context("Compute summary statistics table with column variable") library(plyr) library(dplyr) test_that("A summary table is correctly computed for a continuous variable by a column variable", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID =, AGE = seq(20, 62, length.out = 7), TRT = rep(c("A", "B"), times = c(3, 4)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) expect_silent( sumTable <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, var = "AGE", colVar = "TRT" ) ) expect_s3_class(sumTable, "summaryTable") expect_true("TRT" %in% colnames(sumTable)) expect_identical(levels(sumTable$TRT), unique(data$TRT)) # table with colVar = cbind of table created for each element of colVar statsContName <- c("statMean", "statSD", "statSE", "statMedian", "statMin", "statMax") for(trt in unique(data$TRT)){ expect_equal( object = subset(sumTable, TRT == !!trt, select = -TRT), expected = computeSummaryStatisticsTable(data = subset(data, TRT == !!trt), var = "AGE"), check.attributes = FALSE ) } # counts: expect_true(all(sumTable$statPercN %in% 100)) expect_equal(subset(sumTable, TRT == "A" & isTotal)$statN, 3) expect_equal(subset(sumTable, TRT == "A")$statPercTotalN, c(3, 3)) expect_equal(subset(sumTable, TRT == "B" & isTotal)$statN, 4) expect_equal(subset(sumTable, TRT == "B")$statPercTotalN, c(4, 4)) }) test_that("Column elements are ordered alphabetically if the column variable is a character", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID =, AGE = seq(20, 62, length.out = 6), TRT = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 3), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) expect_equal( levels(computeSummaryStatisticsTable(data, var = "AGE", colVar = "TRT")$TRT), c("A", "B") ) }) test_that("Column elements are ordered as specified if the column variable is a factor", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID =, AGE = seq(20, 62, length.out = 6), TRT = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 3), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) data$TRT <- factor(data, levels = c("B", "A")) summaryTable <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable(data, var = "AGE", colVar = "TRT") expect_equal( levels(summaryTable$TRT), c("B", "A") ) }) test_that("The column totals are correctly computed", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID =, AGE = seq(20, 62, length.out = 6), TRT = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 3), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) expect_silent( sumTableColTotal <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, var = "AGE", colVar = "TRT", colTotalInclude = TRUE ) ) expect_identical( levels(sumTableColTotal$TRT), c(unique(data$TRT), "Total") ) # total should be the same as stats computed on entire dataset: expect_equal( subset(sumTableColTotal, TRT == "Total", select = -TRT), computeSummaryStatisticsTable(data, var = "AGE"), check.attributes = FALSE # row.names diff ) }) test_that("A label is correctly set to the column totals", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID =, AGE = seq(20, 62, length.out = 6), TRT = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 3), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) sumTableColTotal <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, var = "AGE", colVar = "TRT", colTotalInclude = TRUE ) expect_equal( object = { sumTableColTotalLab <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, var = "AGE", colVar = "TRT", colTotalInclude = TRUE, colTotalLab = "All treatments" ) subset(sumTableColTotalLab, TRT == "All treatments", select = -TRT) }, expected = subset(sumTableColTotal, TRT == "Total", select = -TRT) ) }) test_that("The column totals are correctly extracted from a different dataset", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID = c("1", "1", "2", "3", "2", "3", "3"), AEBODSYS = c("A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B"), AEDECOD = c("a1", "a2", "a1", "a1", "b1", "b1", "b2"), TRT = c("X1", "X1", "X1", "X2", "X1", "X2", "X2"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) dataTotalCol <- rbind, replicate(2, data, simplify = FALSE) ) dataTotalCol$USUBJID <- as.character( # full summary table summaryTable <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, rowVar = c("AEBODSYS", "AEDECOD"), colVar = "TRT", colTotalInclude = TRUE, dataTotalCol = dataTotalCol ) # counts in total column should be the same # as computed for the full data specified in 'dataTotalCol' expect_equal( object = subset(summaryTable, TRT == "Total", select = -TRT), expected = computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data = dataTotalCol, rowVar = c("AEBODSYS", "AEDECOD") ), check.attributes = FALSE ) }) test_that("The column