Package: atrrr Check: tests New result: ERROR Running ‘testthat.R’ [9s/9s] Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed. Complete output: > # This file is part of the standard setup for testthat. > # It is recommended that you do not modify it. > # > # Where should you do additional test configuration? > # Learn more about the roles of various files in: > # * > # * > > library(testthat) > library(atrrr) > > test_check("atrrr") [ FAIL 82 | WARN 0 | SKIP 2 | PASS 50 ] ══ Skipped tests (2) ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • !dir.exists(tools::R_user_dir("atrrr", "cache")) is TRUE (2): 'test-convert.R:6:3', 'test-convert.R:16:3' ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ── Error ('test-actors.R:2:3'): search actors ────────────────────────────────── Error in `httr2::url_build(list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params)))`: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_type(...) at test-actors.R:2:3 2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), arg = "object") 3. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 4. └─atrrr::search_user("", parse = FALSE) 5. ├─ 6. └─atrrr (local) ``(...) 7. └─atrrr:::make_request(...) 8. ├─httr2::req_perform(...) 9. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 10. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 11. ├─httr2::req_error(...) 12. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 13. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 14. ├─httr2::req_auth_bearer_token(...) 15. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 16. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 17. ├─httr2::req_method(...) 18. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 19. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 20. ├─httr2::request(...) 21. │ └─httr2:::new_request(base_url) 22. │ └─httr2:::check_string(url, call = error_call) 23. │ └─httr2:::.rlang_check_is_string(...) 24. │ └─rlang::is_string(x) 25. └─httr2::url_build(url = list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params))) 26. └─httr2:::stop_input_type(url, "a parsed URL") 27. └─rlang::abort(message, ..., call = call, arg = arg) ── Error ('test-actors.R:8:3'): user info ────────────────────────────────────── Error in `httr2::url_build(list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params)))`: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_type(...) at test-actors.R:8:3 2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), arg = "object") 3. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 4. └─atrrr::get_user_info("", parse = FALSE) 5. ├─base::append(...) 6. ├─purrr::pluck(...) 7. │ └─purrr:::pluck_raw(.x, list2(...), .default = .default) 8. ├─ 9. └─atrrr (local) ``("", .token = NULL, .return = "json") 10. └─atrrr:::make_request(...) 11. ├─httr2::req_perform(...) 12. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 13. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 14. ├─httr2::req_error(...) 15. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 16. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 17. ├─httr2::req_auth_bearer_token(...) 18. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 19. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 20. ├─httr2::req_method(...) 21. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 22. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 23. ├─httr2::request(...) 24. │ └─httr2:::new_request(base_url) 25. │ └─httr2:::check_string(url, call = error_call) 26. │ └─httr2:::.rlang_check_is_string(...) 27. │ └─rlang::is_string(x) 28. └─httr2::url_build(url = list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params))) 29. └─httr2:::stop_input_type(url, "a parsed URL") 30. └─rlang::abort(message, ..., call = call, arg = arg) ── Error ('test-actors.R:17:3'): user info pagination ────────────────────────── Error in `httr2::url_build(list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params)))`: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_equal(nrow(get_user_info(actor = actors)), 75L) at test-actors.R:17:3 2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object") 3. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 4. ├─base::nrow(get_user_info(actor = actors)) 5. └─atrrr::get_user_info(actor = actors) 6. ├─base::append(...) 7. ├─purrr::pluck(...) 8. │ └─purrr:::pluck_raw(.x, list2(...), .default = .default) 9. ├─ 10. └─atrrr (local) ``(``, .token = NULL, .return = "json") 11. └─atrrr:::make_request(...) 12. ├─httr2::req_perform(...) 13. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 14. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 15. ├─httr2::req_error(...) 16. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 17. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 18. ├─httr2::req_auth_bearer_token(...) 19. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 20. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 21. ├─httr2::req_method(...) 22. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 23. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 24. ├─httr2::request(...) 25. │ └─httr2:::new_request(base_url) 26. │ └─httr2:::check_string(url, call = error_call) 27. │ └─httr2:::.rlang_check_is_string(...) 