test_that("disjoint union works for named graphs", { g1 <- g2 <- make_ring(10) g1$foo <- "bar" V(g1)$name <- letters[1:10] V(g2)$name <- letters[11:20] E(g1)$weight <- 1:10 E(g2)$weight <- 10:1 V(g1)$a1 <- 1:10 V(g2)$a2 <- 11:20 E(g1)$b1 <- 1:10 E(g2)$b2 <- 11:20 g <- disjoint_union(g1, g2) expect_that( sort(graph_attr_names(g)), equals(c( "circular_1", "circular_2", "foo", "mutual_1", "mutual_2", "name_1", "name_2" )) ) expect_that( sort(vertex_attr_names(g)), equals(c("a1", "a2", "name")) ) expect_that( sort(edge_attr_names(g)), equals(c("b1", "b2", "weight")) ) expect_that(V(g)$name, equals(letters[1:20])) expect_that(V(g)$a1, equals(c(1:10, rep(NA, 10)))) expect_that(V(g)$a2, equals(c(rep(NA, 10), 11:20))) expect_that(E(g)$weight, equals(c(1:10, 10:1))) expect_that(E(g)$b1, equals(c(1:10, rep(NA, 10)))) expect_that(E(g)$b2, equals(c(rep(NA, 10), 11:20))) }) test_that("disjoint union gives warning for non-unique vertex names", { g1 <- make_ring(5) V(g1)$name <- letters[1:5] g2 <- make_ring(5) V(g2)$name <- letters[5:9] expect_that( disjoint_union(g1, g2), gives_warning("Duplicate vertex names in disjoint union") ) }) test_that("union of unnamed graphs works", { g1 <- make_ring(10) g2 <- make_ring(13) g1$foo <- "bar" E(g1)$weight <- 1:10 E(g2)$weight <- 13:1 V(g1)$a1 <- 1:10 V(g2)$a2 <- 11:23 E(g1)$b1 <- letters[1:10] E(g2)$b2 <- letters[11:23] g <- union.igraph(g1, g2) expect_that( sort(graph_attr_names(g)), equals(c( "circular_1", "circular_2", "foo", "mutual_1", "mutual_2", "name_1", "name_2" )) ) expect_that( sort(vertex_attr_names(g)), equals(c("a1", "a2")) ) expect_that( sort(edge_attr_names(g)), equals(c("b1", "b2", "weight_1", "weight_2")) ) df1 <- as_data_frame(g) df1 <- df1[order(df1$from, df1$to), c(1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6)] df2 <- merge(as_data_frame(g1), as_data_frame(g2), by = c("from", "to"), all = TRUE ) rownames(df1) <- seq_len(nrow(df1)) colnames(df2) <- c("from", "to", "weight_1", "b1", "weight_2", "b2") expect_that(df1, equals(df2)) }) test_that("union of named graphs works", { g1 <- make_ring(10) g2 <- make_ring(13) V(g1)$name <- letters[seq_len(vcount(g1))] V(g2)$name <- letters[seq_len(vcount(g2))] g1$foo <- "bar" E(g1)$weight <- 1:10 E(g2)$weight <- 13:1 V(g1)$a1 <- 1:10 V(g2)$a2 <- 11:23 E(g1)$b1 <- letters[1:10] E(g2)$b2 <- letters[11:23] g <- union.igraph(g1, g2) expect_that( sort(graph_attr_names(g)), equals(c( "circular_1", "circular_2", "foo", "mutual_1", "mutual_2", "name_1", "name_2" )) ) expect_that( sort(vertex_attr_names(g)), equals(c("a1", "a2", "name")) ) expect_that( sort(edge_attr_names(g)), equals(c("b1", "b2", "weight_1", "weight_2")) ) df1 <- as_data_frame(g, what = "both") g.v <- read.table(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, textConnection(" a1 