context("Epidemiological inference functions") test_that("epidemiological summary is output if requested and appropriate", { mtcars.test <- mtcars mtcars.test$am <- factor(mtcars$am) mtcars.test$cyl <- factor(mtcars$cyl) summary.out <- capture.output( getPlotSummary(am, cyl, data = mtcars.test, summary.type = "inference", inference.type = "conf", epi.out = TRUE) ) expect_match(summary.out, "### Odds Ratio estimates for am = 1", all = FALSE) expect_match(summary.out, "### Risk Ratio estimates for am = 1", all = FALSE) expect_match(summary.out, "### Risk Difference estimates for am = 1", all = FALSE) }) ## All `test.mat` are based on examples from the following ## Boston University School of Public Health CI online course: ## test_that("odds ratios are calculated correctly", { test.mat <- matrix(c(57, 10, 6, 7), ncol = 2) test.or <- calculate_or(test.mat) expect_equivalent(round(test.or["estimate"], 2), 6.65) expect_equivalent(round(test.or["ci.lwr"], 2), 1.85) expect_equivalent(round(test.or["ci.upr"], 2), 23.94) test.mat <- matrix(c(10, 10, 0, 2), ncol = 2) test.or2 <- calculate_or(test.mat) expect_equivalent(test.or2, rep(NA, 4)) }) test_that("risk ratios are calculated correctly", { test.mat <- matrix(c(29, 41, 20, 9), ncol = 2) test.rr <- calculate_rr(test.mat) expect_equivalent(round(test.rr["estimate"], 2), 0.44) expect_equivalent(round(test.rr["ci.lwr"], 2), 0.22) expect_equivalent(round(test.rr["ci.upr"], 2), 0.87) test.mat <- matrix(c(10, 10, 0, 2), ncol = 2) test.rr2 <- calculate_rr(test.mat) expect_equivalent(test.rr2, rep(NA, 4)) }) test_that("risk differences are calculated correctly", { test.mat <- matrix(c(2757, 663, 298, 81), ncol = 2) test.rd <- calculate_rd(test.mat) expect_equivalent(round(test.rd["estimate"], 4), 0.0113) expect_equivalent(round(test.rd["ci.lwr"], 4), -0.0134) expect_equivalent(round(test.rd["ci.upr"], 4), 0.0361) }) test_that("all 2x2 table functions throw appropriate errors", { test.mat <- matrix(sample(1:100, size = 3 * 2), ncol = 2, nrow = 3) expect_error(calculate_or(test.mat), "2x2") expect_error(calculate_rr(test.mat), "2x2") expect_error(calculate_rd(test.mat), "2x2") }) test_that("epidemiological summary tables are formatted correctly", { test.mat <- matrix( c( 0.28125000, 0.03804859, 2.07896160, 0.33220211, 0.062500000, 0.008455243, 0.461991467, 0.005138646, NA, NA, NA, NA ), nrow = 4, dimnames = list(c("estimate", "ci.lwr", "ci.upr", "p")) ) <- epi.format(test.mat, label = "OR", names = letters[1:4], 1) expect_match(trimws([1]), "^OR") expect_match(trimws([2]), "^a") ## a row should have [name] [estimate] [CI] [p-value] expect_match( trimws([3]), "^[A-z] +[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+ +\\(.+,.+\\) +[0-1]\\.[0-9]+$" ) expect_match([5], "OR cannot be estimated") ## baseline should have the value of first.val argument expect_match(trimws([2]), "1\\.00") }) test_that("Mantel-Haenszel tests work when requested", { set.seed(2020-09-08) test.df <- data.frame( x1 <- sample(c("a", "b"), size = 1000, replace = TRUE), x2 <- sample(c("o", "p"), size = 1000, replace = TRUE), g <- sample(c("x", "y", "z"), size = 1000, replace = TRUE) ) summary.out <- capture.output( getPlotSummary(x1, x2, g1 = g, data = test.df, summary.type = "inference", inference.type = "conf", epi.out = TRUE) ) expect_match(summary.out, "Mantel-Haenszel", all = FALSE) summary.out2 <- capture.output( getPlotSummary(x1, g, g1 = x2, data = test.df, summary.type = "inference", inference.type = "conf", epi.out = TRUE) ) expect_match(summary.out2, "Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel", all = FALSE) })