library(testthat) library(hydflood) context("flood2") test_that("flood2: checks", { if (["nodename"] == "pvil-r") { # Elbe hf <- Sys.getenv("hydflood") x <- hydSpatRaster( filename_dem = paste0(hf, "/data-raw/raster.dem.tif"), filename_csa = paste0(hf, "/data-raw/raster.csa.tif")) # create a temporal sequence seq <- seq(as.Date("2016-12-01"), as.Date("2016-12-31"), by = "day") # errors # x missing expect_error(flood2(seq = seq), "The 'x' argument has to be supplied.") # x class expect_error(flood2(x = seq), "'x' must be type 'SpatRaster'") # seq missing expect_error(flood2(x), "The 'seq' argument has to be supplied.") # seq class expect_error(flood2(x, c("a", "b")), "'seq' must be either type 'Date' or c('POSIXct', 'POSIXt", fixed = TRUE) # seq length expect_error(flood2(x, numeric()), "'seq' must have length larger 0.") # seq NA expect_error(flood2(x, as.Date(NA)), "'seq' or elements of it must not be NA.") # seq range Date seq <- seq(as.Date("1958-12-21"), as.Date("1958-12-22"), by = "days") expect_error(flood2(x, seq), "'seq' must be between 1960-01-01 and yesterday") seq <- seq(as.Date("2050-12-21"), as.Date("2050-12-22"), by = "days") expect_error(flood2(x, seq), "'seq' must be between 1960-01-01 and yesterday") # seq range POSIX now <- Sys.time() months_ago <- now - 3600 * 24 * 30 * 2 seq <- c(months_ago - 3600, months_ago - 3600 * 2) expect_error(flood2(x, seq), "00:00:00 and now, if type of 'seq' is c('POSIXct', 'POSI", fixed = TRUE) seq <- seq(as.Date("2016-12-01"), as.Date("2016-12-31"), by = "day") # filename length expect_error(flood2(x, seq, filename = 1), "'filename' must be type 'character'.") expect_error(flood2(x, seq, filename = c("a", "b")), "'filename' must have length 1.") } }) test_that("flood2: Elbe", { if (["nodename"] == "pvil-r") { # Elbe hf <- Sys.getenv("hydflood") x <- hydSpatRaster( filename_dem = paste0(hf, "/data-raw/raster.dem.tif"), filename_csa = paste0(hf, "/data-raw/raster.csa.tif")) # create a temporal sequence seq <- seq(as.Date("2016-12-01"), as.Date("2016-12-31"), by = "day") # compute a flood duration fd <- flood2(x = x, seq = seq) expect_equal(class(fd)[1], "SpatRaster") expect_equal(minmax(fd)["max",], length(seq)) expect_equal(minmax(fd)["min",], 0) } }) test_that("flood2: Rhine", { if (["nodename"] == "pvil-r") { # Rhine hf <- Sys.getenv("hydflood") x <- hydSpatRaster( filename_dem = paste0(hf, "/data-raw/raster.dem_plittersdorf.tif"), filename_csa = paste0(hf, "/data-raw/raster.csa_plittersdorf.tif")) # create a temporal sequence seq <- seq(as.Date("2016-12-01"), as.Date("2016-12-31"), by = "day") # compute a flood duration fd <- flood2(x = x, seq = seq) expect_equal(class(fd)[1], "SpatRaster") expect_equal(minmax(fd)["max",], length(seq)) expect_equal(minmax(fd)["min",], 0) } })