ht <- huxtable(a = 1:5, b = letters[1:5], d = 1:5) local_edition(2) test_that("Can refer to properties by colnames", { ht <- huxtable(a = 1:5, b = letters[1:5], d = 1:5) number_format(ht)[1, 1] <- 3 col_width(ht) <- c(.2, .6, .2) row_height(ht) <- rep(.2, 5) expect_equal(number_format(ht)[1, "a"], list(3)) expect_equivalent(col_width(ht)["a"], .2) }) test_that("Assignment to attributes preserves colnames", { ht <- huxtable(a = 1:5, b = letters[1:5], d = 1:5) cn <- colnames(align(ht)) align(ht) <- "right" expect_equal(cn, colnames(align(ht))) align(ht)[1, 1] <- "left" expect_equal(cn, colnames(align(ht))) }) test_that("Can assign numeric to width, col_width etc. after assigning character", { ht <- huxtable(letters[1:3]) width(ht) <- "300pt" width(ht) <- 0.5 expect_type(width(ht), "double") row_height(ht) <- paste0(1:3, "em") row_height(ht) <- rep(1 / 3, 3) expect_type(row_height(ht), "double") number_format(ht) <- "%.3f" number_format(ht) <- 2L nf <- number_format(ht) expect_type(nf[1, 1][[1]], "integer") expect_equivalent(dim(nf), dim(ht)) }) test_that("na_string works", { ht <- huxtable(a = c(1, 2, NA), b = c(NA, 1, 2)) na_string(ht) <- "foo" na_string(ht)[3, 1] <- "bar" expect_silent(cc <- huxtable:::clean_contents(ht)) expect_match(cc[1, 2], "foo") expect_match(cc[3, 1], "bar") }) test_that("Can pad with align", { ht <- hux(a = c("1.5", "2.5")) ht2 <- ht expect_silent(align(ht) <- ".") expect_identical(huxtable:::clean_contents(ht), huxtable:::clean_contents(ht2)) }) test_that("Can set attributes to NA", { ht <- huxtable(a = 1:3, b = 1:3) # expect no error expect_error(caption(ht) <- NA, regexp = NA) expect_error(font(ht) <- NA, regexp = NA) expect_error(col_width(ht) <- NA, regexp = NA) }) test_that("set_default_properties", { old <- set_default_properties(bold = TRUE) expect_equivalent(bold(hux(a = 1)), matrix(TRUE, 1, 1)) set_default_properties(old) expect_equivalent(bold(hux(a = 1)), matrix(FALSE, 1, 1)) expect_error(set_default_properties(unknown = 1)) }) test_that("get_default_properties", { expect_equivalent(get_default_properties("bold"), FALSE) expect_error(get_default_properties("unknown")) }) test_that("collapsed_border_colors works", { ht <- hux(a = 1:2, b = 1:2) left_border_color(ht)[1, 2] <- "pink" top_border_color(ht)[2, 1] <- "green" cbc <- huxtable:::collapsed_border_colors(ht) expect_type(cbc, "list") expect_equivalent(cbc$vert, matrix(c(NA, "pink", NA, NA, NA, NA), 2, 3, byrow = TRUE)) expect_equivalent(cbc$horiz, matrix(c(NA, NA, "green", NA, NA, NA), 3, 2, byrow = TRUE)) right_border_color(ht)[1, 1] <- "blue" # overrides bottom_border_color(ht)[1, 1] <- "purple" cbc <- huxtable:::collapsed_border_colors(ht) expect_equivalent(cbc$vert, matrix(c(NA, "blue", NA, NA, NA, NA), 2, 3, byrow = TRUE)) expect_equivalent(cbc$horiz, matrix(c(NA, NA, "purple", NA, NA, NA), 3, 2, byrow = TRUE)) }) test_that("collapsed_border_styles works", { ht <- hux(a = 1:2, b = 1:2) left_border_style(ht)[1, 2] <- "dashed" top_border_style(ht)[2, 1] <- "double" cbs <- huxtable:::collapsed_border_styles(ht) expect_type(cbs, "list") vert <- matrix("solid", 2, 3) vert[1, 2] <- "dashed" horiz <- matrix("solid", 3, 2) horiz[2, 1] <- "double" expect_equivalent(cbs$vert, vert) expect_equivalent(cbs$horiz, horiz) }) test_that("align, position and caption_pos change \"centre\" to \"center\"", { ht <- hux(1) align(ht) <- "centre" expect_equivalent(align(ht), matrix("center", 1, 1)) position(ht) <- "centre" expect_equivalent(position(ht), "center") caption_pos(ht) <- "topcentre" expect_equivalent(caption_pos(ht), "topcenter") caption_pos(ht) <- "bottomcentre" expect_equivalent(caption_pos(ht), "bottomcenter") }) test_that("rowspan and colspan error when overlapping", { ht <- hux(1:4, 1:4) rowspan(ht)[1, 2] <- 3 expect_error(rowspan(ht)[2, 2] <- 2) expect_error(rowspan(ht)[3, 2] <- 2) expect_error(colspan(ht)[1, 1] <- 2) expect_error(colspan(ht)[1, 2] <- 2) }) test_that("rowspan and colspan overwrite shadowed cell contents when set", { ht <- hux(1:2) rowspan(ht)[1, 1] <- 2 expect_equal(ht[[2, 1]], 1) ht <- hux(1, 2) colspan(ht)[1, 1] <- 2 expect_equal(ht[[1, 2]], 1) })