#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Test Bedload transport according to Smart and Jaeggi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ test_that("bedload_SJ calculates correctly", { B <- 27 dm <- 0.11 d90 <- 0.23 d30 <- 3200000 * d90 / 4084101 # Calculate d30 based on d90 and constants J <- 0.009 um <- 2.6 Rs <- 0.8 # Example from "BAFU(2014):Abschaetzung der mittleren jährlichen #Geschiebelieferung in Vorfluter, Praxishilfe", S. 57 result <- bedload_SJ(d30 = d30, dm = dm, d90 = d90, J = J, Rs = Rs, um = um, B = B, t_crit = 0.023) # Test expected value with a tolerance of 0.01 expect_equal(result, 84.8576, tolerance = 0.01) })