totals for row totals are correctly computed", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID = c("1", "1", "2", "3", "2", "3", "3"), AEBODSYS = c("A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B"), AEDECOD = c("a1", "a2", "a1", "a1", "b1", "b1", "b2"), TRT = c("X1", "X1", "X1", "X2", "X1", "X2", "X2"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) # full summary table rowVar <- c("AEBODSYS", "AEDECOD") summaryTable <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, rowVar = rowVar, rowVarTotalInclude = rowVar, colVar = "TRT", colTotalInclude = TRUE ) # row total across AEDECOD expect_equal( object = subset(summaryTable, subset = TRT == "Total" & AEDECOD == "Total" & AEBODSYS != "Total", select = -c(TRT, AEDECOD), ), expected = subset( computeSummaryStatisticsTable(data = data, rowVar = c("AEBODSYS")), subset = !isTotal ), check.attributes = FALSE ) # row total across AEBODYS expect_equal( object = subset(summaryTable, subset = TRT == "Total" & AEDECOD == "Total" & AEBODSYS == "Total", select = -c(TRT, AEDECOD, AEBODSYS), ), expected = subset( computeSummaryStatisticsTable(data = data), subset = !isTotal ), check.attributes = FALSE ) }) test_that("The column totals for row totals are correctly computed from a different dataset", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID = c("1", "1", "2", "3", "2", "3", "3"), AEBODSYS = c("A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B"), AEDECOD = c("a1", "a2", "a1", "a1", "b1", "b1", "b2"), TRT = c("X1", "X1", "X1", "X2", "X1", "X2", "X2"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) dataTotalColDummy <- rbind, replicate(2, data, simplify = FALSE) ) dataTotalColDummy$USUBJID <- as.character( dataTotalCol <- list( total = dataTotalColDummy, AEBODSYS = dataTotalColDummy[sample(nrow(dataTotalColDummy), 9), ], AEDECOD = dataTotalColDummy[sample(nrow(dataTotalColDummy), 5), ] ) # full summary table rowVar <- c("AEBODSYS", "AEDECOD") summaryTable <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, rowVar = rowVar, rowVarTotalInclude = rowVar, colVar = "TRT", colTotalInclude = TRUE, dataTotalCol = dataTotalCol ) # total used for the percentages are based on 'dataTotalCol' with 'total' label summaryTableColTotal <- subset(summaryTable, TRT == "Total") nSubjTotalCol <- length(unique(dataTotalCol[["total"]]$USUBJID)) expect_setequal( summaryTableColTotal$statPercTotalN, nSubjTotalCol ) # total used for the column header is based on 'dataTotalCol' with 'total' label expect_equal( subset(summaryTableColTotal, isTotal)$statN, nSubjTotalCol ) # counts in total column should be the same # as computed for the full data specified in 'dataTotalCol' # col total for the general row total expect_equal( object = subset(summaryTable, TRT == "Total" & AEDECOD == "Total" & AEBODSYS == "Total", select = c(-AEBODSYS, -AEDECOD, -TRT) ), expected = subset( computeSummaryStatisticsTable(data = dataTotalCol[["total"]]), subset = !isTotal ), check.attributes = FALSE ) # col total across AEDECOD expect_equal( object = subset(summaryTable, subset = (TRT == "Total" & AEDECOD == "Total" & AEBODSYS != "Total"), select = c("statN", "statm") ), expected = subset( computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data = dataTotalCol[["AEBODSYS"]], rowVar = "AEBODSYS" ), subset = !isTotal, select = c("statN", "statm") ), check.attributes = FALSE ) # col total for most nested row expect_equal( object = subset(summaryTable, subset = (TRT == "Total" & AEDECOD != "Total" & AEBODSYS != "Total"), select = c("statN", "statm") ), expected = subset( computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data = dataTotalCol[["AEDECOD"]], rowVar = "AEDECOD" ), subset = !isTotal, select = c("statN", "statm") ), check.attributes = FALSE ) }) test_that("Only column elements of the data are included by default", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID =, AGE = seq(20, 62, length.out = 6), TRT = factor(rep(c("A", "B"), each = 3)), DOSE = factor(rep(c("100", "200"), each = 3)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) # by default, only the columns appearing in the data are included expect_silent( sumTableBase <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, var = "AGE", colVar = c("TRT", "DOSE") ) ) expect_equal( object = unique(sumTableBase[, c("TRT", "DOSE")]), expected = data.frame( TRT = factor(c("A", "B")), DOSE = factor(c("100", "200")) ), check.attributes = FALSE ) }) test_that("All combinations of column elements are correctly included when requested", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID =, AGE = seq(20, 62, length.out = 6), TRT = factor(rep(c("A", "B"), each = 3)), DOSE = factor(rep(c("100", "200"), each = 3)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) # if