test_that("oanda error handling ok", { expect_error(oanda("USD_JPY", apikey = NULL, from = "a", to = "b"), regexp = "value of 'from'") expect_error(oanda("usd_jpy", apikey = NULL, from = "2021-01-01", to = "b"), regexp = "value of 'to'") expect_error(oanda("USD-JPY", apikey = NULL, from = "2021-01-01", to = "2020-01-01"), regexp = "time period invalid") expect_error(oanda("usd-jpy", apikey = NULL, from = "a"), regexp = "value of 'from'") expect_error(oanda("USD_JPY", apikey = NULL, to = "b"), regexp = "value of 'to'") }) test_that("oanda switch ok", { expect_message(expect_invisible(oanda_switch()), regexp = "switched to 'live'") expect_message(expect_invisible(oanda_switch()), regexp = "switched to 'practice'") }) test_that("json deserialization works", { expect_type(ichimoku:::deserialize_json('{"k":"v"}'), "list") })