context("Financial Times plots") gg_pkgs <- c( "ggplot2", "dplyr", "tidyr", "forcats", "ggmosaic", "waffle", "ggthemes", "ggbeeswarm", "ggridges" ) gg_pkgs_check <- sapply(gg_pkgs, requireNamespace, quietly = TRUE) skip_if(any(!gg_pkgs_check), "Unable to check FT plots as some packages are missing.") iris$Test.Cat.Var <- sample(letters[1:3], size = nrow(iris), replace = TRUE) iris$Test.Cat.Var2 <- sample(LETTERS[1:3], size = nrow(iris), replace = TRUE) test_that("Barcode plots work", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_barcode") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), 'ggplot2::geom_point\\(shape = "\\|"\\)') p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_barcode") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), 'ggplot2::geom_point\\(shape = "\\|"\\)') p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_barcode", gg_barSize = 12) expect_equal(p1$layers[[1]]$aes_params$size, 12) p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_barcode2") expect_equal(p1$labels$y, "") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_barcode3") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "ggplot2::geom_spoke") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_barcode3", gg_width = 2, gg_height = 1.5) expect_equal(p1$layers[[1]]$aes_params$linewidth, 2) expect_equal(p1$layers[[1]]$aes_params$radius, 1.5) }) test_that("Boxplots work", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_boxplot") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "ggplot2::geom_boxplot()") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_boxplot") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "ggplot2::geom_boxplot()") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "fill = Species") }) test_that("Violin plots work", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin", fill_colour = "red", alpha = 0.2) expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "ggplot2::geom_violin()") expect_equal(p1$layers[[1]]$aes_params$fill, "red") expect_equal(p1$layers[[1]]$aes_params$alpha, 0.2) p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "ggplot2::geom_violin()") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "fill = Species") ## Flipping x and y variables works p1 <- iNZightPlot(Species, Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "ggplot2::geom_violin()") }) test_that("Dotstrip plots work", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_dotstrip") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "ggplot2::geom_point()") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_dotstrip") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "ggplot2::geom_point()") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "colour = Species") }) test_that("Beeswarm plots work", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_beeswarm") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "ggbeeswarm::geom_beeswarm()") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_beeswarm") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "ggbeeswarm::geom_beeswarm()") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "colour = Species") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_quasirandom") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "ggbeeswarm::geom_quasirandom()") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_quasirandom") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "ggbeeswarm::geom_quasirandom()") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "colour = Species") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_quasirandom", gg_swarmwidth = 0.2) expect_equal(p1$layers[[1]]$position$width, 0.2) }) test_that("Density plots work", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_density", alpha = 0.2, fill_colour = "red") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "ggplot2::geom_density()") expect_equal(p1$layers[[1]]$aes_params$alpha, 0.2) expect_equal(p1$layers[[1]]$aes_params$fill, "red") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_density", alpha_densitygroup = 0.2) expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "ggplot2::geom_density()") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "fill = Species") expect_equal(p1$layers[[1]]$aes_params$alpha, 0.2) }) test_that("Ridgeline plots work", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_ridgeline") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "ggridges::geom_density_ridges()") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "fill = Species") }) test_that("Cumulative curve plots work", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_cumcurve") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_step") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_cumcurve") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_step") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "colour = Species") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_cumcurve", fill_colour = "blue") expect_equal(p1$layers[[1]]$aes_params$colour, "blue") }) test_that("Lollipop count plots work", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_lollipop2", fill_colour = "red") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_point") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_segment") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Species, Test.Cat.Var, data = iris, plottype = "gg_lollipop2") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_point") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_linerange") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "colour = Test.Cat.Var") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Test.Cat.Var, data = iris, plottype = "gg_lollipop2", ordered = "asc") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_point") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_segment") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[1], "forcats::fct_reorder") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Test.Cat.Var, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_lollipop2", ordered = "asc") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_point") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_linerange") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "colour = Species") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[1], "forcats::fct_reorder") }) test_that("Pie plots work", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Test.Cat.Var, data = iris, plottype = "gg_pie") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "ggplot2::geom_bar") expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "ggplot2::coord_polar") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_pie", ordered = "desc") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_bar") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[1], "forcats::fct_infreq\\(Species\\)") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_pie", ordered = "asc") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_bar") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[1], "forcats::fct_infreq\\(Species\\)") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[1], "forcats::fct_rev") }) test_that("Donut plots work", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_donut") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_rect") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_donut", ordered = "desc") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_rect") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[1], "forcats::fct_infreq\\(Species\\)") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_donut", ordered = "asc") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_rect") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[1], "forcats::fct_infreq\\(Species\\)") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[1], "forcats::fct_rev") }) test_that("Grid plots work", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_gridplot") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "waffle::waffle") }) test_that("Lollipop distribution plots work", { iris2 <- iris iris2$id <- as.character(1:nrow(iris2)) p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris2, plottype = "gg_lollipop") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_point") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_segment")$Sepal.Length) <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), times = c(5, nrow(iris2) - 5)) suppressWarnings( p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris2, plottype = "gg_lollipop") ) expect_equal(p1$labels$subtitle, "5 Missing Observations Removed") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_point") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_segment") }) test_that("Column distribution plots work", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_column2") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::geom_col") }) test_that("Facetting works", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, g1 = Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin") expect_equal(names(p1$facet$params$facets), "Species") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, g1 = Species, g1.level = "setosa", data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[1], 'Species == \\"setosa\\"') p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, g1 = Species, g2 = Test.Cat.Var, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin") expect_equal(names(p1$facet$params$facets), "Species") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, g1 = Species, g2 = Test.Cat.Var, g2.level = "_MULTI", data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[1], "ggplot2::facet_grid") expect_equal(names(p1$facet$params$cols), "Species") expect_equal(names(p1$facet$params$rows), "Test.Cat.Var") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, g1 = Species, g1.level = "setosa", g2 = Test.Cat.Var, g2.level = "_MULTI", data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::facet_grid") expect_equal(names(p1$facet$params$cols), "Species") expect_equal(names(p1$facet$params$rows), "Test.Cat.Var") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[1], 'Species == \\"setosa\\"') }) test_that("Facetting works for plots with data step", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Test.Cat.Var2, g1 = Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_lollipop2") expect_equal(names(p1$facet$params$facets), "Species") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Test.Cat.Var2, g1 = Species, g1.level = "setosa", data = iris, plottype = "gg_lollipop2") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[1], 'Species == \\"setosa\\"') p1 <- iNZightPlot(Test.Cat.Var2, g1 = Species, g2 = Test.Cat.Var, g2.level = "_MULTI", data = iris, plottype = "gg_lollipop2") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::facet_grid") expect_equal(names(p1$facet$params$cols), "Species") expect_equal(names(p1$facet$params$rows), "Test.Cat.Var") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Test.Cat.Var2, g1 = Species, g1.level = "setosa", g2 = Test.Cat.Var, g2.level = "_MULTI", data = iris, plottype = "gg_lollipop2") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "ggplot2::facet_grid") expect_equal(names(p1$facet$params$cols), "Species") expect_equal(names(p1$facet$params$rows), "Test.Cat.Var") expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[1], 