colInclude0 is specified, all combinations of columns are included based on levels expect_silent( sumTableInclude0 <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, var = "AGE", colVar = c("TRT", "DOSE"), colInclude0 = TRUE ) ) # all combinations are used for the 'total', in correct order: colAllComb <- expand.grid(unique(data[, c("TRT", "DOSE")])) colAllComb <- colAllComb[with(colAllComb, order(TRT, DOSE)), ] sumTableInclude0Total <- subset(sumTableInclude0, isTotal) expect_equal( sumTableInclude0Total[, c("TRT", "DOSE")], colAllComb, check.attributes = FALSE ) # statistics for combinations appearing in the data are identical # than when 'include0' is set to FALSE: colVarInData <- unique(data[, c("DOSE", "TRT")]) sumTableBase <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, var = "AGE", colVar = c("TRT", "DOSE") ) expect_equal( merge(colVarInData, sumTableInclude0)[, colnames(sumTableBase)], sumTableBase, check.attributes = FALSE ) # statistics for combinations NOT appearing in the data are empty sumTableNotInData <- dplyr::anti_join(sumTableInclude0, colVarInData) statsCont <- c("statMean", "statSD", "statSE", "statMedian", "statMin", "statMax") expect_true(all([, statsCont]))) expect_true(all(sumTableNotInData[, c("statN", "statm", "statPercTotalN")] == 0)) expect_true(all(is.nan(sumTableNotInData[, c("statPercN")]))) }) test_that("Specific combinations of column elements are included when requested", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID =, AGE = seq(20, 62, length.out = 6), TRT = factor(rep(c("A", "B"), each = 3)), DOSE = factor(rep(c("100", "200"), each = 3)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) # sum table with combinations appearing in data sumTableBase <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, var = "AGE", colVar = c("TRT", "DOSE") ) ## if other groups should be included, 'colVarDataLevels' can be used # different doses for all treatment and non alphabetical order: colVarDataLevels <- data.frame( TRT = factor( rep(c("A", "B", "C"), length.out = 5), levels = c("C", "A", "B") ), DOSE = factor( c("100", "200", "600", "400", "100") ) ) expect_silent( sumTable <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, var = "AGE", colVar = c("TRT", "DOSE"), colVarDataLevels = colVarDataLevels ) ) # all combinations are included for the 'total', in correct order: expect_equal( subset(sumTable, isTotal)[, c("TRT", "DOSE")], colVarDataLevels[with(colVarDataLevels, order(TRT, DOSE)), ], check.attributes = FALSE ) # statistics for combinations appearing in the data are identical # than when 'colVarDataLevels' is not specified: colVarInData <- unique(data[, c("DOSE", "TRT")]) expect_equal( merge(colVarInData, sumTable)[, colnames(sumTableBase)], sumTableBase, check.attributes = FALSE ) # statistics for combinations NOT appearing in the data are empty sumTableNotInData <- dplyr::anti_join(sumTable, colVarInData) statsCont <- c("statMean", "statSD", "statSE", "statMedian", "statMin", "statMax") expect_true(all([, statsCont]))) expect_true(all(sumTableNotInData[, c("statN", "statm", "statPercTotalN")] == 0)) expect_true(all(is.nan(sumTableNotInData[, c("statPercN")]))) }) test_that("A warning is generated if specified combinations of column elements are not available in the data", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID =, AGE = seq(20, 62, length.out = 6), TRT = factor(rep(c("A", "B"), each = 3)), DOSE = factor(rep(c("100", "200"), each = 3)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ## missing groups in colVarDataLevels colVarDataLevels <- data.frame( TRT = factor(c("A", "B")), DOSE = c("0", "200") ) expect_warning( sumTable <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, var = "AGE", colVar = c("TRT", "DOSE"), colVarDataLevels = colVarDataLevels ), "Some variable records are not present in the data used for variable levels." ) }) test_that("Columns in the row total data but not in the data are correctly included", { dataAll <- data.frame( USUBJID = rep(c(1:6), each = 2), TRT = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 6), COD = rep(c("Term1", "Term2", "Term3"), each = 4), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) data <- subset(dataAll, TRT == "A") dataTotalRow <- list(COD = dataAll) expect_silent( summaryTable <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data = data, colVar = "TRT", rowVar = "COD", rowVarTotalInclude = "COD", stats = getStats("n (%)"), dataTotalRow = dataTotalRow ) ) expect_s3_class(summaryTable, "summaryTable") expect_identical(levels(summaryTable$TRT), c("A", "B")) summaryTableGroupOnlyInTotal <- subset(summaryTable, TRT == "B") expect_equal(nrow(summaryTableGroupOnlyInTotal), 