context("static") index_file_content <- raw_file_content(test_path("apps/content/index.html")) data_file_content <- raw_file_content(test_path("apps/content/data.txt")) subdir_index_file_content <- raw_file_content(test_path("apps/content/subdir/index.html")) index_file_1_content <- raw_file_content(test_path("apps/content_1/index.html")) test_that("Basic static file serving", { s <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( staticPaths = list( # Testing out various leading and trailing slashes "/" = test_path("apps/content"), "/1" = test_path("apps/content"), "/2/" = test_path("apps/content/"), "3" = test_path("apps/content"), "4/" = test_path("apps/content/") ), staticPathOptions = staticPathOptions( headers = list("Test-Code-Path" = "C++") ) ) ) on.exit(s$stop()) # Fetch index.html r <- fetch(local_url("/", s$getPort()), gzip = FALSE) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(r$content, index_file_content) # index.html for subdirectory r_subdir <- fetch(local_url("/subdir", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r_subdir$status_code, 200) expect_identical(r_subdir$content, subdir_index_file_content) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(as.integer(h$`content-length`), length(index_file_content)) expect_equal(as.integer(h$`content-length`), length(r$content)) expect_identical(h$`content-type`, "text/html; charset=utf-8") expect_identical(h$`test-code-path`, "C++") # Check that response time is within 1 minute of now. (Possible DST problems?) expect_true(abs(as.numeric(parse_http_date(h$date)) - as.numeric(Sys.time())) < 60) # Testing index for other paths r1 <- fetch(local_url("/1", s$getPort()), gzip = FALSE) h1 <- parse_headers_list(r1$headers) expect_identical(r$content, r1$content) expect_identical(h$`content-length`, h1$`content-length`) expect_identical(h$`content-type`, h1$`content-type`) r2 <- fetch(local_url("/1/", s$getPort()), gzip = FALSE) h2 <- parse_headers_list(r2$headers) expect_identical(r$content, r2$content) expect_identical(h$`content-length`, h2$`content-length`) expect_identical(h$`content-type`, h2$`content-type`) r3 <- fetch(local_url("/1/index.html", s$getPort()), gzip = FALSE) h3 <- parse_headers_list(r3$headers) expect_identical(r$content, r3$content) expect_identical(h$`content-length`, h3$`content-length`) expect_identical(h$`content-type`, h3$`content-type`) # Missing file (404) r <- fetch(local_url("/foo", s$getPort()), gzip = FALSE) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(r$status_code, 404) expect_identical(rawToChar(r$content), "404 Not Found\n") expect_equal(h$`content-length`, "14") # Missing directory in path (404) r <- fetch(local_url("/foo/bar", s$getPort()), gzip = FALSE) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(r$status_code, 404) expect_identical(rawToChar(r$content), "404 Not Found\n") expect_equal(h$`content-length`, "14") # MIME types for other files r <- fetch(local_url("/mtcars.csv", s$getPort())) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(h$`content-type`, "text/csv") r <- fetch(local_url("/data.txt", s$getPort())) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(h$`content-type`, "text/plain") }) test_that("Missing file fallthrough", { s <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( call = function(req) { return(list( status = 404, headers = list("Test-Code-Path" = "R"), body = paste0("404 file not found: ", req$PATH_INFO) )) }, staticPaths = list( # Testing out various leading and trailing slashes "/" = staticPath( test_path("apps/content"), indexhtml = FALSE, fallthrough = TRUE ) ) ) ) on.exit(s$stop()) r <- fetch(local_url("/", s$getPort())) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(r$status_code, 404) expect_identical(h$`test-code-path`, "R") expect_identical(rawToChar(r$content), "404 file not found: /") }) test_that("Longer paths override shorter ones", { s <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( staticPaths = list( # Testing out various leading and trailing slashes "/" = test_path("apps/content"), "/a" = staticPath( test_path("apps/content"), indexhtml = FALSE ), "/a/b" = staticPath( test_path("apps/content"), indexhtml = NULL ), "/a/b/c" = staticPath( test_path("apps/content"), indexhtml = TRUE ) ) ) ) on.exit(s$stop()) r <- fetch(local_url("/", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(r$content, index_file_content) r <- fetch(local_url("/a/", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 404) # When NULL, option values are not inherited from the parent dir, "/a"; # they're inherited from the overall options for the app. r <- fetch(local_url("/a/b", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(r$content, index_file_content) r <- fetch(local_url("/a/b/c", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(r$content, index_file_content) }) test_that("Options and option inheritance", { s <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( call = function(req) { return(list( status = 404, headers = list("Test-Code-Path" = "R"), body = paste0("404 file not found: ", req$PATH_INFO) )) }, staticPaths = list( "/default" = staticPath(test_path("apps/content")), # This path overrides options "/override" = staticPath( test_path("apps/content"), indexhtml = FALSE, fallthrough = TRUE, html_charset = "ISO-8859-1", headers = list("Test-Code-Path" = "C++2") ), # This path unsets some options "/unset" = staticPath( test_path("apps/content"), html_charset = "", headers = list() ) ), staticPathOptions = staticPathOptions( indexhtml = TRUE, fallthrough = FALSE, headers = list("Test-Code-Path" = "C++") ) ) ) on.exit(s$stop()) r <- fetch(local_url("/default", s$getPort())) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(h$`content-type`, "text/html; charset=utf-8") expect_identical(h$`test-code-path`, "C++") expect_identical(r$content, index_file_content) r <- fetch(local_url("/override", s$getPort())) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(r$status_code, 404) expect_identical(h$`test-code-path`, "R") expect_identical(rawToChar(r$content), "404 file not found: /override") r <- fetch(local_url("/override/index.html", s$getPort())) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(h$`test-code-path`, "C++2") expect_identical(h$`content-type`, "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1") r <- fetch(local_url("/unset", s$getPort())) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_false("test-code-path" %in% names(h)) expect_identical(h$`content-type`, "text/html") expect_identical(r$content, index_file_content) r <- fetch(local_url("/unset/index.html", s$getPort())) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_false("test-code-path" %in% names(h)) expect_identical(h$`content-type`, "text/html") expect_identical(r$content, index_file_content) }) test_that("Excluding subpaths", { s <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( call = function(req) { # Return a 403 for the R code path; the C++ code path will return 404 # for missing files. return(list( status = 403, headers = list("Test-Code-Path" = "R"), body = paste0("403 forbidden: ", req$PATH_INFO) )) }, staticPaths = list( "/" = staticPath(test_path("apps/content")), "/exclude" = excludeStaticPath(), "/subdi" = excludeStaticPath(), "/a" = staticPath(test_path("apps/content")), "/a/exclude" = excludeStaticPath(), "/a/mtcars.csv" = excludeStaticPath() ) ) ) on.exit(s$stop()) exclude_subdir_index_file_content <- raw_file_content(test_path("apps/content/exclude/subdir/index.html")) # Basic test r <- fetch(local_url("/", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(r$content, index_file_content) r <- fetch(local_url("/subdir", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(r$content, subdir_index_file_content) r <- fetch(local_url("/exclude", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 403) r <- fetch(local_url("/exclude/index.html", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 403) r <- fetch(local_url("/exclude/subdir", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 403) r <- fetch(local_url("/exclude/subdir/index.html", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 403) # Include directories underneath excluded dir. s$setStaticPath("exclude/include" = test_path("apps/content")) r <- fetch(local_url("/exclude/include", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(r$content, index_file_content) s$setStaticPath("exclude/subdir" = test_path("apps/content/exclude/subdir")) r <- fetch(local_url("/exclude/subdir", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(r$content, exclude_subdir_index_file_content) # A file that is not specifically excluded will use the C++ 404 path. r <- fetch(local_url("/nonexistent.txt", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 404) # Fallthrough. Behavior should be unchanged except for non-existent files that # are NOT in the excluded path. s$setStaticPathOption(fallthrough = TRUE) # Now, a file that is not specifically excluded will use the R 403 path r <- fetch(local_url("/nonexistent.txt", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 403) s$setStaticPathOption(fallthrough = FALSE) # Partial name matching ("subdi" was excluded) doesn't work. r <- fetch(local_url("/subdir", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(r$content, subdir_index_file_content) # Specific files r <- fetch(local_url("/a/", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) r <- fetch(local_url("/a/mtcars.csv", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 403) # A file that is not specifically excluded will use the C++ 404 path. r <- fetch(local_url("/file/nonexistent.txt", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 404) }) test_that("Header validation", { s <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( call = function(req) { if (!identical(req$HTTP_TEST_VALIDATION, "aaa")) { return(list( status = 403, headers = list("Test-Code-Path" = "R"), body = "403 Forbidden\n" )) } return(list( status = 200, headers = list("Test-Code-Path" = "R"), body = "200 OK\n" )) }, staticPaths = list( "/default" = staticPath(test_path("apps/content")), # This path overrides validation "/override" = staticPath( test_path("apps/content"), validation = c('"Test-Validation-1" == "bbb"') ), # This path unsets validation "/unset" = staticPath( test_path("apps/content"), validation = character() ), # Fall through to R "/fallthrough" = staticPath( test_path("apps/content"), fallthrough = TRUE ) ), staticPathOptions = staticPathOptions( headers = list("Test-Code-Path" = "C++"), validation = c('"Test-Validation" == "aaa"') ) ) ) on.exit(s$stop()) r <- fetch(local_url("/default", s$getPort())) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(r$status_code, 403) # This header doesn't get set. Should it? expect_false("test-code-path" %in% names(h)) expect_identical(rawToChar(r$content), "403 Forbidden\n") r <- fetch(local_url("/default", s$getPort()), handle_setheaders(new_handle(), "test-validation" = "aaa")) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(h$`test-code-path`, "C++") expect_identical(r$content, index_file_content) # Check case insensitive r <- fetch(local_url("/default", s$getPort()), handle_setheaders(new_handle(), "tesT-ValidatioN" = "aaa")) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) r <- fetch(local_url("/unset", s$getPort())) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(h$`test-code-path`, "C++") expect_identical(r$content, index_file_content) # When fallthrough=TRUE, the header validation is still checked before falling # through to the R code path. r <- fetch(local_url("/fallthrough/missingfile", s$getPort())) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(r$status_code, 403) # This header doesn't get set. Should it? expect_false("test-code-path" %in% names(h)) expect_identical(rawToChar(r$content), "403 Forbidden\n") r <- fetch(local_url("/fallthrough/missingfile", s$getPort()), handle_setheaders(new_handle(), "test-validation" = "aaa")) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(h$`test-code-path`, "R") expect_identical(rawToChar(r$content), "200 OK\n") }) test_that("Dynamically changing paths", { s <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( call = function(req) { list( status = 500, headers = list("Test-Code-Path" = "R"), body = "500 Internal Server Error\n" ) }, staticPaths = list( "/static" = test_path("apps/content") ) ) ) on.exit(s$stop()) r <- fetch(local_url("/static", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(r$content, index_file_content) # Replace with different static path and options s$setStaticPath( "/static" = staticPath( test_path("apps/content_1"), indexhtml = FALSE ) ) r <- fetch(local_url("/static", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 404) r <- fetch(local_url("/static/index.html", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(r$content, index_file_1_content) # Remove static path s$removeStaticPath("/static") expect_equal(length(s$getStaticPaths()), 0) r <- fetch(local_url("/static", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 500) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_identical(h$`test-code-path`, "R") expect_identical(rawToChar(r$content), "500 Internal Server Error\n") # Add static path s$setStaticPath( "/static_new" = test_path("apps/content") ) r <- fetch(local_url("/static_new", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(r$content, index_file_content) }) test_that("Dynamically changing options", { s <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( call = function(req) { list( status = 500, headers = list("Test-Code-Path" = "R"), body = "500 Internal Server Error\n" ) }, staticPaths = list( "/static" = test_path("apps/content") ) ) ) on.exit(s$stop()) r <- fetch(local_url("/static", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) s$setStaticPathOption(indexhtml = FALSE) r <- fetch(local_url("/static", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 404) s$setStaticPathOption(fallthrough = TRUE) r <- fetch(local_url("/static", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 500) s$setStaticPathOption( indexhtml = TRUE, headers = list("Test-Headers" = "aaa"), validation = c('"Test-Validation" == "aaa"') ) r <- fetch(local_url("/static", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 403) r <- fetch(local_url("/static", s$getPort()), handle_setheaders(new_handle(), "test-validation" = "aaa")) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(h$`test-headers`, "aaa") # Unset some options s$setStaticPathOption( headers = list(), validation = character() ) r <- fetch(local_url("/static", s$getPort())) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_false("test-headers" %in% h) }) test_that("Escaped characters in paths", { # Need to create files with weird names static_dir <- tempfile("httpuv_test") dir.create(static_dir) # Use writeBin() instead of cat() because in Windows, cat() will convert "\n" # to "\r\n". writeBin(charToRaw("This is file content.