28. │ └─rlang::is_string(x) 29. └─httr2::url_build(url = list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params))) 30. └─httr2:::stop_input_type(url, "a parsed URL") 31. └─rlang::abort(message, ..., call = call, arg = arg) ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:64:7'): test ──────────────────────────────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:71:7'): test ──────────────────────────────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_actor_get_preferences ───── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_actor_get_profile ───────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_actor_get_profiles ──────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_actor_get_suggestions ───── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_actor_search_actors ─────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_actor_search_actors_typeahead ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_feed_describe_feed_generator ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_feed_get_actor_feeds ────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_feed_get_actor_likes ────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_feed_get_author_feed ────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_feed_get_feed ───────────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_feed_get_feed_generator ─── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_feed_get_feed_generators ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_feed_get_feed_skeleton ──── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_feed_get_likes ──────────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_feed_get_list_feed ──────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_feed_get_post_thread ────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_feed_get_posts ──────────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_feed_get_reposted_by ────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_feed_get_suggested_feeds ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_feed_get_timeline ───────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_feed_search_posts ───────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_graph_get_blocks ────────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_graph_get_followers ─────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_graph_get_follows ───────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_graph_get_list ──────────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_graph_get_list_blocks ───── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_graph_get_list_mutes ────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_graph_get_lists ─────────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_graph_get_mutes ─────────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_graph_get_suggested_follows_by_actor ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_notification_get_unread_count ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_notification_list_notifications ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_unspecced_get_popular ───── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_unspecced_get_popular_feed_generators ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_unspecced_get_timeline_skeleton ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_unspecced_search_actors_skeleton ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): app_bsky_unspecced_search_posts_skeleton ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_admin_get_invite_codes ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_admin_get_moderation_action ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_admin_get_moderation_actions ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_admin_get_moderation_report ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_admin_get_moderation_reports ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_admin_get_record ─────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_admin_get_repo ───────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_admin_search_repos ───── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_identity_resolve_handle ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_label_query_labels ───── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_repo_describe_repo ───── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_repo_get_record ──────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_repo_list_records ────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_server_describe_server ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_server_get_account_invite_codes ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_server_get_session ───── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_server_list_app_passwords ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_sync_get_blob ────────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_sync_get_blocks ──────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_sync_get_checkout ────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_sync_get_head ────────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_sync_get_latest_commit ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_sync_get_record ──────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_sync_get_repo ────────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_sync_list_blobs ──────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Failure ('test-auto-functions.R:100:9'): com_atproto_sync_list_repos ──────── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Error ('test-feed.R:2:3'): get skeets by author ───────────────────────────── Error in `httr2::url_build(list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params)))`: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_type(...) at test-feed.R:2:3 2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), arg = "object") 3. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 4. └─atrrr::get_skeets_authored_by("", parse = FALSE) 5. ├─ 6. └─atrrr (local) ``(...) 7. └─atrrr:::make_request(...) 8. ├─httr2::req_perform(...) 9. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 10. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 11. ├─httr2::req_error(...) 12. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 13. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 14. ├─httr2::req_auth_bearer_token(...) 15. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 16. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 17. ├─httr2::req_method(...) 18. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 19. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 20. ├─httr2::request(...) 21. │ └─httr2:::new_request(base_url) 22. │ └─httr2:::check_string(url, call = error_call) 23. │ └─httr2:::.rlang_check_is_string(...) 24. │ └─rlang::is_string(x) 25. └─httr2::url_build(url = list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params))) 26. └─httr2:::stop_input_type(url, "a parsed URL") 27. └─rlang::abort(message, ..., call = call, arg = arg) ── Error ('test-feed.R:8:3'): get feeds by author ────────────────────────────── Error in `httr2::url_build(list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params)))`: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_type(...) at test-feed.R:8:3 2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), arg = "object") 3. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 4. └─atrrr::get_feeds_created_by("", parse = FALSE) 5. ├─ 6. └─atrrr (local) ``(...) 7. └─atrrr:::make_request(...) 8. ├─httr2::req_perform(...) 9. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 10. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 11. ├─httr2::req_error(...) 12. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 13. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 14. ├─httr2::req_auth_bearer_token(...) 15. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 16. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 17. ├─httr2::req_method(...) 18. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 19. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 20. ├─httr2::request(...) 21. │ └─httr2:::new_request(base_url) 22. │ └─httr2:::check_string(url, call = error_call) 23. │ └─httr2:::.rlang_check_is_string(...) 24. │ └─rlang::is_string(x) 25. └─httr2::url_build(url = list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params))) 26. └─httr2:::stop_input_type(url, "a parsed URL") 27. └─rlang::abort(message, ..., call = call, arg = arg) ── Error ('test-feed.R:14:3'): search feeds ──────────────────────────────────── Error in `httr2::url_build(list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params)))`: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_type(...) at test-feed.R:14:3 2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), arg = "object") 3. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 4. └─atrrr::get_feeds_created_by("", parse = FALSE) 5. ├─ 6. └─atrrr (local) ``(...) 7. └─atrrr:::make_request(...) 8. ├─httr2::req_perform(...) 9. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 10. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 11. ├─httr2::req_error(...) 12. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 13. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 14. ├─httr2::req_auth_bearer_token(...) 15. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 16. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 17. ├─httr2::req_method(...) 18. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 19. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 20. ├─httr2::request(...) 21. │ └─httr2:::new_request(base_url) 22. │ └─httr2:::check_string(url, call = error_call) 23. │ └─httr2:::.rlang_check_is_string(...) 24. │ └─rlang::is_string(x) 25. └─httr2::url_build(url = list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params))) 26. └─httr2:::stop_input_type(url, "a parsed URL") 27. └─rlang::abort(message, ..., call = call, arg = arg) ── Error ('test-feed.R:20:3'): search feeds ──────────────────────────────────── Error in `httr2::url_build(list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params)))`: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_type(...) at test-feed.R:20:3 2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), arg = "object") 3. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 4. └─atrrr::search_feed("#rstats", parse = FALSE) 5. ├─ 6. └─atrrr (local) ``(...) 7. └─atrrr:::make_request(...) 8. ├─httr2::req_perform(...) 9. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 10. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 11. ├─httr2::req_error(...) 12. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 13. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 14. ├─httr2::req_auth_bearer_token(...) 15. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 16. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 17. ├─httr2::req_method(...) 18. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 19. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 20. ├─httr2::request(...) 21. │ └─httr2:::new_request(base_url) 22. │ └─httr2:::check_string(url, call = error_call) 23. │ └─httr2:::.rlang_check_is_string(...) 24. │ └─rlang::is_string(x) 25. └─httr2::url_build(url = list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params))) 26. └─httr2:::stop_input_type(url, "a parsed URL") 27. └─rlang::abort(message, ..., call = call, arg = arg) ── Error ('test-feed.R:26:3'): get feed ──────────────────────────────────────── Error in `httr2::url_build(list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params)))`: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_type(...) at test-feed.R:26:3 2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), arg = "object") 3. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 4. └─atrrr::search_feed("#rstats", parse = FALSE) 5. ├─ 6. └─atrrr (local) ``(...) 7. └─atrrr:::make_request(...) 8. ├─httr2::req_perform(...) 9. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 10. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 11. ├─httr2::req_error(...) 12. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 13. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 14. ├─httr2::req_auth_bearer_token(...) 15. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 16. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 17. ├─httr2::req_method(...) 18. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 19. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 20. ├─httr2::request(...) 21. │ └─httr2:::new_request(base_url) 22. │ └─httr2:::check_string(url, call = error_call) 23. │ └─httr2:::.rlang_check_is_string(...) 24. │ └─rlang::is_string(x) 25. └─httr2::url_build(url = list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params))) 26. └─httr2:::stop_input_type(url, "a parsed URL") 27. └─rlang::abort(message, ..., call = call, arg = arg) ── Error ('test-feed.R:33:3'): get feed ──────────────────────────────────────── Error in `httr2::url_build(list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params)))`: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_type(get_feed(link, parse = FALSE), "list") at test-feed.R:33:3 2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), arg = "object") 3. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 4. └─atrrr::get_feed(link, parse = FALSE) 5. ├─ 6. └─atrrr (local) ``(...) 7. └─atrrr:::make_request(...) 8. ├─httr2::req_perform(...) 9. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 10. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 11. ├─httr2::req_error(...) 12. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 13. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 14. ├─httr2::req_auth_bearer_token(...) 15. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 16. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 17. ├─httr2::req_method(...) 18. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 19. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 20. ├─httr2::request(...) 21. │ └─httr2:::new_request(base_url) 22. │ └─httr2:::check_string(url, call = error_call) 23. │ └─httr2:::.rlang_check_is_string(...) 24. │ └─rlang::is_string(x) 25. └─httr2::url_build(url = list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params))) 26. └─httr2:::stop_input_type(url, "a parsed URL") 27. └─rlang::abort(message, ..., call = call, arg = arg) ── Error ('test-feed.R:41:3'): get own feed ──────────────────────────────────── Error in `httr2::url_build(list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params)))`: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_type(get_own_timeline(parse = FALSE), "list") at test-feed.R:41:3 2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), arg = "object") 3. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 4. └─atrrr::get_own_timeline(parse = FALSE) 5. ├─ 6. └─atrrr (local) ``(...) 7. └─atrrr:::make_request(...) 8. ├─httr2::req_perform(...) 9. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 10. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 11. ├─httr2::req_error(...) 12. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 13. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 14. ├─httr2::req_auth_bearer_token(...) 15. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 16. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 17. ├─httr2::req_method(...) 18. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 19. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 20. ├─httr2::request(...) 21. │ └─httr2:::new_request(base_url) 22. │ └─httr2:::check_string(url, call = error_call) 23. │ └─httr2:::.rlang_check_is_string(...) 24. │ └─rlang::is_string(x) 25. └─httr2::url_build(url = list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params))) 26. └─httr2:::stop_input_type(url, "a parsed URL") 27. └─rlang::abort(message, ..., call = call, arg = arg) ── Error ('test-feed.R:49:3'): get likes ─────────────────────────────────────── Error in `purrr::map_chr(link, function(l) { if (is_at(l)) return(l) http_info <- parse_http_url(l) if ($repo) |$rkey)) return(NA_character_) if (!is_did(http_info$repo)) { http_info$repo <- resolve_handle(http_info$repo, .token = .token) } glue::glue_data(http_info, "at://{repo}/{collection}/{rkey}") })`: i In index: 1. Caused by error in `httr2::url_build()`: ! `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Error ('test-feed.R:58:3'): get reposts ───────────────────────────────────── Error in `purrr::map_chr(link, function(l) { if (is_at(l)) return(l) http_info <- parse_http_url(l) if ($repo) |$rkey)) return(NA_character_) if (!is_did(http_info$repo)) { http_info$repo <- resolve_handle(http_info$repo, .token = .token) } glue::glue_data(http_info, "at://{repo}/{collection}/{rkey}") })`: i In index: 1. Caused by error in `httr2::url_build()`: ! `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Error ('test-feed.R:67:3'): get feed likes ────────────────────────────────── Error in `httr2::url_build(list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params)))`: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_type(get_feed_likes(link, parse = FALSE), "list") at test-feed.R:67:3 2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), arg = "object") 3. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 4. └─atrrr::get_feed_likes(link, parse = FALSE) 5. ├─ 6. └─atrrr (local) ``(...) 7. └─atrrr:::make_request(...) 8. ├─httr2::req_perform(...) 9. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 10. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 11. ├─httr2::req_error(...) 12. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 13. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 14. ├─httr2::req_auth_bearer_token(...) 15. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 16. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 17. ├─httr2::req_method(...) 18. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 19. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 20. ├─httr2::request(...) 21. │ └─httr2:::new_request(base_url) 22. │ └─httr2:::check_string(url, call = error_call) 23. │ └─httr2:::.rlang_check_is_string(...) 24. │ └─rlang::is_string(x) 25. └─httr2::url_build(url = list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params))) 26. └─httr2:::stop_input_type(url, "a parsed URL") 27. └─rlang::abort(message, ..., call = call, arg = arg) ── Error ('test-feed.R:76:3'): get thread ────────────────────────────────────── Error in `purrr::map_chr(link, function(l) { if (is_at(l)) return(l) http_info <- parse_http_url(l) if ($repo) |$rkey)) return(NA_character_) if (!is_did(http_info$repo)) { http_info$repo <- resolve_handle(http_info$repo, .token = .token) } glue::glue_data(http_info, "at://{repo}/{collection}/{rkey}") })`: i In index: 1. Caused by error in `httr2::url_build()`: ! `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Error ('test-feed.R:86:3'): get replies ───────────────────────────────────── Error in `purrr::map_chr(link, function(l) { if (is_at(l)) return(l) http_info <- parse_http_url(l) if ($repo) |$rkey)) return(NA_character_) if (!is_did(http_info$repo)) { http_info$repo <- resolve_handle(http_info$repo, .token = .token) } glue::glue_data(http_info, "at://{repo}/{collection}/{rkey}") })`: i In index: 1. Caused by error in `httr2::url_build()`: ! `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Error ('test-feed.R:93:3'): search posts ──────────────────────────────────── Error in `httr2::url_build(list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params)))`: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_type(search_post("rstats", parse = FALSE), "list") at test-feed.R:93:3 2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), arg = "object") 3. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 4. └─atrrr::search_post("rstats", parse = FALSE) 5. ├─ 6. └─atrrr (local) ``(...) 7. └─atrrr:::make_request(...) 8. ├─httr2::req_perform(...) 9. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 10. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 11. ├─httr2::req_error(...) 12. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 13. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 14. ├─httr2::req_auth_bearer_token(...) 15. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 16. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 17. ├─httr2::req_method(...) 18. │ └─httr2:::check_request(req) 19. │ └─httr2:::is_request(req) 20. ├─httr2::request(...) 21. │ └─httr2:::new_request(base_url) 22. │ └─httr2:::check_string(url, call = error_call) 23. │ └─httr2:::.rlang_check_is_string(...) 24. │ └─rlang::is_string(x) 25. └─httr2::url_build(url = list(scheme = "https", hostname = hostname, query = as.list(all_params))) 26. └─httr2:::stop_input_type(url, "a parsed URL") 27. └─rlang::abort(message, ..., call = call, arg = arg) [ FAIL 82 | WARN 0 | SKIP 2 | PASS 50 ] Error: Test failures Execution halted Package: brickster Check: tests New result: ERROR Running ‘testthat.R’ [10s/10s] Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed. Complete output: > library(testthat) > library(brickster) > library(withr) > > test_check("brickster") [ FAIL 26 | WARN 0 | SKIP 17 | PASS 255 ] ══ Skipped tests (17) ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • On CRAN (16): 'test-clusters.R:124:1', 'test-connection-pane.R:1:1', 'test-dbfs.R:61:1', 'test-experiments.R:26:1', 'test-feature-store.R:25:1', 'test-jobs.R:134:1', 'test-libraries.R:56:1', 'test-misc-helpers.R:16:1', 'test-mlflow-dbrx.R:103:1', 'test-query-history.R:1:1', 'test-secrets.R:79:1', 'test-sql-connector.R:27:1', 'test-sql-execution.R:36:1', 'test-unity-catalog.R:116:1', 'test-warehouses.R:59:1', 'test-workspace-folder.R:68:1' • Test only runs when credentials are available (1): 'test-repl.R:96:1' ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ── Error ('test-auth.R:21:3'): auth functions - baseline behaviour ───────────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_identical(db_host(), host) at test-auth.R:21:3 2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object") 3. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 4. └─brickster::db_host() 5. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 6. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-auth.R:87:3'): auth functions - switching profile ────────────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_identical(db_host(profile = NULL), host) at test-auth.R:87:3 2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object") 3. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 4. └─brickster::db_host(profile = NULL) 5. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 6. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-auth.R:149:3'): auth functions - reading .databrickscfg ──────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster::db_host(profile = "DEFAULT") at test-auth.R:149:3 2. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 3. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-auth.R:200:9'): auth functions - host handling ───────────────── Error in `map2(.x, .y, .f, ..., .progress = .progress)`: i In index: 4. i With name: Caused by error: ! Expected `db_host()` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme ── Error ('test-auth.R:238:7'): auth functions - workbench managed credentials detection ── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─withr::with_envvar(...) at test-auth.R:231:3 2. │ └─base::force(code) 3. └─brickster::db_host() at test-auth.R:238:7 4. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 5. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-auth.R:281:3'): auth functions - workbench managed credentials override env var ── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster::db_host() at test-auth.R:281:3 2. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 3. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-clusters.R:9:3'): Clusters API - don't perform ───────────────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster::db_cluster_list(perform_request = F) at test-clusters.R:9:3 2. ├─brickster:::db_request(...) 3. └─brickster::db_host() 4. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 5. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-dbfs.R:13:3'): DBFS API - don't perform ──────────────────────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster::db_dbfs_create(path = filename, perform_request = FALSE) at test-dbfs.R:13:3 2. ├─brickster:::db_request(...) 3. └─brickster::db_host() 4. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 5. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-execution-contexts.R:8:3'): Execution Contexts API - don't perform ── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster::db_context_create(...) at test-execution-contexts.R:8:3 2. ├─brickster:::db_request(...) 3. └─brickster::db_host() 4. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 5. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-experiments.R:8:3'): experiments API - don't perform ─────────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster:::db_experiments_list(max_results = 1, perform_request = FALSE) at test-experiments.R:8:3 2. ├─brickster:::db_request(...) 3. └─brickster::db_host() 4. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 5. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-feature-store.R:8:3'): Feature Store API - don't perform ─────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster:::db_feature_tables_search(perform_request = FALSE) at test-feature-store.R:8:3 2. ├─brickster:::db_request(...) 3. └─brickster::db_host() 4. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 5. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-jobs.R:8:3'): Jobs API - don't perform ───────────────────────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster::db_jobs_list(perform_request = F) at test-jobs.R:8:3 2. ├─brickster:::db_request(...) 3. └─brickster::db_host() 4. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 5. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-libraries.R:8:3'): Libraries API - don't perform ─────────────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster::db_libs_all_cluster_statuses(perform_request = F) at test-libraries.R:8:3 2. ├─brickster:::db_request(...) 3. └─brickster::db_host() 4. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 5. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-misc-helpers.R:8:3'): Misc Helpers - don't perform ───────────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster::db_current_workspace_id(perform_request = F) at test-misc-helpers.R:8:3 2. ├─brickster:::db_request(...) 3. └─brickster::db_host() 4. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 5. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-mlflow-dbrx.R:8:3'): Unity Catalog API - don't perform ───────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster:::db_mlflow_registered_models_list(perform_request = F) at test-mlflow-dbrx.R:8:3 2. ├─brickster:::db_request(...) 3. └─brickster::db_host() 4. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 5. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-repos.R:8:3'): Feature Store API - don't perform ─────────────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster::db_repo_get_all("/", perform_request = FALSE) at test-repos.R:8:3 2. ├─brickster:::db_request(...) 3. └─brickster::db_host() 4. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 5. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Failure ('test-request-helpers.R:11:5'): request helpers - building requests ── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any conditions. i Actually got a with text: `url` must be a parsed URL, not a list. ── Error ('test-request-helpers.R:21:3'): request helpers - building requests ── Error in `eval(code, test_env)`: object 'req' not found Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─testthat::expect_s3_class(req, "httr2_request") at test-request-helpers.R:21:3 2. └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), arg = "object") 3. └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) ── Error ('test-secrets.R:8:3'): Secrets API - don't perform ─────────────────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster::db_secrets_list(scope = "some_scope", perform_request = FALSE) at test-secrets.R:8:3 2. ├─brickster:::db_request(...) 3. └─brickster::db_host() 4. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 5. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-sql-execution.R:8:3'): SQL Execution API - don't perform ─────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster::db_sql_exec_query(...) at test-sql-execution.R:8:3 2. ├─brickster:::db_request(...) 3. └─brickster::db_host() 4. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 5. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-unity-catalog.R:8:3'): Unity Catalog API - don't perform ─────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster:::db_uc_metastore_summary(perform_request = F) at test-unity-catalog.R:8:3 2. ├─brickster:::db_request(...) 3. └─brickster::db_host() 4. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 5. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Failure ('test-vector-search.R:9:5'): Vector Search APIs - don't perform ──── Expected `{ ... }` to run without any errors. i Actually got a with text: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme ── Error ('test-vector-search.R:14:3'): Vector Search APIs - don't perform ───── Error in `eval(code, test_env)`: object 'req_vse_create' not found Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─testthat::expect_s3_class(req_vse_create, "httr2_request") at test-vector-search.R:14:3 2. └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), arg = "object") 3. └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) ── Error ('test-volumes.R:17:3'): Volumes API - don't perform ────────────────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster::db_volume_list(path = valid_volume_path, perform_request = F) at test-volumes.R:17:3 2. ├─brickster:::db_volume_action(...) 3. │ └─brickster:::db_request(...) 4. └─brickster::db_host() 5. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 6. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-warehouses.R:8:3'): Warehouse API - don't perform ────────────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster::db_sql_warehouse_list(perform_request = F) at test-warehouses.R:8:3 2. ├─brickster:::db_request(...) 3. └─brickster::db_host() 4. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 5. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) ── Error ('test-workspace-folder.R:8:3'): Workspace API - don't perform ──────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. └─brickster::db_workspace_list(path = "some_path", perform_request = F) at test-workspace-folder.R:8:3 2. ├─brickster:::db_request(...) 3. └─brickster::db_host() 4. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 5. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) [ FAIL 26 | WARN 0 | SKIP 17 | PASS 255 ] Error: Test failures Execution halted Package: bskyr Check: examples New result: ERROR Running examples in ‘bskyr-Ex.R’ failed The error most likely occurred in: > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv") > ### Name: bs_uri_to_url > ### Title: Convert Universal Resource Identifiers to Hypertext Transfer > ### Protocol Secure URLs > ### Aliases: bs_uri_to_url > > ### ** Examples > > bs_uri_to_url('at://did:plc:ic6zqvuw5ulmfpjiwnhsr2ns/') Error in curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) : Failed to parse URL: Port number was not a decimal number between 0 and 65535 Calls: bs_uri_to_url -> -> Execution halted Package: bskyr Check: tests New result: ERROR Running ‘spelling.R’ [0s/0s] Running ‘testthat.R’ [11s/11s] Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed. Complete output: > # This file is part of the standard setup for testthat. > # It is recommended that you do not modify it. > # > # Where should you do additional test configuration? > # Learn more about the roles of various files in: > # * > # * > > library(testthat) > library(bskyr) > > test_check("bskyr") [ FAIL 1 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 53 ] ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ── Error ('test-url_uri.R:2:3'): uri to urls works ───────────────────────────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Port number was not a decimal number between 0 and 65535 Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─testthat::expect_equal(...) at test-url_uri.R:2:3 2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object") 3. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 4. └─bskyr::bs_uri_to_url("at://did:plc:ic6zqvuw5ulmfpjiwnhsr2ns/") 5. └─httr2::url_parse(uri) 6. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) [ FAIL 1 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 53 ] Error: Test failures Execution halted Package: chattr Check: tests New result: ERROR Running ‘testthat.R’ [7s/8s] Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed. Complete output: > # This file is part of the standard setup for testthat. > # It is recommended that you do not modify it. > # > # Where should you do additional test configuration? > # Learn more about the roles of various files in: > # * > # * > > library(testthat) > library(chattr) > > test_check("chattr") -- chattr * Provider: OpenAI - Chat Completions * Path/URL: * Model: gpt-4 * Label: GPT 4 (OpenAI) [ FAIL 1 | WARN 0 | SKIP 33 | PASS 41 ] ══ Skipped tests (33) ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ • On CRAN (33): 'test-app-server.R:2:3', 'test-app-server.R:20:3', 'test-app-ui.R:2:3', 'test-app-ui.R:12:3', 'test-app-ui.R:17:3', 'test-app-ui.R:24:3', 'test-backend-databricks.R:12:3', 'test-backend-databricks.R:90:3', 'test-backend-llamagpt.R:14:3', 'test-backend-llamagpt.R:48:3', 'test-backend-llamagpt.R:64:3', 'test-backend-llamagpt.R:68:3', 'test-backend-openai.R:12:3', 'test-backend-openai.R:89:3', 'test-backend-openai.R:121:3', 'test-backend-openai.R:156:3', 'test-backend-openai.R:174:3', 'test-ch-defaults-save.R:3:3', 'test-ch_context.R:2:3', 'test-ch_context.R:12:3', 'test-ch_defaults.R:2:3', 'test-ch_defaults.R:9:3', 'test-ch_defaults.R:19:3', 'test-chattr-test.R:4:3', 'test-chattr-test.R:13:3', 'test-chattr-test.R:22:3', 'test-chattr-use.R:7:7', 'test-chattr-use.R:14:3', 'test-chattr-use.R:33:3', 'test-chattr.R:11:3', 'test-chattr.R:15:3', 'test-chattr.R:26:3', 'test-utils.R:6:3' ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ── Error ('test-backend-databricks.R:36:7'): Completion function works ───────── Error in `curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE)`: Failed to parse URL: Bad scheme Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─withr::with_envvar(...) at test-backend-databricks.R:22:3 2. │ └─base::force(code) 3. ├─testthat::expect_null(...) at test-backend-databricks.R:36:7 4. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object") 5. │ └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo)) 6. └─chattr:::ch_databricks_complete(...) 7. └─httr2::url_parse(host) 8. └─curl::curl_parse_url(url, baseurl = base_url, decode = FALSE) [ FAIL 1 | WARN 0 | SKIP 33 | PASS 41 ] Deleting unused snapshots: • app-server/001.json • app-server/002.json • app-server/003.json • app-server/004.json Error: Test failures Execution halted