1) expect_equal(as.character(summaryTableGroupOnlyInTotal$COD), "Total") expect_equal(summaryTableGroupOnlyInTotal$statN, 3) expect_equal(summaryTableGroupOnlyInTotal$statm, 6) }) test_that("The column totals are correctly computed for a subset of the columns", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID =, AGE = seq(20, 62, length.out = 5), TRT = c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B"), DOSE = c("100", "100", "200", "300", "400"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) expect_silent( sumTable <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, var = "AGE", colVar = c("TRT", "DOSE"), colVarTotal = "TRT" ) ) expect_equal(sum(sumTable$isTotal), 2) expect_equal(subset(sumTable, isTotal & TRT == "A")$statN, 3) expect_true(all(subset(sumTable, TRT == "A")$statPercTotalN == 3)) expect_equal(subset(sumTable, isTotal & TRT == "B")$statN, 2) expect_true(all(subset(sumTable, TRT == "B")$statPercTotalN == 2)) expect_equal(sumTable$statPercN, sumTable$statN/sumTable$statPercTotalN*100) }) test_that("The column totals are correctly computed by the variable to summarize", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID =, AGE = seq(20, 62, length.out = 5), SEX = c(NA_character_, c("F", "M", "F", "M")), TRT = c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B"), DOSE = c("100", "100", "200", "300", "400"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) # by variable expect_silent( sumTable <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, var = c("AGE", "SEX"), colVar = c("TRT", "DOSE"), colVarTotal = "variable" ) ) expect_equal(sum(sumTable$isTotal), 2) expect_equal(subset(sumTable, isTotal & variable == "AGE")$statN, 5) expect_true(all(subset(sumTable, variable == "AGE")$statPercTotalN == 5)) expect_equal(subset(sumTable, isTotal & variable == "SEX")$statN, 4) expect_true(all(subset(sumTable, variable == "SEX")$statPercTotalN == 4)) expect_equal(sumTable$statPercN, sumTable$statN/sumTable$statPercTotalN*100) }) test_that("A warning is generated if the column for the totals is not available in the data", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID =, AGE = seq(20, 62, length.out = 5), TRT = c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) expect_warning( computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, var = "AGE", colVar = "TRT", colVarTotal = "TRT2" ), "Variable.* in colVarTotal.* ignored because.*not available" ) }) test_that("Column percentages are correctly computed for a subset of the columns", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID =, AGE = seq(20, 62, length.out = 5), TRT = c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B"), DOSE = c("100", "100", "200", "300", "400"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) expect_silent( sumTable <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, var = "AGE", colVar = c("TRT", "DOSE"), colVarTotalPerc = "TRT" ) ) # column total still computed per TRT and DOSE expect_equal(sum(sumTable$isTotal), 4) sumTableTotal <- subset(sumTable, isTotal) expect_equal( sumTableTotal[match(c("100", "200", "300", "400"), sumTableTotal$DOSE), "statN"], c(2, 1, 1, 1) ) # but percentage are computed by treatment expect_true(all(subset(sumTable, TRT == "A")$statPercTotalN == 3)) expect_true(all(subset(sumTable, TRT == "B")$statPercTotalN == 2)) expect_equal(sumTable$statPercN, sumTable$statN/sumTable$statPercTotalN*100) }) test_that("Column percentages are correctly computed by the variable to summarize", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID =, AGE = seq(20, 62, length.out = 5), SEX = c(NA_character_, c("F", "M", "F", "M")), TRT = c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B"), DOSE = c("100", "100", "200", "300", "400"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) # by variable expect_silent( sumTable <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, var = c("AGE", "SEX"), colVar = c("TRT", "DOSE"), colVarTotalPerc = "variable" ) ) # column total still computed per TRT and DOSE expect_equal(sum(sumTable$isTotal), 4) # but percentage are computed by treatment expect_true(all(subset(sumTable, variable == "AGE")$statPercTotalN == 5)) expect_true(all(subset(sumTable, variable == "SEX")$statPercTotalN == 4)) expect_equal(sumTable$statPercN, sumTable$statN/sumTable$statPercTotalN*100) }) test_that("A warning is generated if the column for the percentages is not available in the data", { data <- data.frame( USUBJID =, AGE = seq(20, 62, length.out = 5), TRT = c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) # wrong specification expect_warning( sumTable <- computeSummaryStatisticsTable( data, var = "AGE", colVar = "TRT", colVarTotalPerc = "TRT2" ), "Variable.* in colVarTotalPerc.* ignored because.*not available" ) })