <- c("statMean", "statSE") type <- sub("stat", "", statType) summaryTable <- setNames(, rnorm(4))), statType ) # check value statValue <- eval(expr = stat[[1]], envir = summaryTable) statBase <- getStats(type = type) statBaseValue <-, eval, envir = summaryTable)) expect_equal( statValue, with(statBaseValue, paste0(Mean, " (", SE, ")")) ) }) test_that("The mean (range) is correctly extracted", { stat <- getStats(type = "mean (range)") statType <- c("statMean", "statMin", "statMax") type <- sub("stat", "", statType) summaryTable <- setNames(, rnorm(4))), statType ) # check value statValue <- eval(expr = stat[[1]], envir = summaryTable) statBase <- getStats(type = type) statBaseValue <-, eval, envir = summaryTable)) expect_equal( statValue, with(statBaseValue, paste0(Mean, " (", Min, ",", Max, ")")) ) }) test_that("The n (%) is correctly extracted", { stat <- getStats(type = "n (%)") statType <- c("statN", "statPercN") type <- c(statN = "n", statPercN = "%") summaryTable <- setNames(, rnorm(4))), statType ) # check value statValue <- eval(expr = stat[[1]], envir = summaryTable) statBase <- getStats(type = type) statBaseValue <-, eval, envir = summaryTable), check.names = FALSE) expect_equal( statValue, with(statBaseValue, paste0(n, " (", `%`, ")")) ) }) test_that("If case of 0 counts, the percentage is not included in n (%)", { stat0 <- eval( expr = getStats(type = "n (%)")[[1]], envir = data.frame(statN = 0, statPercN = Inf) ) expect_equal(stat0, "0") }) test_that("The m (%) is correctly extracted", { stat <- getStats(type = "m (%)") statType <- c("statm", "statPercm") type <- c(statm = "m", statPercm = "%m") summaryTable <- setNames(, rnorm(4))), statType ) # check value statValue <- eval(expr = stat[[1]], envir = summaryTable) statBase <- getStats(type = type) statBaseValue <-, eval, envir = summaryTable), check.names = FALSE) expect_equal( statValue, with(statBaseValue, paste0(m, " (", `%m`, ")")) ) }) test_that("If case of 0 counts, the percentage is not included in m (%)", { stat0 <- eval( expr = getStats(type = "m (%)")[[1]], envir = data.frame(statm = 0, statPercm = Inf) ) expect_equal(stat0, "0") }) test_that("The n/N (%) is correctly extracted", { stat <- getStats(type = "n/N (%)") statType <- c("statN", "statPercN", "statPercTotalN") summaryTable <- setNames(, rnorm(4))), statType ) statValue <- eval(expr = stat[[1]], envir = summaryTable) # get base stats type <- c(statN = "n", statPercN = "%") statBase <- getStats(type = type) statBaseValue <-, eval, envir = summaryTable), check.names = FALSE) # + add statPercTotalN statBaseValue <- cbind(summaryTable, statBaseValue) expect_equal( statValue, with(statBaseValue, paste0(n, "/", statPercTotalN, " (", `%`, ")")) ) }) test_that("If case of 0 counts, the percentage not included in n/N (%)", { stat0 <- eval( expr = getStats(type = "n/N (%)")[[1]], envir = data.frame(statN = 0, statPercN = Inf, statPercTotalN = NA) ) expect_equal(stat0, "0") }) test_that("A warning is generated if the statistics don't have unique nams", { expect_warning( getStats(type = c("count", "n")), "duplicated names" ) }) test_that("The statistic name is included if specified", { expect_named( getStats(type = "n", includeName = TRUE), "n" ) }) test_that("The statistic name is not included if specified", { expect_named( getStats(type = "n", includeName = FALSE), NULL ) }) test_that("The name is by default included if multiple statistics are requested", { type <- c("n", "m") expect_warning( stat <- getStats(type = type, includeName = FALSE), "The labels for the different types.*are retained.*" ) expect_named(stat, type) })