test_that("can stream bytes from a connection", { resp <- request_test("/stream-bytes/2048") %>% req_perform_connection() withr::defer(close(resp)) expect_s3_class(resp, "httr2_response") expect_true(resp_has_body(resp)) out <- resp_stream_raw(resp, 1) expect_length(out, 1024) out <- resp_stream_raw(resp, 1) expect_length(out, 1024) out <- resp_stream_raw(resp, 1) expect_length(out, 0) }) test_that("can determine if a stream is complete (blocking)", { resp <- request_test("/stream-bytes/2048") %>% req_perform_connection() withr::defer(close(resp)) expect_false(resp_stream_is_complete(resp)) expect_length(resp_stream_raw(resp, kb = 2), 2048) expect_length(resp_stream_raw(resp, kb = 1), 0) expect_true(resp_stream_is_complete(resp)) }) test_that("can determine if a stream is complete (non-blocking)", { resp <- request_test("/stream-bytes/2048") %>% req_perform_connection(blocking = FALSE) withr::defer(close(resp)) expect_false(resp_stream_is_complete(resp)) expect_length(resp_stream_raw(resp, kb = 2), 2048) expect_length(resp_stream_raw(resp, kb = 1), 0) expect_true(resp_stream_is_complete(resp)) }) test_that("can determine if incomplete data is complete", { req <- local_app_request(function(req, res) { res$send_chunk("data: 1\n\n") res$send_chunk("data: ") }) con <- req %>% req_perform_connection(blocking = TRUE) expect_equal(resp_stream_sse(con, 10), list(type = "message", data = "1", id = character())) expect_snapshot(expect_equal(resp_stream_sse(con), NULL)) expect_true(resp_stream_is_complete(con)) close(con) }) test_that("can't read from a closed connection", { resp <- request_test("/stream-bytes/1024") %>% req_perform_connection() close(resp) expect_false(resp_has_body(resp)) expect_snapshot(resp_stream_raw(resp, 1), error = TRUE) # and no error if we try to close it again expect_no_error(close(resp)) }) test_that("can join lines across multiple reads", { req <- local_app_request(function(req, res) { res$send_chunk("This is a ") Sys.sleep(0.2) res$send_chunk("complete sentence.\n") }) # Non-blocking returns NULL until data is ready resp1 <- req_perform_connection(req, blocking = FALSE) withr::defer(close(resp1)) out <- resp_stream_lines(resp1) expect_equal(out, character()) expect_equal(resp1$cache$push_back, charToRaw("This is a ")) while (length(out) == 0) { Sys.sleep(0.1) out <- resp_stream_lines(resp1) } expect_equal(out, "This is a complete sentence.") }) test_that("handles line endings of multiple kinds", { req <- local_app_request(function(req, res) { res$set_header("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=Shift_JIS") res$send_chunk(as.raw(c(0x82, 0xA0, 0x0A))) Sys.sleep(0.1) res$send_chunk("crlf\r\n") Sys.sleep(0.1) res$send_chunk("lf\n") Sys.sleep(0.1) res$send_chunk("cr\r") Sys.sleep(0.1) res$send_chunk("half line/") Sys.sleep(0.1) res$send_chunk("other half\n") Sys.sleep(0.1) res$send_chunk("broken crlf\r") Sys.sleep(0.1) res$send_chunk("\nanother line\n") Sys.sleep(0.1) res$send_chunk("eof without line ending") }) resp1 <- req_perform_connection(req, blocking = TRUE) withr::defer(close(resp1)) for (expected in c("\u3042", "crlf", "lf", "cr", "half line/other half", "broken crlf", "another line")) { rlang::inject(expect_equal(resp_stream_lines(resp1), !!expected)) } expect_warning( expect_equal(resp_stream_lines(resp1), "eof without line ending"), "incomplete final line" ) expect_identical(resp_stream_lines(resp1), character(0)) # Same test, but now, non-blocking resp2 <- req_perform_connection(req, blocking = FALSE) withr::defer(close(resp2)) for (expected in c("\u3042", "crlf", "lf", "cr", "half line/other half", "broken crlf", "another line")) { repeat { out <- resp_stream_lines(resp2) if (length(out) > 0) { rlang::inject(expect_equal(out, !!expected)) break } } } expect_warning( repeat { out <- resp_stream_lines(resp2) if (length(out) > 0) { expect_equal(out, "eof without line ending") break } }, "incomplete final line" ) }) test_that("streams the specified number of lines", { req <- local_app_request(function(req, res) { res$send_chunk(paste0(letters[1:5], "\n", collapse = "")) }) resp1 <- req_perform_connection(req, blocking = TRUE) withr::defer(close(resp1)) expect_equal( resp_stream_lines(resp1, 3), c("a", "b", "c") ) expect_equal( resp_stream_lines(resp1, 3), c("d", "e") ) expect_equal( resp_stream_lines(resp1, 3), character() ) resp2 <- req_perform_connection(req, blocking = FALSE) withr::defer(close(resp2)) Sys.sleep(0.2) expect_equal( resp_stream_lines(resp2, 3), c("a", "b", "c") ) expect_equal( resp_stream_lines(resp2, 3), c("d", "e") ) expect_equal( resp_stream_lines(resp2, 3), character() ) }) test_that("can feed sse events one at a time", { req <- local_app_request(function(req, res) { for (i in 1:3) { res$send_chunk(sprintf("data: %s\n\n", i)) } }) resp <- req_perform_connection(req) withr::defer(close(resp)) expect_equal( resp_stream_sse(resp), list(type = "message", data = "1", id = character()) ) expect_equal( resp_stream_sse(resp), list(type = "message", data = "2", id = character()) ) resp_stream_sse(resp) expect_equal(resp_stream_sse(resp), NULL) }) test_that("can join sse events across multiple reads", { req <- local_app_request(function(req, res) { res$send_chunk("data: 1\n") Sys.sleep(0.2) res$send_chunk("data") Sys.sleep(0.2) res$send_chunk(": 2\n") res$send_chunk("\ndata: 3\n\n") }) # Non-blocking returns NULL until data is ready resp1 <- req_perform_connection(req, blocking = FALSE) withr::defer(close(resp1)) out <- resp_stream_sse(resp1) expect_equal(out, NULL) expect_equal(resp1$cache$push_back, charToRaw("data: 1\n")) while (is.null(out)) { Sys.sleep(0.1) out <- resp_stream_sse(resp1) } expect_equal(out, list(type = "message", data = c("1", "2"), id = character())) expect_equal(resp1$cache$push_back, charToRaw("data: 3\n\n")) out <- resp_stream_sse(resp1) expect_equal(out, list(type = "message", data = "3", id = character())) # Blocking waits for a complete event resp2 <- req_perform_connection(req) withr::defer(close(resp2)) out <- resp_stream_sse(resp2) expect_equal(out, list(type = "message", data = c("1", "2"), id = character())) }) test_that("sse always interprets data as UTF-8", { req <- local_app_request(function(req, res) { res$send_chunk("data: \xE3\x81\x82\r\n\r\n") }) withr::with_locale(c(LC_CTYPE = "C"), { # Non-blocking returns NULL until data is ready resp1 <- req_perform_connection(req, blocking = FALSE) withr::defer(close(resp1)) out <- NULL while (is.null(out)) { Sys.sleep(0.1) out <- resp_stream_sse(resp1) } s <- "\xE3\x81\x82" Encoding(s) <- "UTF-8" expect_equal(out, list(type = "message", data = s, id = character())) expect_equal(Encoding(out$data), "UTF-8") expect_equal(resp1$cache$push_back, raw()) }) }) test_that("streaming size limits enforced", { req <- local_app_request(function(req, res) { data_size <- 1000 data <- paste(rep_len("0", data_size), collapse = "") res$send_chunk(data) }) resp1 <- req_perform_connection(req, blocking = FALSE) withr::defer(close(resp1)) expect_error( while (is.null(out)) { Sys.sleep(0.1) out <- resp_stream_sse(resp1, max_size = 999) } ) resp2 <- req_perform_connection(req, blocking = TRUE) withr::defer(close(resp2)) expect_error( out <- resp_stream_sse(resp2, max_size = 999) ) resp3 <- req_perform_connection(req, blocking = TRUE) withr::defer(close(resp3)) expect_error( out <- resp_stream_lines(resp3, max_size = 999) ) }) test_that("verbosity = 2 streams request bodies", { req <- local_app_request(function(req, res) { res$send_chunk("line 1\n") res$send_chunk("line 2\n") }) stream_all <- function(req, fun, ...) { con <- req_perform_connection(req, blocking = TRUE, verbosity = 2) on.exit(close(con)) while (!resp_stream_is_complete(con)) { fun(con, ...) } } expect_snapshot( { stream_all(req, resp_stream_lines, 1) stream_all(req, resp_stream_raw, 5 / 1024) }, transform = function(lines) lines[!grepl("^(<-|->)", lines)] ) }) test_that("verbosity = 3 shows buffer info", { req <- local_app_request(function(req, res) { res$send_chunk("line 1\n") res$send_chunk("line 2\n") }) con <- req_perform_connection(req, blocking = TRUE, verbosity = 3) on.exit(close(con)) expect_snapshot( { while (!resp_stream_is_complete(con)) { resp_stream_lines(con, 1) } }, transform = function(lines) lines[!grepl("^(<-|->)", lines)] ) }) test_that("has a working find_event_boundary", { boundary_test <- function(x, matched, remaining) { buffer <- charToRaw(x) split_at <- find_event_boundary(buffer) result <- if (is.null(split_at)) { NULL } else { split_buffer(buffer, split_at) } expect_identical( result, list(matched = charToRaw(matched), remaining = charToRaw(remaining)) ) } # Basic matches boundary_test("\r\r", matched = "\r\r", remaining = "") boundary_test("\n\n", matched = "\n\n", remaining = "") boundary_test("\r\n\r\n", matched = "\r\n\r\n", remaining = "") boundary_test("a\r\r", matched = "a\r\r", remaining = "") boundary_test("a\n\n", matched = "a\n\n", remaining = "") boundary_test("a\r\n\r\n", matched = "a\r\n\r\n", remaining = "") boundary_test("\r\ra", matched = "\r\r", remaining = "a") boundary_test("\n\na", matched = "\n\n", remaining = "a") boundary_test("\r\n\r\na", matched = "\r\n\r\n", remaining = "a") # Matches the first boundary found boundary_test("\r\r\r", matched = "\r\r", remaining = "\r") boundary_test("\r\r\r\r", matched = "\r\r", remaining = "\r\r") boundary_test("\n\n\r\r", matched = "\n\n", remaining = "\r\r") boundary_test("\r\r\n\n", matched = "\r\r", remaining = "\n\n") # Non-matches expect_null(find_event_boundary(charToRaw("\n\r\n\r"))) expect_null(find_event_boundary(charToRaw("hello\ngoodbye\n"))) expect_null(find_event_boundary(charToRaw(""))) expect_null(find_event_boundary(charToRaw("1"))) expect_null(find_event_boundary(charToRaw("12"))) expect_null(find_event_boundary(charToRaw("\r\n\r"))) })