context("stringr function translations") library(stringr) test_that("result of scalar str_c() is consistent with result on tbl_df", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x) { x %>% mutate(flight_code = str_c(carrier, as.character(flight))) %>% arrange(carrier, flight) %>% head(5) %>% collect() %>% select(flight_code) } compare_tbls(list(tbl(impala, "flights"), nycflights13::flights), op = test_op, convert = TRUE) }) test_that("result of scalar str_c() including a literal is consistent with result on tbl_df", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x) { x %>% mutate(flight_code = str_c(carrier, "-", as.character(flight))) %>% arrange(carrier, flight) %>% head(5) %>% collect() %>% select(flight_code) } compare_tbls(list(tbl(impala, "flights"), nycflights13::flights), op = test_op, convert = TRUE) }) test_that("error when using scalar str_c() with collapse", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x) { x %>% mutate(flight_code = str_c(carrier, as.character(flight), collapse = "")) %>% arrange(carrier, flight) %>% head(5) %>% collect() %>% select(flight_code) } expect_error( test_op(tbl(impala, "flights")), regexp = "not supported" ) }) test_that("str_c() with one arument and collapse works for aggregating", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x) { x %>% group_by(cyl) %>% summarise(gears = str_c(unique(as.character(gear)), collapse = " ")) %>% filter(cyl == 6) %>% select(gears) %>% collect() %>% pull(gears) -> y any(c("3 4 5", "3 5 4", "4 3 5", "4 5 3", "5 3 4", "5 4 3") %in% y) } expect_true( test_op(tbl(impala, "mtcars")) ) }) test_that("str_c() with multiple arguments and collapse works for aggregating", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x) { any( x %>% summarise(str_c(carrier, name, sep = ":", collapse = ";")) %>% collect() %>% pull(1) %>% grepl("9E:Endeavor Air Inc.;", ., fixed = TRUE), x %>% summarise(str_c(carrier, name, sep = ":", collapse = ";")) %>% collect() %>% pull(1) %>% grepl(";9E:Endeavor Air Inc.", ., fixed = TRUE) ) } expect_true( test_op(tbl(impala, "airlines")) ) }) test_that("error when using str_c() without collapse for aggregating", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x) { x %>% group_by(cyl) %>% summarise(gears = str_c(unique(as.character(gear)))) %>% collect() } expect_error( test_op(tbl(impala, "mtcars")), regexp = "collapse" ) }) test_that("str_flatten() works for aggregating", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x) { x %>% group_by(cyl) %>% summarise(gears = str_flatten(unique(as.character(gear)), collapse = " ")) %>% filter(cyl == 6) %>% select(gears) %>% collect() %>% pull(gears) -> y any(c("3 4 5", "3 5 4", "4 3 5", "4 5 3", "5 3 4", "5 4 3") %in% y) } expect_true( test_op(tbl(impala, "mtcars")) ) }) test_that("str_trim() with side = \"both\" returns expected result", { check_impala() expect_equal( tbl(impala, "one_row") %>% transmute(trimmed = str_trim(" abc ", side = "both")) %>% collect() %>% as.character(), "abc" ) }) test_that("str_trim() with side = \"left\" returns expected result", { check_impala() expect_equal( tbl(impala, "one_row") %>% transmute(trimmed = str_trim(" abc ", side = "left")) %>% collect() %>% as.character(), "abc " ) }) test_that("str_trim() with side = \"right\" returns expected result", { check_impala() expect_equal( tbl(impala, "one_row") %>% transmute(trimmed = str_trim(" abc ", side = "right")) %>% collect() %>% as.character(), " abc" ) }) test_that("str_to_lower() returns expected result", { check_impala() expect_equal( tbl(impala, "one_row") %>% transmute(lower = str_to_lower("ABC")) %>% collect() %>% as.character(), "abc" ) }) test_that("str_to_upper() returns expected result", { check_impala() expect_equal( tbl(impala, "one_row") %>% transmute(upper = str_to_upper("abc")) %>% collect() %>% as.character(), "ABC" ) }) test_that("str_to_title() returns expected result", { check_impala() expect_equal( tbl(impala, "one_row") %>% transmute(upper = str_to_title("hElLo wOrLd!")) %>% collect() %>% as.character(), "Hello World!" ) }) test_that("str_length() returns expected result", { check_impala() expect_equal( tbl(impala, "one_row") %>% transmute(len = str_length("abc")) %>% collect() %>% as.integer(), 3L ) }) test_that("str_sub() with positive values for all arguments returns expected result", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x) { x %>% transmute(result = str_sub(input, 2, 4)) %>% = FALSE) %>% pull(1) %>% as.character() } compare_tbls( list( tbl(impala, "one_row") %>% transmute(input = "abcdefg"), tibble(input = "abcdefg") ), op = test_op, convert = TRUE ) }) test_that("str_sub() with no end argument returns expected result", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x) { x %>% transmute(result = str_sub(input, 3)) %>% = FALSE) %>% pull(1) %>% as.character() } compare_tbls( list( tbl(impala, "one_row") %>% transmute(input = "abcdefg"), tibble(input = "abcdefg") ), op = test_op, convert = TRUE ) }) test_that("str_sub() with negative start argument and no end argument returns expected result", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x) { x %>% transmute(result = str_sub(input, -4)) %>% = FALSE) %>% pull(1) %>% as.character() } compare_tbls( list( tbl(impala, "one_row") %>% transmute(input = "abcdefg"), tibble(input = "abcdefg") ), op = test_op, convert = TRUE ) }) test_that("str_sub() with negative start argument returns expected result", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x) { x %>% transmute(result = str_sub(input, -6, 4)) %>% = FALSE) %>% pull(1) %>% as.character() } compare_tbls( list( tbl(impala, "one_row") %>% transmute(input = "abcdefg"), tibble(input = "abcdefg") ), op = test_op, convert = TRUE ) }) test_that("str_sub() with negative end argument returns expected result", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x) { x %>% transmute(result = str_sub(input, 2, -3)) %>% = FALSE) %>% pull(1) %>% as.character() } compare_tbls( list( tbl(impala, "one_row") %>% transmute(input = "abcdefg"), tibble(input = "abcdefg") ), op = test_op, convert = TRUE ) }) test_that("str_sub() with zero end argument returns expected result", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x) { x %>% transmute(result = str_sub(input, 2, 0)) %>% = FALSE) %>% pull(1) %>% as.character() } compare_tbls( list( tbl(impala, "one_row") %>% transmute(input = "abcdefg"), tibble(input = "abcdefg") ), op = test_op, convert = TRUE ) }) test_that("str_sub() with negative start and end arguments returns expected result", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x) { x %>% transmute(result = str_sub(input, -5, -2)) %>% = FALSE) %>% pull(1) %>% as.character() } compare_tbls( list( tbl(impala, "one_row") %>% transmute(input = "abcdefg"), tibble(input = "abcdefg") ), op = test_op, convert = TRUE ) })