test_that("i_annotation: default, no error", { x <- i_labelled(1:3) expect_no_error(i_annotation(x, c("my annotation 1", "my annotation 2"))) }) test_that("i_annotation: annotation is added correctly", { x <- i_labelled(1:3) x <- i_annotation(x, c("my annotation 1", "my annotation 2")) expect_equal(attr(x, "annotation"), c("my annotation 1", "my annotation 2")) }) test_that("i_annotation: add annotation to existing annotation; overwrite = FALSE", { x <- i_labelled(1:3) x <- i_annotation(x, c("my annotation 1"), overwrite = FALSE) x <- i_annotation(x, c("my annotation 2"), overwrite = FALSE) expect_equal(attr(x, "annotation"), c("my annotation 1", "my annotation 2")) }) test_that("i_annotation: overwrite existing annotation; overwrite = FALSE", { x <- i_labelled(1:3) x <- i_annotation(x, c("my annotation 1"), overwrite = FALSE) x <- i_annotation(x, c("my annotation 2"), overwrite = TRUE) expect_equal(attr(x, "annotation"), c("my annotation 2")) }) test_that("i_annotation: throw error when invalid new annotation value", { x <- i_labelled(1:3) expect_error(i_annotation(x, c(F))) expect_error(i_annotation(x, c(1))) }) test_that("i_annotation: throw error when invalid old annotation value", { x <- i_labelled(1:3) attr(x, "annotation") <- 1 expect_error(i_annotation(x, c("my annotation"))) }) test_that("i_annotation: remove annotation when NULL value", { x <- i_labelled(1:3) x <- i_annotation(x, c("my annotation 1")) x <- i_annotation(x, NULL) expect_null(attr(x, "annotation")) }) test_that("i_annotation: valid annotation on vector", { x <- i_labelled(1:3) expect_false(i_valid_annotation(x)) y <- i_annotation(x, c("my annotation 1")) expect_true(i_valid_annotation(y)) y <- x attr(y, "annotation") <- 1 expect_false(i_valid_annotation(y)) }) test_that("i_annotation: valid annotation on data.frame", { x <- data.frame( V1 = i_labelled(c(1:4,-9), labels = c("A" = 1, "B" = 2, "C" = 3, "D" = 4), na_values = -9), V2 = factor(c(LETTERS[1:4], "X")), V3 = c(LETTERS[1:4], "X") ) x$V1 <- i_annotation(x$V1, "my annotation 1") r <- list(V1 = TRUE, V2 = FALSE, V3 = FALSE) expect_equal(i_valid_annotation(x), r) }) test_that("i_annotation: remove annotations with NULL value", { x <- i_labelled(iris$Species, annotation = "blaBliBlubb") x <- i_annotation(x = x, annotation = NULL) expect_null(attr(x, "annotation", exact = TRUE)) })