a2 name a 1 11 a b 2 12 b c 3 13 c d 4 14 d e 5 15 e f 6 16 f g 7 17 g h 8 18 h i 9 19 i j 10 20 j k NA 21 k l NA 22 l m NA 23 m ")) expect_that(df1$vertices, equals(g.v)) g.e <- read.table(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, textConnection(" from to weight_1 weight_2 b1 b2 1 l m NA 2 NA v 2 k l NA 3 NA u 3 j k NA 4 NA t 4 i j 9 5 i s 5 h i 8 6 h r 6 g h 7 7 g q 7 f g 6 8 f p 8 e f 5 9 e o 9 d e 4 10 d n 10 c d 3 11 c m 11 b c 2 12 b l 12 a m NA 1 NA w 13 a j 10 NA j NA 14 a b 1 13 a k ")) rownames(df1$edges) <- rownames(df1$edges) expect_that(df1$edges, equals(g.e)) }) test_that("intersection of named graphs works", { g1 <- make_ring(10) g2 <- make_ring(13) V(g1)$name <- letters[V(g1)] V(g2)$name <- letters[V(g2)] g1$foo <- "bar" E(g1)$weight <- 1:10 E(g2)$weight <- 13:1 V(g1)$a1 <- 1:10 V(g2)$a2 <- 11:23 E(g1)$b1 <- letters[1:10] E(g2)$b2 <- letters[11:23] g <- intersection(g1, g2, keep.all.vertices = FALSE) expect_that( sort(graph_attr_names(g)), equals(c( "circular_1", "circular_2", "foo", "mutual_1", "mutual_2", "name_1", "name_2" )) ) expect_that( sort(vertex_attr_names(g)), equals(c("a1", "a2", "name")) ) expect_that( sort(edge_attr_names(g)), equals(c("b1", "b2", "weight_1", "weight_2")) ) df1 <- as_data_frame(g, what = "both") g.e <- read.table(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, textConnection(" from to weight_1 weight_2 b1 b2 1 i j 9 5 i s 2 h i 8 6 h r 3 g h 7 7 g q 4 f g 6 8 f p 5 e f 5 9 e o 6 d e 4 10 d n 7 c d 3 11 c m 8 b c 2 12 b l 9 a b 1 13 a k ")) rownames(df1$edges) <- rownames(df1$edges) expect_that(df1$edges, equals(g.e)) g.v <- read.table(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, textConnection(" a1 a2 name a 1 11 a b 2 12 b c 3 13 c d 4 14 d e 5 15 e f 6 16 f g 7 17 g h 8 18 h i 9 19 i j 10 20 j ")) expect_that(df1$vertices, equals(g.v)) gg <- intersection(g1, g2, keep.all.vertices = TRUE) df2 <- as_data_frame(gg, what = "both") rownames(df2$edges) <- rownames(df2$edges) expect_that(df2$edges, equals(g.e)) gg.v <- read.table(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, textConnection(" a1 a2 name a 1 11 a b 2 12 b c 3 13 c d 4 14 d e 5 15 e f 6 16 f g 7 17 g h 8 18 h i 9 19 i j 10 20 j k NA 21 k l NA 22 l m NA 23 m ")) expect_that(df2$vertices, equals(gg.v)) }) test_that("difference of named graphs works", { g1 <- make_ring(10) g2 <- make_star(11, center = 11, mode = "undirected") V(g1)$name <- letters[1:10] V(g2)$name <- letters[1:11] g <- g1 %u% g2 sg <- make_ring(4) V(sg)$name <- letters[c(1, 2, 3, 11)] df1 <- as_data_frame(g - sg, what = "both") t1.e <- read.table( stringsAsFactors = FALSE, textConnection(" from to 1 a j 2 b k 3 c d 4 j k 5 i k 6 h k 7 g k 8 f k 9 e k 10 d k 11 d e 12 e f 