'Species == \\"setosa\\"') }) test_that("Data names can be replaced", { test_expr <- rlang::expr( ggplot2::ggplot(iris, ggplot2::aes(Species)) + ggplot2::geom_bar() ) test_expr2 <- replace_data_name(test_expr, "test_name") expect_equal(as.character(test_expr2[[2]][[2]]), "test_name") }) test_that("Other expressions can be inserted into expression", { test_expr <- rlang::expr( plot_data <- other_data %>% dplyr::group_by(var1, var2) %>% dplyr::summarise(count = sum(count)) ) insert_into_first_place(test_expr, rlang::expr(dplyr::mutate(new_var = var1 + var2))) }) test_that("Other expressions can be inserted into expression", { test_expr <- rlang::expr( plot_data <- other_data %>% dplyr::group_by(var1, var2) %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% dplyr::summarise(count = sum(count)) ) test_expr2 <- add_to_group(test_expr[[3]], rlang::sym("facet_var")) expect_equal(as.character(test_expr2[[2]][[2]][[3]]), c("dplyr::group_by", "var1", "var2", "facet_var")) expect_equal(as.character(test_expr2[[2]][[3]]), c("dplyr::group_by", "facet_var")) }) test_that("Inversing x/y doesn't affect graph", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Species, Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin") p2 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin") expect_equal(attr(p1, "code"), attr(p2, "code")) }) test_that("Y-axis label for one-way numeric is blank", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_barcode") expect_equal(p1$labels$y, "") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_barcode2") expect_equal(p1$labels$y, "") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_barcode3") expect_equal(p1$labels$y, "") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_boxplot") expect_equal(p1$labels$x, "") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin") expect_equal(p1$labels$x, "") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_dotstrip") expect_equal(p1$labels$y, "") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_beeswarm") expect_equal(p1$labels$x, "") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_quasirandom") expect_equal(p1$labels$x, "") }) test_that("Plots can be rotated", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin", rotation = FALSE ) expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "coord_flip") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin", rotation = TRUE ) expect_false(grepl("coord_flip", attr(p1, "code"))) p1 <- iNZightPlot(Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_gridplot", rotation = TRUE ) expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "flip = TRUE") # p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin", # rotation = TRUE, rotate_labels = list(x = TRUE)) # expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "coord_flip") }) test_that("Plots can have themes", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin", gg_theme = "bw" ) expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "theme_bw") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin", gg_theme = "tufte" ) expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "theme_tufte") }) test_that("General plot formatting works", { p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin", rotate_labels = list(x = TRUE, y = TRUE) ) expect_equal(p1$theme$axis.text.x$angle, 45) expect_equal(p1$theme$axis.text.y$angle, 45) p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin", bg = "black" ) expect_equal(p1$theme$panel.background$fill, "black") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin", caption = "Test caption" ) expect_equal(p1$labels$caption, "Test caption") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin", cex = 2 ) expect_equal(p1$theme$text$size, 22) }) test_that("Each type of palette works", { ## General ggplot palettes p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin", palette = "Reds" ) expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), 'scale_fill_brewer\\(palette = \\"Reds\\"\\)') p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_cumcurve", palette = "Reds" ) expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], 'scale_colour_brewer\\(palette = \\"Reds\\"\\)') iris$Test.Cat.Var <- sample(letters[1:3], size = nrow(iris), replace = TRUE) p1 <- iNZightPlot(Species, Test.Cat.Var, data = iris, plottype = "gg_heatmap", palette = "Reds" ) expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], 'scale_fill_distiller\\(palette = \\"Reds\\"\\)') ## Viridis palettes p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin", palette = "inferno" ) expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), 'scale_fill_viridis_d\\(option = \\"inferno\\"\\)') p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_cumcurve", palette = "inferno" ) expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], 'scale_colour_viridis_d\\(option = \\"inferno\\"\\)') p1 <- iNZightPlot(Species, Test.Cat.Var, data = iris, plottype = "gg_heatmap", palette = "inferno" ) expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], 'scale_fill_viridis_c\\(option = \\"inferno\\"\\)') ## Greyscale palette p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_violin", palette = "greyscale" ) expect_match(attr(p1, "code"), "scale_fill_grey") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Sepal.Length, Species, data = iris, plottype = "gg_cumcurve", palette = "greyscale" ) expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "scale_colour_grey") p1 <- iNZightPlot(Species, Test.Cat.Var, data = iris, plottype = "gg_heatmap", palette = "greyscale" ) expect_match(attr(p1, "code")[2], "scale_fill_gradient") })