context("(adjusted) false ring proportion") n <- 10 #even number dat <- within(data.frame(row.names =, length.out = n)), { x = c(rep(1, n/2 + 1), rep(0, n/2 - 3), rep(NA, 2)); y = x[n:1] }) out <- c(1, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1) names(out) <-, length.out = n) #testdatensets df_na <- within(data.frame(row.names =, length.out = n)), { x = rep(NA, n); y = rep(NA, n) }) #frp test_that("frp returns right values and handles NA correctly", { expect_that(frp(dat), equals(data.frame(year = as.numeric(names(out)), frp = out, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))) expect_that(frp(df_na), gives_warning("there are no trees in year: 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1605, 1606, 1607, 1608, 1609, 1610")) }) test_that("frp handles wrong input classes", { expect_that(frp(list(1, 2)), throws_error("x has to be a data.frame or matrix")) expect_that(frp(c(1, 2)), throws_error("x has to be a data.frame or matrix")) expect_that(frp(c("a", "b")), throws_error("x has to be a data.frame or matrix")) expect_that(frp(factor(1, 2)), throws_error("x has to be a data.frame or matrix")) }) #afrp out <- c(1, 1, 0.5 * sqrt(2), 0.5 * sqrt(2), 1 * sqrt(2), 1 * sqrt(2), 0.5 * sqrt(2), 0.5 * sqrt(2), 1, 1) names(out) <-, length.out = n) test_that("afrp returns right values and handles NA correctly", { expect_that(afrp(dat), equals(data.frame(year = as.numeric(names(out)), afrp = out, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))) expect_that(afrp(df_na), gives_warning("there are no trees in year: 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1605, 1606, 1607, 1608, 1609, 1610")) }) test_that("afrp handles wrong input classes", { expect_that(afrp(list(1, 2)), throws_error("x has to be a data.frame or matrix")) expect_that(afrp(c(1, 2)), throws_error("x has to be a data.frame or matrix")) expect_that(afrp(c("a", "b")), throws_error("x has to be a data.frame or matrix")) expect_that(afrp(factor(1, 2)), throws_error("x has to be a data.frame or matrix")) })