13 f g 14 g h 15 h i 16 i j ") ) rownames(df1$edges) <- rownames(df1$edges) expect_that(df1$edges, equals(t1.e)) expect_that(df1$vertices, equals(data.frame( row.names = letters[1:11], name = letters[1:11], stringsAsFactors = FALSE ))) gg <- sg - g expect_that(ecount(gg), equals(0)) expect_that(V(gg)$name, equals(letters[c(1:3, 11)])) }) test_that("compose works for named graphs", { g1 <- graph_from_literal(A - B:D:E, B - C:D, C - D, D - E) g2 <- graph_from_literal(A - B - E - A) V(g1)$bar1 <- seq_len(vcount(g1)) V(g2)$bar2 <- seq_len(vcount(g2)) V(g1)$foo <- letters[seq_len(vcount(g1))] V(g2)$foo <- letters[seq_len(vcount(g2))] E(g1)$bar1 <- seq_len(ecount(g1)) E(g2)$bar2 <- seq_len(ecount(g2)) E(g1)$foo <- letters[seq_len(ecount(g1))] E(g2)$foo <- letters[seq_len(ecount(g2))] g <- compose(g1, g2) df <- as_data_frame(g, what = "both") df.v <- read.table(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, textConnection(" bar1 foo_1 foo_2 bar2 name A 1 a a 1 A B 2 b b 2 B D 3 c NA NA D E 4 d c 3 E C 5 e NA NA C ")) expect_that(df$vertices, equals(df.v)) df.e <- read.table(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, textConnection(" from to bar1 foo_1 foo_2 bar2 1 A B 3 c c 3 2 A A 3 c b 2 3 A E 1 a c 3 4 A A 1 a a 1 5 B E 1 a b 2 6 B B 1 a a 1 7 B D 6 f c 3 8 A D 6 f b 2 9 D E 4 d c 3 10 A D 4 d a 1 11 D E 2 b b 2 12 B D 2 b a 1 13 E E 3 c b 2 14 B E 3 c a 1 15 E C 5 e c 3 16 A C 5 e a 1 ")) rownames(df$edges) <- rownames(df$edges) expect_that(df$edges, equals(df.e)) }) test_that("intersection of non-named graphs keeps attributes properly", { set.seed(42) g <- sample_gnp(10, 1 / 2) g2 <- sample_gnp(10, 1 / 2) E(g)$weight <- sample(ecount(g)) E(g2)$weight <- sample(ecount(g2)) gi <- intersection(g, g2) rn <- function(D) { rownames(D) <- paste(D[, 1], D[, 2], sep = "-") D } df <- rn(as_data_frame(g)) df2 <- rn(as_data_frame(g2)) dfi <- rn(as_data_frame(gi)) expect_that(df[rownames(dfi), ], is_equivalent_to(dfi[, 1:3])) expect_that(df2[rownames(dfi), ], is_equivalent_to(dfi[, c(1, 2, 4)])) }) test_that("union of non-named graphs keeps attributes properly", { set.seed(42) g <- sample_gnp(10, 1 / 2) g2 <- sample_gnp(10, 1 / 2) E(g)$weight <- sample(ecount(g)) E(g2)$weight <- sample(ecount(g2)) gu <- union.igraph(g, g2) rn <- function(D) { rownames(D) <- paste(D[, 1], D[, 2], sep = "-") D } df <- rn(as_data_frame(g)) df2 <- rn(as_data_frame(g2)) dfu <- rn(as_data_frame(gu)) expect_that(dfu[rownames(df), 1:3], is_equivalent_to(df)) expect_that(dfu[rownames(df2), c(1, 2, 4)], is_equivalent_to(df2)) expect_that( dfu[!rownames(dfu) %in% rownames(df), 3], equals(rep(NA_real_, ecount(gu) - ecount(g))) ) expect_that( dfu[!rownames(dfu) %in% rownames(df2), 4], equals(rep(NA_real_, ecount(gu) - ecount(g2))) ) })