# oauth_flow_fetch -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("turns oauth errors to R errors", { req <- request("http://example.com") local_mocked_bindings(req_perform = function(...) { response_json(400L, body = list(error = "1", error_description = "abc")) }) expect_snapshot(oauth_flow_fetch(req, "test"), error = TRUE) }) # oauth_flow_parse -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("userful errors if response isn't parseable", { resp1 <- response(headers = list(`content-type` = "text/plain")) resp2 <- response_json(body = list()) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { oauth_flow_parse(resp1, "test") oauth_flow_parse(resp2, "test") }) }) test_that("can inspect the original response if response isn't parseable", { resp1 <- response(headers = list(`content-type` = "text/plain")) resp2 <- response_json(body = list()) tryCatch( oauth_flow_parse(resp1, "test"), httr2_oauth_parse = function(cnd) { expect_equal(cnd$resp, resp1) } ) tryCatch( oauth_flow_parse(resp2, "test"), httr2_oauth_parse = function(cnd) { expect_equal(cnd$resp, resp2) } ) }) test_that("returns body if known good structure", { resp <- response_json(body = list(access_token = "10")) expect_equal(oauth_flow_parse(resp, "test"), list(access_token = "10")) resp <- response_json(body = list(device_code = "10")) expect_equal(oauth_flow_parse(resp, "test"), list(device_code = "10")) resp <- response_json(403L, body = list(error = "10")) expect_snapshot(oauth_flow_parse(resp, "test"), error = TRUE) }) test_that("converts expires_in to numeric", { resp <- response_json(200L, body = list(access_token = "10", expires_in = "20")) body <- oauth_flow_parse(resp, "test") expect_equal(body$expires_in, 20) })