test_that("must be call to curl", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, curl_translate("echo foo")) }) test_that("must have cmd argument if non-interactive", { expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, curl_translate()) }) test_that("captures key components of call", { expect_equal(curl_args("curl http://x.com"), list(`` = "http://x.com")) # Quotes are stripped expect_equal(curl_args("curl 'http://x.com'"), list(`` = "http://x.com")) expect_equal(curl_args('curl "http://x.com"'), list(`` = "http://x.com")) # Url can come before or after arguments expect_equal( curl_args("curl -H 'A: 1' 'http://example.com'"), curl_args("curl 'http://example.com' -H 'A: 1'") ) # long name and short name are equivalent expect_equal( curl_args("curl 'http://example.com' --header 'A: 1'"), curl_args("curl 'http://example.com' -H 'A: 1'") ) # can repeat args expect_equal( curl_args("curl 'http://example.com' -H 'A: 1' -H 'B: 2'")$`--header`, c("A: 1", "B: 2") ) # Captures flags expect_equal(curl_args("curl 'http://example.com' --verbose")$`--verbose`, TRUE) }) test_that("can accept multiple data arguments", { expect_equal( curl_args("curl https://example.com -d x=1 -d y=2")$`--data`, c("x=1", "y=2") ) }) test_that("can handle line breaks", { expect_equal( curl_args("curl 'http://example.com' \\\n -H 'A: 1' \\\n -H 'B: 2'")$`--header`, c("A: 1", "B: 2") ) }) test_that("headers are parsed", { expect_equal( curl_normalize("curl http://x.com -H 'A: 1'")$headers, new_headers(list(A = "1")) ) expect_equal( curl_normalize("curl http://x.com -H 'B:'")$headers, new_headers(list(B = "")) ) }) test_that("user-agent and referer become headers", { expect_equal( curl_normalize("curl http://x.com -A test")$headers, as_headers(list("user-agent" = "test")) ) expect_equal( curl_normalize("curl http://x.com -e test")$headers, as_headers(list("referer" = "test")) ) }) test_that("common headers can be removed", { sec_fetch_headers <- "-H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors'" sec_ch_ua_headers <- "-H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0'" other_headers <- "-H 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json'" cmd <- paste("curl http://x.com -A agent -e ref", sec_fetch_headers, sec_ch_ua_headers, other_headers) headers <- curl_normalize(cmd)$headers expect_snapshot({ print(curl_simplify_headers(headers, simplify_headers = TRUE)) print(curl_simplify_headers(headers, simplify_headers = FALSE)) }) }) test_that("extract user name and password", { expect_equal( curl_normalize("curl http://x.com -u name:pass")$auth, list(username = "name", password = "pass") ) expect_equal( curl_normalize("curl http://x.com -u name")$auth, list(username = "name", password = "") ) }) test_that("can override default method", { expect_equal(curl_normalize("curl http://x.com")$method, NULL) expect_equal(curl_normalize("curl http://x.com --get")$method, "GET") expect_equal(curl_normalize("curl http://x.com --head")$method, "HEAD") expect_equal(curl_normalize("curl http://x.com -X PUT")$method, "PUT") }) test_that("prefers explicit url", { expect_equal(curl_normalize("curl 'http://x.com'")$url, "http://x.com") expect_equal(curl_normalize("curl --url 'http://x.com'")$url, "http://x.com") # prefers explicit expect_equal( curl_normalize("curl 'http://x.com' --url 'http://y.com'")$url, "http://y.com" ) }) test_that("can translate to httr calls", { skip_if(getRversion() < "4.1") expect_snapshot({ curl_translate("curl http://x.com") curl_translate("curl http://x.com -X DELETE") curl_translate("curl http://x.com -H A:1") curl_translate("curl http://x.com -H 'A B:1'") curl_translate("curl http://x.com -u u:p") curl_translate("curl http://x.com --verbose") }) }) test_that("can translate query", { skip_if(getRversion() < "4.1") expect_snapshot({ curl_translate("curl http://x.com?string=abcde&b=2") }) }) test_that("can translate data", { skip_if(getRversion() < "4.1") expect_snapshot({ curl_translate("curl http://example.com --data abcdef") curl_translate("curl http://example.com --data abcdef -H Content-Type:text/plain") }) }) test_that("can translate ocokies", { skip_if(getRversion() < "4.1") expect_snapshot({ curl_translate("curl 'http://test' -H 'Cookie: x=1; y=2;z=3'") }) }) test_that("can translate json", { skip_if(getRversion() < "4.1") expect_snapshot({ curl_translate(r"--{curl http://example.com --data-raw '{"a": 1, "b": "text"}' -H Content-Type:application/json}--") curl_translate(r"--{curl http://example.com --json '{"a": 1, "b": "text"}'}--") }) }) test_that("content type stays in header if no data", { skip_if(getRversion() < "4.1") expect_snapshot( curl_translate("curl http://example.com -H Content-Type:text/plain") ) }) test_that("can evaluate simple calls", { request_test() # hack to start server resp <- curl_translate_eval(glue("curl {the$test_app$url()}/get -H A:1")) body <- resp_body_json(resp) expect_equal(body$headers$A, "1") resp <- curl_translate_eval(glue("curl {the$test_app$url()}/post --data A=1")) body <- resp_body_json(resp) expect_equal(body$form$A, "1") resp <- curl_translate_eval(glue("curl {the$test_app$url()}/delete -X delete")) body <- resp_body_json(resp) expect_equal(body$method, "delete") resp <- curl_translate_eval(glue("curl {the$test_app$url()}//basic-auth/u/p -u u:p")) body <- resp_body_json(resp) expect_true(body$authenticated) }) test_that("can read from clipboard", { # need to skip on remote environment (CI or Workbench) and CRAN as can't read from clipboard there skip_on_ci() skip_on_cran() skip_if_not_installed("clipr") skip_if(getRversion() < "4.1") skip_if(is_hosted_session()) # need to set env var so that `read/write_clip()` works in non-interactive mode withr::local_envvar(CLIPR_ALLOW = TRUE) # suppress warning because the clipboard might contain no readable text old_clip <- suppressWarnings(clipr::read_clip()) withr::defer(clipr::write_clip(old_clip)) rlang::local_interactive() clipr::write_clip("curl 'http://example.com' \\\n -H 'A: 1' \\\n -H 'B: 2'") expect_snapshot({ curl_translate() # also writes to clip clipr::read_clip() }) }) test_that("encode_string2() produces simple strings", { # double quotes is standard expect_equal(encode_string2("x"), encodeString("x", quote = '"')) # use single quotes if double quotes but not single quotes expect_equal(encode_string2('x"x'), encodeString('x"x', quote = "'")) skip_if_not(getRversion() >= "4.0.0") # use raw string if single and double quotes are used expect_equal(encode_string2('x"\'x'), 'r"---{x"\'x}---"') skip_if(getRversion() < "4.1") cmd <- paste0("curl 'http://example.com' \ -X 'PATCH' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw ", '{"data":{"x":1,"y":"a","nested":{"z":[1,2,3]}}}', "\ --compressed") expect_snapshot(curl_translate(cmd)) })