library(testthat) library(hydflood) context("getDEM") test_that("General tests", { utm32n <- st_crs(25832) utm33n <- st_crs(25833) wgs <- st_crs(4326) # input data checks expect_error(getDEM(), paste0("Error 1: If you don't provide an existing 'filename',", " you have to specify 'ext' and 'crs'.")) expect_error(getDEM(c(1,2,3)), "'filename' must be type 'character'") expect_error(getDEM(c(1,2,3)), "'filename' must have length 1") expect_error(getDEM(ext = c(1,2,3)), "ovide a crs, you must specify 'crs'.") expect_error(getDEM(ext = c(1,2,3), crs = utm32n), "'ext' must be type 'SpatExtent'") expect_error(getDEM(ext = ext(1,2,3,4), crs = utm32n), "'ext' does NOT overlap with the active floodplain of River R") expect_error(getDEM(ext = ext(1,2,3,4), crs = utm33n), "'ext' does NOT overlap with the active floodplain of River E") expect_error(getDEM(ext = ext(1,2,3,4), crs = "c"), "'crs' must be type 'crs'.") expect_error(getDEM(ext = ext(1,2,3,4), crs = wgs), "'crs' must be either 'ETRS 1989 UTM 32N' or") if (["nodename"] == "pvil-r") { # input data filename <- paste0("/home/WeberA/freigaben/U/U3/Auengruppe_INFORM/RH_3", "36_867_UFD/data/tiff/r002_PLITTERSDORF1_DEM.tif") ext <- ext(436500, 438000, 5415000, 5416500) # tests d <- getDEM(filename = filename) expect_message(getDEM(filename = filename, ext = ext), "'ext' will be used to crop the supplied raster file.", fixed = TRUE) expect_message(getDEM(filename = filename, ext = ext, crs = utm32n), "'ext' will be used to crop the supplied raster file.", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(getDEM(filename = filename, ext = ext, crs = utm33n), "does not agree with the crs of the raster suppl", fixed = TRUE) tmp_dem1 <- tempfile(fileext = ".tif") if (file.exists(tmp_dem1)) {unlink(tmp_dem1)} d <- getDEM(filename = tmp_dem1, ext = ext, crs = utm32n) expect_equal(file.exists(tmp_dem1), TRUE) expect_equal(ext(d), ext) expect_equal(st_crs(d) == st_crs(utm32n), TRUE) unlink(tmp_dem1) # the same extents and crs, but different data sources hf3 <- Sys.getenv("hydflood") filename <- paste0(hf3, "/data-raw/raster.dem.tif") d <- getDEM(filename = filename) expect_equal(dim(d), c(1000, 1000, 1)) expect_equal(res(d), c(1, 1)) expect_error(getDEM(filename, ext = ext(308000, 310000, 5749000, 5750000)), "'ext' must be totally within the raster") expect_message(getDEM(filename, ext = ext(309200, 310000, 5749000, 5750000)), "'ext' will be used to crop the supplied raster file.") expect_error(getDEM(ext = ext(295000, 340000, 5744000, 5753000), crs = utm33n), "'ext' is very large and covers more than 5 ") expect_warning(getDEM(ext = ext(300000, 330000, 5744000, 5753000), crs = utm33n), "'ext' is large and covers more than 3 ") } })