context("README examples") test_that("result from first dplyr example in README (with some tweaks) is consistent with result on tbl_df", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x) { x %>% select(tailnum, distance, arr_delay) %>% filter(! %>% group_by(tailnum) %>% summarise(count = n(), dist = mean(distance, na.rm = TRUE), delay = mean(arr_delay, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% filter(count > 20L, dist < 2000L) %>% arrange(delay, dist, count, tailnum) %>% collect() %>% mutate_if(is.double, round, 3) %>% mutate(count = as.integer(count)) } compare_tbls(list(tbl(impala, "flights"), nycflights13::flights), op = test_op, convert = TRUE) }) test_that("result from second dplyr example in README (with a tweak) is consistent with result on tbl_df", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x) { x %>% transmute(flight_code = paste0(carrier, as.character(flight))) %>% distinct(flight_code) %>% arrange(flight_code) } compare_tbls(list(tbl(impala, "flights"), nycflights13::flights), op = test_op) }) test_that("result from third dplyr example in README (with some tweaks) is consistent with result on tbl_df", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x) { x %>% filter(! %>% group_by(year, month, day) %>% filter(arr_delay == max(arr_delay, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% arrange(year, month, day, carrier, flight) %>% collect() %>% select(-time_hour) %>% mutate_if(is.double, round, 2) } compare_tbls(list(tbl(impala, "flights"), nycflights13::flights), op = test_op, convert = TRUE) }) test_that("result from fourth dplyr example in README (with some tweaks) is consistent with result on tbl_df", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x, y) { x %>% inner_join(y, by = "carrier") %>% arrange(year, month, day, carrier, flight) %>% head(1000) %>% collect() %>% select(-time_hour) } compare_tbls2( list(tbl(impala, "flights"), nycflights13::flights), list(tbl(impala, "airlines"), nycflights13::airlines), op = test_op, convert = TRUE ) }) test_that("result from fifth dplyr example in README (with some tweaks) is consistent with result on tbl_df", { check_impala() test_op <- function(x, y) { y <- y %>% filter(name == "Southwest Airlines Co.") x %>% semi_join(y, by = "carrier") %>% arrange(year, month, day, carrier, flight) %>% head(1000) %>% collect() %>% select(-time_hour) } compare_tbls2( list(tbl(impala, "flights"), nycflights13::flights), list(tbl(impala, "airlines"), nycflights13::airlines), op = test_op, convert = TRUE ) }) test_that("result from first SQL example in README succeeds", { check_impala() dbExecute(impala, "REFRESH flights") succeed() }) test_that("result from second SQL example in README succeeds", { check_impala() flights_by_carrier_df <- dbGetQuery( impala, "SELECT carrier, COUNT(*) FROM flights GROUP BY carrier" ) succeed() }) test_that("result from third SQL example in README (with some tweaks) succeeds", { check_impala() flights_tbl <- tbl(impala, sql("SELECT * FROM flights LIMIT 10")) succeed() })