describe("validator", { it("only allows one estimate", { expect_error(ife(c(1, 2), runif(5)), "@x must be length 1") }) it("eif must be more than length one", { expect_error(ife(1, runif(1)), "@eif must be greather than length 1") }) it("weights and eif must be same length", { expect_error(ife(1, runif(5), weights = runif(4)), "@weights must be same length as @eif") }) it("id and eif must be same length", { expect_error(ife(1, runif(5), id = c("a", "b")), "@id must be same length as @eif") }) it("eif can't contain NA", { expect_error(ife(1, c(1, 2, NA)), "@eif must not contain `NA`") }) it("weights can't contain NA", { expect_error(ife(1, c(1, 2, 3), weights = c(1, 2, NA)), "@weights must not contain `NA`") }) it("id can't contain NA", { expect_error(ife(1, c(1, 2, 3), id = c("a", "b", NA)), "@id must not contain `NA`") }) it("critical value must be length 1", { expect_error(ife(1, runif(5), critical_value = c(1, 2)), "@critical_value must be length 1") }) }) describe("validate contrasts", { it("eifs are the same length", { x <- ife(1, runif(5)) y <- ife(1, runif(4)) expect_error(x + y, "Length of @eif must be the same") }) it("weights must be the same", { x <- ife(1, runif(5)) y <- ife(1, runif(5), weights = runif(5)) expect_error(x + y, "@weights must be the same") }) it("ids must be the same", { x <- ife(1, runif(5)) y <- ife(1, runif(5), id = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")) expect_error(x + y, "@id must be the same") }) })