test_that("desktop style can't run in hosted environment", { client <- oauth_client("abc", "http://example.com") withr::local_options(rlang_interactive = TRUE) withr::local_envvar("RSTUDIO_PROGRAM_MODE" = "server") expect_snapshot( oauth_flow_auth_code(client, "http://localhost"), error = TRUE ) }) test_that("so-called 'hosted' sessions are detected correctly", { withr::with_envvar(c("RSTUDIO_PROGRAM_MODE" = "server"), { expect_true(is_hosted_session()) }) # Emulate running outside RStudio Server if we happen to be running our tests # under it. withr::with_envvar(c("RSTUDIO_PROGRAM_MODE" = NA), { expect_false(is_hosted_session()) }) }) test_that("URL embedding authorisation code and state can be input manually", { local_mocked_bindings( readline = function(prompt = "") "https://x.com?code=code&state=state" ) expect_equal(oauth_flow_auth_code_read("state"), "code") expect_error(oauth_flow_auth_code_read("invalid"), "state does not match") }) test_that("JSON-encoded authorisation codes can be input manually", { input <- list(state = "state", code = "code") encoded <- openssl::base64_encode(jsonlite::toJSON(input)) local_mocked_bindings( readline = function(prompt = "") encoded ) expect_equal(oauth_flow_auth_code_read("state"), "code") expect_error(oauth_flow_auth_code_read("invalid"), "state does not match") }) test_that("bare authorisation codes can be input manually", { state <- base64_url_rand(32) sent_code <- FALSE local_mocked_bindings( readline = function(prompt = "") { if (sent_code) { state } else { sent_code <<- TRUE "zyx987" } } ) expect_equal(oauth_flow_auth_code_read(state), "zyx987") expect_error(oauth_flow_auth_code_read("invalid"), "state does not match") }) # normalize_redirect_uri -------------------------------------------------- test_that("adds port to localhost url", { # Allow tests to run when is_hosted_session() is TRUE. local_mocked_bindings(is_hosted_session = function() FALSE) redirect <- normalize_redirect_uri("http://localhost") expect_false(is.null(url_parse(redirect$uri)$port)) redirect <- normalize_redirect_uri("") expect_false(is.null(url_parse(redirect$uri)$port)) }) test_that("old args are deprecated", { # Allow tests to run when is_hosted_session() is TRUE. local_mocked_bindings(is_hosted_session = function() FALSE) expect_snapshot( redirect <- normalize_redirect_uri("http://localhost", port = 1234) ) expect_equal(redirect$uri, "http://localhost:1234/") expect_snapshot( redirect <- normalize_redirect_uri("http://x.com", host_name = "y.com") ) expect_equal(redirect$uri, "http://y.com/") expect_snapshot( redirect <- normalize_redirect_uri("http://x.com", host_ip = "y.com") ) }) # ouath_flow_auth_code_parse ---------------------------------------------- test_that("forwards oauth error", { query1 <- query2 <- list(error = "123", error_description = "A bad error") query2$error_uri <- "http://example.com" query3 <- list(state = "def") expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { oauth_flow_auth_code_parse(query1, "abc") oauth_flow_auth_code_parse(query2, "abc") oauth_flow_auth_code_parse(query3, "abc") }) }) # can_fetch_auth_code ----------------------------------------------------- test_that("external auth code sources are detected correctly", { # False by default. expect_false(can_fetch_oauth_code("http://localhost:8080/redirect")) # Only true in the presence of certain environment variables. env <- c( "HTTR2_OAUTH_CODE_SOURCE_URL" = "http://localhost:8080/code", "HTTR2_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL" = "http://localhost:8080/redirect" ) withr::with_envvar(env, { expect_true(can_fetch_oauth_code("http://localhost:8080/redirect")) # Non-matching redirect URLs should not count as external sources, either. expect_false(can_fetch_oauth_code("http://localhost:9090/redirect")) }) }) # oauth_flow_auth_code_fetch ---------------------------------------------- test_that("auth codes can be retrieved from an external source", { skip_on_cran() req <- local_app_request(function(req, res) { # Error on first, and then respond on second authorized <- res$app$locals$authorized %||% FALSE if (!authorized) { res$app$locals$authorized <- TRUE res$ set_status(404L)$ set_type("text/plain")$ send("Not found") } else { res$ set_status(200L)$ send_json(text = '{"code":"abc123"}') } }) withr::local_envvar("HTTR2_OAUTH_CODE_SOURCE_URL" = req$url) expect_equal(oauth_flow_auth_code_fetch("ignored"), "abc123") })