test_that("can extract headers and check for existence", { resp <- response(headers = "Content-Type: application/json") expect_type(resp_headers(resp), "list") expect_equal(resp_header(resp, "Content-Type"), "application/json") expect_equal(resp_header_exists(resp, "Content-Type"), TRUE) }) test_that("headers are case-insenstive", { resp <- response(headers = "Content-Type: application/json") expect_equal(resp_header(resp, "content-type"), "application/json") expect_equal(resp_header_exists(resp, "content-type"), TRUE) }) test_that("has tools for non-existent headers", { resp <- response() expect_equal(resp_header(resp, "non-existent"), NULL) expect_equal(resp_header(resp, "non-existent", "xyz"), "xyz") expect_equal(resp_header_exists(resp, "non-existent"), FALSE) }) test_that("can extract content type/encoding", { resp <- response(headers = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=latin1") expect_equal(resp_content_type(resp), "text/html") expect_equal(resp_encoding(resp), "latin1") }) test_that("can parse date header", { resp <- response(headers = "Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 16:06:00 GMT") expect_equal(resp_date(resp), local_time('2016-07-18 16:06:06')) }) test_that("can parse both forms of retry-after header", { resp_abs <- response(headers = c( "Retry-After: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 16:06:10 GMT", "Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2016 16:06:00 GMT" )) expect_equal(resp_retry_after(resp_abs), 10) resp_rel <- response(headers = c( "Retry-After: 20" )) expect_equal(resp_retry_after(resp_rel), 20) resp_rel <- response() expect_equal(resp_retry_after(resp_rel), NA) }) test_that("can extract specified link url", { resp <- response(headers = paste0( 'Link: ; rel="next",', '; rel="last"' )) expect_equal(resp_link_url(resp, "next"), "https://example.com/1") expect_equal(resp_link_url(resp, "last"), "https://example.com/2") # Falling back to NULL if not found expect_equal(resp_link_url(resp, "first"), NULL) expect_equal(resp_link_url(response(), "first"), NULL) }) test_that("can extract from multiple link headers", { resp <- response(headers = c( 'Link: ; rel="next"', 'Link: ; rel="last"' )) expect_equal(resp_link_url(resp, "next"), "https://example.com/1") expect_equal(resp_link_url(resp, "last"), "https://example.com/2") })