context("Get plot inference") set.seed(100) d <- data.frame( x = rnorm(100, c(150, 155), c(10, 20)), y = factor(c("A", "B")), stringsAsFactors = TRUE ) test_that("Two-sample tests use appropriate CI", { pTRUE <- getPlotSummary(x, y, data = d, summary.type = "inference", inference.type = "conf", hypothesis.var.equal = TRUE ) pFALSE <- getPlotSummary(x, y, data = d, summary.type = "inference", inference.type = "conf", hypothesis.var.equal = FALSE ) pvals <- sapply(list(pTRUE, pFALSE), function(p) { as.numeric( gsub( ".+=", "", strsplit(p[grep("p-value = ", p)[1]], ",")[[1]][3] ) ) }) expect_equal( pvals, c( t.test(x ~ y, data = d, var.equal = TRUE)$p.value, t.test(x ~ y, data = d)$p.value ) ) cis <- lapply(list(pTRUE, pFALSE), function(p) { scan( text = gsub("A - B", "", p[grep("A - B", p)]), what = double(), quiet = TRUE )[-1] }) expect_equal( cis, list( as.numeric(round(t.test(x ~ y, data = d, var.equal = TRUE)$, 3)), as.numeric(round(t.test(x ~ y, data = d, var.equal = FALSE)$, 3)) ) ) }) set.seed(400) d <- data.frame( x = sample(c("A", "B"), 100, replace = TRUE, c(0.3, 0.8)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE ) ptest <- list( p.value = 2 * pnorm( abs((table(d$x)[[1]] / 100 - 0.5) / 0.05), lower.tail = FALSE ) ) btest <- binom.test(table(d$x), p = 0.4, alternative = "less") ctest <- chisq.test(table(d$x)) s1 <- getPlotSummary(x, data = d, summary.type = "inference", inference.type = "conf", hypothesis.test = "proportion", hypothesis.use.exact = FALSE, hypothesis.value = 0.5, hypothesis.alt = "two.sided" ) s2 <- getPlotSummary(x, data = d, summary.type = "inference", inference.type = "conf", hypothesis.test = "proportion", hypothesis.use.exact = TRUE, hypothesis.value = 0.4, hypothesis.alt = "less" ) s3 <- getPlotSummary(x, data = d, summary.type = "inference", inference.type = "conf", hypothesis.test = "chi2" ) test_that("One-sample tests give correct p-value", { expect_match( paste(s1, collapse = "\n"), sprintf("p-value = %s", format.pval(ptest$p.value, digits = 5)) ) expect_match( paste(s2, collapse = "\n"), sprintf("p-value = %s", format.pval(btest$p.value, digits = 5)) ) expect_match( paste(s3, collapse = "\n"), sprintf("p-value = %s", format.pval(ctest$p.value, digits = 5)) ) }) test_that("One-sample tests display correct hypotheses", { expect_match( paste(s1, collapse = "\n"), "Null Hypothesis: true proportion of x = A is 0.5" ) expect_match( paste(s1, collapse = "\n"), "Alternative Hypothesis: true proportion of x = A is not equal to 0.5" ) expect_match( paste(s2, collapse = "\n"), "Null Hypothesis: true proportion of x = A is 0.4" ) expect_match( paste(s2, collapse = "\n"), "Alternative Hypothesis: true proportion of x = A is less than 0.4" ) expect_match( paste(s3, collapse = "\n"), "Null Hypothesis: true proportions in each category are equal" ) expect_match( paste(s3, collapse = "\n"), "Alternative Hypothesis: true proportions in each category are not equal" ) }) # small counts d <- expand.grid( Machine = c("Desktop of tablet", "Mobile"), Course = c("STATS101/G", "STATS108") ) d <- d[rep(1:4, c(4, 3, 1, 2)), ] rownames(d) <- NULL ctest <- chisq.test(table(d$Course, d$Machine), simulate = TRUE) s1 <- getPlotSummary(Machine, Course, data = d, summary.type = "inference", inference.type = "conf", hypothesis.test = "chi2" ) test_that("Simulated p-value is included when small expected values", { expect_match( paste(s1, collapse = "\n"), "Simulated p-value (since some expected counts < 5) =", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("Simulated p-value is included when requested", { cas <- read.csv("cas.csv", stringsAsFactors = TRUE) s <- getPlotSummary(cellsource, gender, data = cas, summary.type = "inference", inference.type = "conf", hypothesis.test = "chi2", hypothesis.simulated.p.value = TRUE ) expect_match(paste(s, collapse = "\n"), "Simulated p-value =") }) # a giant table # 2000? # tab <- matrix(sample(2000, replace = TRUE), ncol = 50) # system.time(chisq.test(tab, simulate = TRUE))[3] test_that("inzinference gives the same output", { expect_equal( inzinference(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width, data = iris, trend = "linear", width = 80 ), getPlotSummary(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, data = iris, trend = "linear", width = 80, summary.type = "inference", inference.type = "conf" ) ) expect_equal( inzinference(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width | Species, data = iris, trend = "linear", width = 80 ), getPlotSummary(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, g1 = Species, data = iris, trend = "linear", width = 80, summary.type = "inference" ) ) expect_equal( inzinference(Sepal.Length ~ Species | Sepal.Width, data = iris, width = 80 ), getPlotSummary(Sepal.Length, Species, g1 = Sepal.Width, data = iris, width = 80, inference.type = "conf", summary.type = "inference" ) ) }) # anova test_that("ANOVA (one-way) output is the correct way around", { inf <- inzinference(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris) expect_match(inf, "setosa\\s+-\\s+versicolor\\s+-0.930", all = FALSE) }) #### test_that("Confidence level can be adjusted - dot plots", { # dot plot - one inf <- inzinference(~Sepal.Length, data = iris, ci.width = 0.8 ) |> as.character() expect_match(inf, "Mean with 80% Confidence Interval", all = FALSE) expect_equal( inf[grep("Estimate\\s+Lower\\s+Upper", inf) + 1L] |> strsplit("\\s+") |> unlist() |> as.double() |> round(2L), c(NA_real_, 5.84, 5.76, 5.93) ) # dot plot - two iris2 <- iris[iris$Species != "setosa", ] |> droplevels() inf <- inzinference(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris2, ci.width = 0.90 ) |> as.character() expect_match(inf, "Group Means with 90% Confidence Intervals", all = FALSE ) x <- paste( collapse = "\n", inf[grep("Group Means with 90% Confidence Intervals", inf) + 3:4] ) m0 <- read.table(textConnection(x))[, -1] |> as.matrix() ci <- tapply(iris2$Sepal.Length, iris2$Species, t.test, conf.level = 0.9 ) |> sapply(function(x) x$ |> t() m <- cbind( tapply(iris2$Sepal.Length, iris2$Species, mean), ci[, 1], ci[, 2] ) |> round(3) expect_equivalent(m0, m) expect_match(inf, "Difference in group means with 90% Confidence Interval", all = FALSE ) expect_equal( inf[grep("Difference in group means", inf) + 3L] |> strsplit("\\s+") |> unlist() |> tail(3) |> as.double() |> round(3L), c(-0.652, -0.844, -0.460) ) # dot plot - 3+ inf <- inzinference(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris, ci.width = 0.99 ) |> as.character() expect_match(inf, "Group Means with 99% Confidence Intervals", all = FALSE ) x <- paste( collapse = "\n", inf[grep("Group Means with 99% Confidence Intervals", inf) + 3:5] ) m0 <- read.table(textConnection(x))[, -1] |> as.matrix() ci <- tapply(iris$Sepal.Length, iris$Species, t.test, conf.level = 0.99 ) |> sapply(function(x) x$ |> t() m <- cbind( tapply(iris$Sepal.Length, iris$Species, mean), ci[, 1], ci[, 2] ) |> round(3) expect_equivalent(m0, m) ## - difference CIs expect_match(inf, "99% Confidence Intervals", all = FALSE, fixed = TRUE ) x <- paste( collapse = "\n", gsub("\n", "", inf[grep("adjusted for multiple comparisons", inf) + c(4, 5, 6)], fixed = TRUE ) ) m0 <- read.fwf(textConnection(x), c(29, 9, 10, 10, 10))[, 2:4] |> as.matrix() f <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris) m <- s20x::multipleComp(f, 0.99)[, 1:3] expect_equivalent(m0, m) # bar chart - one way inf <- inzinference(~Species, data = iris, ci.width = 0.92 ) |> as.character() expect_match( inf, "Estimated Proportions with 92% Confidence Interval", all = FALSE ) x <- paste( collapse = "\n", inf[grep("Estimated Proportions with 92% Confidence Interval", inf) + 3:5] ) m0 <- read.table(textConnection(x))[, -1] |> as.matrix() |> unname() t <- qnorm(0.96) * sqrt(1 / 3 * 2 / 3 / nrow(iris)) m <- cbind( rep(1 / 3, 3), 1 / 3 - t, 1 / 3 + t ) |> round(3) expect_equivalent(m0, m) expect_match(inf, "with 92% Confidence Intervals", all = FALSE) x <- paste( collapse = "\n", gsub("\n", "", inf[grep("92% Confidence Intervals", inf) + 4:6], fixed = TRUE) ) m0 <- read.fwf(textConnection(x), c(26, 9, 10, 9))[, -1] |> as.matrix() |> as.double() |> round(3) m <- freq1way.edited(t(as.matrix(table(iris$Species))), conf.level = 0.92)[, -(1:2)] |> as.matrix() |> as.double() |> round(3) expect_equal(m0, m) # bar chart - two way set.seed(100) d <- data.frame( x = sample(LETTERS[1:3], 100, replace = TRUE), y = sample(LETTERS[1:2], 100, replace = TRUE), stringsAsFactors = TRUE ) inf <- inzinference(y ~ x, data = d, ci.width = 0.8) expect_match(inf, "80% Confidence Intervals", all = FALSE) # scatter plot inf <- inzinference(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width, data = iris, ci.width = 0.9, trend = "linear") expect_match( inf, "Linear Trend Coefficients with 90% Confidence Intervals", all = FALSE ) })