test_that("encryption and decryption of string is symmetric", { key <- secret_make_key() x <- "Testing 1...2...3..." enc <- secret_encrypt(x, key) dec <- secret_decrypt(enc, key) expect_equal(dec, x) }) test_that("encryption and decryption of object is symmetric", { key <- secret_make_key() path <- withr::local_tempfile() x1 <- list(1:10, letters) secret_write_rds(x1, path, key) x2 <- secret_read_rds(path, key) expect_equal(x1, x2) }) test_that("encryption and decryption of file is symmetric", { key <- secret_make_key() path <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = letters) secret_encrypt_file(path, key) local({ path_dec <<- secret_decrypt_file(path, key) expect_equal(readLines(path_dec, warn = FALSE), letters) }) expect_false(file.exists(path_dec)) }) test_that("can unobfuscate obfuscated string", { x <- obfuscated("qw6Ua_n2LR_xzuk2uqp2dhb5OaE") expect_equal(unobfuscate(x), "test") }) test_that("obfuscated strings are hidden", { expect_snapshot({ x <- obfuscated("abcdef") x str(x) }) }) test_that("unobfuscate operates recursively", { expect_equal(unobfuscate(NULL), NULL) expect_equal(unobfuscate("x"), "x") expect_equal(unobfuscate(list(list(obfuscated("qw6Ua_n2LR_xzuk2uqp2dhb5OaE")))), list(list("test"))) }) test_that("secret_has_key returns FALSE/TRUE", { withr::local_envvar(ENVVAR_THAT_DOES_EXIST = "1") expect_equal(secret_has_key("ENVVAR_THAT_DOESNT_EXIST"), FALSE) expect_equal(secret_has_key("ENVVAR_THAT_DOES_EXIST"), TRUE) }) test_that("can coerce to a key", { expect_equal(as_key(I("YWJj")), charToRaw("abc")) expect_equal(as_key(as.raw(c(1, 2, 3))), as.raw(c(1, 2, 3))) withr::local_envvar(KEY = "YWJj", TESTTHAT = "false") expect_equal(as_key("KEY"), charToRaw("abc")) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { as_key("ENVVAR_THAT_DOESNT_EXIST") as_key(1) }) })