library(testthat) library(hyd1d) context("get...W") test_that("getGaugingDataW", { times <- c(as.Date('1991-12-16'), as.Date('2016-12-21')) expect_equal(length(getGaugingDataW(gauging_station = "DESSAU", time = times)), 2) expect_equal(getGaugingDataW(gauging_station = "DESSAU", time = times), getGaugingDataW(uuid = "1edc5fa4-88af-47f5-95a4-0e77a06fe8b1", time = times)) expect_equal(getGaugingDataW(gauging_station = "DESSAU", time = times), getGaugingDataW(gauging_station = "DESSAU", uuid = "1edc5fa4-88af-47f5-95a4-0e77a06fe8b1", time = times)) expect_error(getGaugingDataW(gauging_station = "DESSAU", uuid = "7cb7461b-3530-4c01-8978-7f676b8f71ed", time = times), "'gauging_station' and 'uuid' must fit to each other", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(getGaugingDataW(gauging_station = "Dessau", time = times), "'gauging_station' must be an element of c('SCHOENA'", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(getGaugingDataW(uuid = "Dessau", time = times), "'uuid' must be an element of c('7cb7461b-3530-4c01-8978-", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(getGaugingDataW(gauging_station = "DESSAU", time = as.Date("1959-12-31")), "You requested earlier data. Please ") expect_error(getGaugingDataW(gauging_station = "DESSAU", time = Sys.time() + 10), "You requested data of today.") expect_equal(getGaugingDataW(gauging_station = "DESSAU", time = as.Date("2016-12-21")), 165) # test for Umlaut in gauging_station expect_equal(getGaugingDataW("SCHOENA", as.Date("2016-12-21")), 125) }) test_that("getPegelonlineW", { times <- c(Sys.time() - 3600*4, Sys.time() - 3600*3, Sys.time() - 3600*2, Sys.time() - 3600) expect_error(getPegelonlineW(gauging_station = "DESSAU", uuid = "7cb7461b-3530-4c01-8978-7f676b8f71ed", time = times), "'gauging_station' and 'uuid' must fit to each other", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(getPegelonlineW(gauging_station = "Dessau", time = times), "'gauging_station' must be an element of c('SCHOENA'", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(getPegelonlineW(uuid = "Dessau", time = times), "'uuid' must be an element of c('7cb7461b-3530-4c01-8978-", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(getPegelonlineW(gauging_station = "DESSAU", time = Sys.time() - 60*60*24*40), "days in the past and out of the allowed range") expect_error(getPegelonlineW(gauging_station = "DESSAU", time = Sys.time() + 3600), "which is in the future and out of the allowed range") expect_error(getPegelonlineW(gauging_station = "DESSAU", time = Sys.Date() - 40), "days in the past and out of the allowed range") expect_error(getPegelonlineW(gauging_station = "DESSAU", time = Sys.Date()), "which is today or in the future and thereby out") # need online ressources skip_on_cran() expect_equal(length(getPegelonlineW(gauging_station = "DESSAU", time = times)), 4) expect_equal(getPegelonlineW(gauging_station = "DESSAU", time = times), getPegelonlineW(uuid = "1edc5fa4-88af-47f5-95a4-0e77a06fe8b1", time = times)) expect_equal(getPegelonlineW(gauging_station = "DESSAU", time = times), getPegelonlineW(gauging_station = "DESSAU", uuid = "1edc5fa4-88af-47f5-95a4-0e77a06fe8b1", time = times)) # test for Umlaut in gauging_station expect_equal("SCHOENA", Sys.Date() - 10)), FALSE) })