context("Accessor methods") test_that("general getter and setter methods work correctly",{ t <- "Test string" i <- TRUE s <- "menu" dashboard <- i2dashboard() title(dashboard) <- t expect_equal(title(dashboard), t) author(dashboard) <- t expect_equal(author(dashboard), t) theme(dashboard) <- t expect_equal(theme(dashboard), t) datadir(dashboard) <- t expect_equal(datadir(dashboard), t) interactivity(dashboard) <- i expect_equal(interactivity(dashboard), i) }) test_that("getting/setting the source code embedding works as expected", { dashboard <- i2dashboard() embed_source(dashboard) <- TRUE expect_equal(source(dashboard), "embed") source(dashboard) <- "http://url.ending" expect_equal(source(dashboard), "http://url.ending") embed_source(dashboard) <- FALSE expect_equal(source(dashboard), "") }) test_that("getting/setting the share links for social media work as expected", { dashboard <- i2dashboard() share(dashboard) <- c("Facebook", "reddit") expect_equal(share(dashboard), c("facebook")) })