path_example_site <- function(...) { system.file("example-static-site", ..., package = "httpuv") } index_file_content <- raw_file_content(path_example_site("index.html")) office_file_content <- raw_file_content(path_example_site("office.html")) expect_example_site <- function(port, host = "") { res <- fetch(local_url("/index.html", port), gzip = FALSE) expect_equal(res$status_code, 200) expect_identical(res$content, index_file_content) res <- fetch(local_url("/office.html", port), gzip = FALSE) expect_equal(res$status_code, 200) expect_identical(res$content, office_file_content) } start_example_server <- function(port) { r <- callr::r_bg( function(port) { ex <- system.file("example-static-site", package = "httpuv") httpuv::runStaticServer(ex, port = port, background = FALSE, browse = FALSE) }, list(port = port) ) max <- Sys.time() + 2 while(length(r$read_error_lines()) == 0) { if (Sys.time() > max) { stop("Server didn't start up in 2 seconds") } Sys.sleep(0.1) } r } test_that("runStaticServer() in foreground with custom port", { port <- randomPort() r <- start_example_server(port) on.exit({ r$kill() }, add = TRUE) expect_example_site(port) }) test_that("runStaticServer() in foreground with default port", { skip_if_not(is_port_available(7446)) r <- start_example_server(NULL) on.exit({ r$kill() }, add = TRUE) expect_example_site(7446) }) test_that("runStaticServer() throws an error for invalid ports", { on.exit({ stopAllServers() }) # in case of a test failure expect_error( runStaticServer(path_example_site(), port = 0, background = TRUE) ) expect_error( runStaticServer(path_example_site(), port = 700:720, background = TRUE) ) expect_error( runStaticServer(path_example_site(), port = 74469, background = TRUE) ) expect_error( runStaticServer(path_example_site(), port = "1234", background = TRUE) ) }) test_that("runStaticServer() throws an error if the requested port is used", { on.exit({ stopAllServers() }) # in case of a test failure find_unsafe_port <- function() { for (port in unsafe_ports) { if (!is_port_available(port)) { return(port) } } } expect_error( runStaticServer(path_example_site(), port = find_unsafe_port(), background = TRUE) ) }) test_that("runStaticServer() in background uses default port", { skip_if_not(is_port_available(7446)) s <- runStaticServer(path_example_site(), background = TRUE, browse = FALSE) on.exit({ stopServer(s) }, add = TRUE) expect_example_site(7446) }) test_that("runStaticServer() in background uses default port or random port", { skip_if_not(is_port_available(7446)) s1 <- runStaticServer(path_example_site(), background = TRUE, browse = FALSE) on.exit({ s1$stop() }, add = TRUE) s2 <- runStaticServer(path_example_site(), background = TRUE, browse = FALSE) on.exit({ s2$stop() }, add = TRUE) expect_example_site(7446) expect_example_site(s2$getPort()) }) test_that("runStaticServer() in background errors if requested port is in use", { s1 <- runStaticServer(path_example_site(), background = TRUE, browse = FALSE) on.exit({ s1$stop() }, add = TRUE) used_port <- s1$getPort() expect_error({ s2 <- runStaticServer(path_example_site(), port = used_port, background = TRUE, browse = FALSE) s2$stop() # clean up in case test fails }) }) test_that("runStaticServer() prints informative console messages", { local_edition(3) expect_snapshot({ s <- runStaticServer(path_example_site(), background = TRUE, browse = FALSE) s$stop() }, transform = function(x) { sub(path_example_site(), "/Users/user/path/to/site", x, fixed = TRUE) }) })