context("Get Summary") skip_if_offline() cas <- read.csv("cas.csv", stringsAsFactors = TRUE) test_that("One-way table summaries are correct", { p <- getPlotSummary(travel, data = cas) p <- p[which(grepl("Summary of the distribution", p)) + 3:5] expect_equal( scan(text = p[1], what = character(), quiet = TRUE), c(levels(cas$travel), "Total") ) expect_equivalent( scan(text = gsub("Count", "", p[2]), what = integer(), quiet = TRUE), c(table(cas$travel), nrow(cas)) ) expect_equivalent( scan(text = gsub("Percent|%", "", p[3]), what = double(), quiet = TRUE), c(table(cas$travel), nrow(cas)) / nrow(cas) * 100 ) }) test_that("Vertical tables supported", { p <- inzsummary(~travel, data = cas, table.direction = "vertical") expect_match( p[which(grepl("Summary of the distribution", p)) + 3], "\\sCount\\s+Percent" ) expect_match( p[which(grepl("Summary of the distribution", p)) + 10], "-+" ) p2 <- inzsummary(travel~gender, data = cas, table.direction = "vertical") expect_match( p2[grep("Summary of the distribution", p2)], ".+travel \\(rows\\) by gender \\(columns\\).+" ) expect_match( p2[grep("Table of Counts", p2) + 2L], "\\sfemale\\s+male" ) expect_match(p2, "Column N", all = FALSE) }) data(api, package = "survey") dclus2<-svydesign(id=~dnum+snum, fpc=~fpc1+fpc2, data=apiclus2) test_that("Survey summaries are correct", { expect_is(getPlotSummary(api00, design = dclus2), "inzight.plotsummary") expect_is(getPlotSummary(api00, sch.wide, design = dclus2), "inzight.plotsummary") expect_is(getPlotSummary(api00, api99, design = dclus2), "inzight.plotsummary") expect_is(getPlotSummary(sch.wide, design = dclus2), "inzight.plotsummary") expect_is(getPlotSummary(sch.wide, awards, design = dclus2), "inzight.plotsummary") }) chis <- try(iNZightTools::smart_read(""), silent = TRUE) skip_if(inherits(chis, "try-error"), "Unable to load resource") dchis <- suppressWarnings(svrepdesign( data = chis, repweights = "rakedw[1-9]", weights = ~rakedw0, type = "other", scale = 1, rscales = 1 )) test_that("Survey replicate design summaries are correct", { expect_is(getPlotSummary(bmi_p, design = dchis), "inzight.plotsummary") expect_is(getPlotSummary(bmi_p, sex, design = dchis), "inzight.plotsummary") expect_is(suppressWarnings(getPlotSummary(bmi_p, marit, design = dchis)), "inzight.plotsummary") expect_is(getPlotSummary(sex, design = dchis), "inzight.plotsummary") expect_is(getPlotSummary(sex, smoke, design = dchis), "inzight.plotsummary") }) test_that("Regression summary: negative coefficients", { o <- capture.output( getPlotSummary(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, data = iris, trend = "linear", width = 80) ) expect_match(o, "Sepal.Width = 3.419 - 0.06188 * Sepal.Length", fixed = TRUE, all = FALSE ) }) test_that("inzsummary gives the same output", { expect_equal( inzsummary(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width, data = iris, trend = "linear", width = 80), getPlotSummary(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, data = iris, trend = "linear", width = 80) ) expect_equal( inzsummary(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width | Species, data = iris, trend = "linear", width = 80), getPlotSummary(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, g1 = Species, data = iris, trend = "linear", width = 80) ) })