test_that("can add and remove options", {
  req <- request("http://example.com")
  req <- req %>% req_options(x = 1)
  expect_equal(req$options, list(x = 1))
  req <- req %>% req_options(x = NULL)
  expect_equal(req$options, list())

test_that("can add header called req", {
  req <- request("http://example.com")
  req <- req %>% req_options(req = 1)
  expect_equal(req$options, list(req = 1))

test_that("can set user agent", {
  ua <- function(...) {
    request("http://example.com") %>%
      req_user_agent(...) %>%
      .$options %>%

  expect_match(ua(), "libcurl")
  expect_equal(ua("abc"), "abc")

  # non-R-ish library version for curl, #416
    curl_system_version = function(...) "8.4.0-DEV",
    code = expect_match(ua(), "libcurl/8.4.0-DEV")

test_that("can set timeout", {
  req <- request_test("/delay/:secs", secs = 1) %>% req_timeout(0.1)
  expect_error(req_perform(req), "timed out")

test_that("validates inputs", {
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
    request_test() %>% req_timeout("x")
    request_test() %>% req_timeout(0)

test_that("can request verbose record of request", {
  req <- request_test("/post") %>% req_body_raw("This is some text")

  # Snapshot test of what can be made reproducible
  req1 <- req %>%
    req_headers("Host" = "http://example.com") %>%
    req_headers(`Accept-Encoding` = "gzip") %>%
    req_user_agent("verbose") %>%
    req_verbose(header_resp = FALSE, body_req = TRUE)

  # Lightweight test for everything else
  req2 <- req %>% req_verbose(info = TRUE, body_resp = TRUE)

test_that("req_proxy gives helpful errors", {
  req <- request_test("/get")
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, {
    req %>% req_proxy(port = "abc")
    req %>% req_proxy("abc", auth = "bsc")


test_that("auth_flags gives correct constant", {
  expect_equal(auth_flags("digest"), 2)
  expect_equal(auth_flags("ntlm"), 8)
  expect_equal(auth_flags("any"), -17)