\n"), file.path(static_dir, "file with space.txt")) on.exit(unlink(static_dir, recursive = TRUE)) s <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( call = function(req) { list( status = 500, headers = list("Test-Code-Path" = "R"), body = "500 Internal Server Error\n" ) }, staticPaths = list( "/static" = static_dir ) ) ) on.exit(s$stop(), add = TRUE) r <- fetch(local_url("/static/file%20with%20space.txt", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(rawToChar(r$content), "This is file content.\n") }) test_that("Paths with ..", { s <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( call = function(req) { list( status = 404, headers = list("Test-Code-Path" = "R"), body = "404 Not Found\n" ) }, staticPaths = list( "/static" = test_path("apps/content") ) ) ) on.exit(s$stop()) # Need to use http_request_con() instead of fetch() to send custom requests # with "..". res <- http_request_con("GET /", "", s$getPort()) expect_identical(res[1], "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found") expect_true(any(grepl("^Test-Code-Path: R$", res, = TRUE))) res <- http_request_con("GET /static", "", s$getPort()) expect_identical(res[1], "HTTP/1.1 200 OK") # The presence of a ".." path segment results in a 400. res <- http_request_con("GET /static/..", "", s$getPort()) expect_identical(res[1], "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request") res <- http_request_con("GET /static/../", "", s$getPort()) expect_identical(res[1], "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request") res <- http_request_con("GET /static/../static", "", s$getPort()) expect_identical(res[1], "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request") # ".." is valid as part of a path segment (but we'll get 404's since the files # don't actually exist). res <- http_request_con("GET /static/", "", s$getPort()) expect_identical(res[1], "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found") expect_false(any(grepl("^Test-Code-Path: R$", res, = TRUE))) res <- http_request_con("GET /static/foo..", "", s$getPort()) expect_identical(res[1], "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found") expect_false(any(grepl("^Test-Code-Path: R$", res, = TRUE))) res <- http_request_con("GET /static/foo../", "", s$getPort()) expect_identical(res[1], "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found") expect_false(any(grepl("^Test-Code-Path: R$", res, = TRUE))) }) test_that("Paths with backslash", { s <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( call = function(req) { list( status = 400, headers = list("Test-Code-Path" = "R"), body = "400 Bad Request\n" ) }, staticPaths = list( "/static" = test_path("apps/content") ) ) ) on.exit(s$stop()) # Need to use http_request_con() instead of fetch() to send custom requests # with "..". # When a backslash is in path, should fall through to R code path. # Raw backslash res <- http_request_con("GET /static\\index.html", "", s$getPort()) expect_identical(res[1], "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request") expect_true(any(grepl("^Test-Code-Path: R$", res, = TRUE))) # Escaped backslash res <- http_request_con("GET /static%5cindex.html", "", s$getPort()) expect_identical(res[1], "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request") expect_true(any(grepl("^Test-Code-Path: R$", res, = TRUE))) # Raw backslash with .. res <- http_request_con("GET /static/..\\index.html", "", s$getPort()) expect_identical(res[1], "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request") expect_true(any(grepl("^Test-Code-Path: R$", res, = TRUE))) # Escaped backslash with .. res <- http_request_con("GET /static/..%5cindex.html", "", s$getPort()) expect_identical(res[1], "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request") expect_true(any(grepl("^Test-Code-Path: R$", res, = TRUE))) }) test_that("HEAD, POST, PUT requests", { s <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( call = function(req) { list( status = 404, headers = list("Test-Code-Path" = "R"), body = "404 Not Found\n" ) }, staticPaths = list( "/static" = test_path("apps/content") ) ) ) on.exit(s$stop()) # The GET results, for comparison to HEAD. r_get <- fetch(local_url("/static", s$getPort()), gzip = FALSE) h_get <- parse_headers_list(r_get$headers) # HEAD is OK. # Note the weird interface for a HEAD request: # r <- fetch(local_url("/static", s$getPort()), new_handle(nobody = TRUE), gzip = FALSE) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_true(length(r$content) == 0) # No message body for HEAD h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) # Headers should match GET request, except for date. expect_identical(h[setdiff(names(h), "date")], h_get[setdiff(names(h_get), "date")]) # POST and PUT are not OK r <- fetch(local_url("/static", s$getPort()), handle_setopt(new_handle(), customrequest = "POST")) expect_equal(r$status_code, 400) r <- fetch(local_url("/static", s$getPort()), handle_setopt(new_handle(), customrequest = "PUT")) expect_equal(r$status_code, 400) }) test_that("Last-Modified and If-Modified-Since headers", { s <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( staticPaths = list( "/" = staticPath( test_path("apps/content"), headers = list( "ETag" = "abc", "Cache-Control" = "max-age=12345", "Other" = "xyz" ) ) ) ) ) on.exit(s$stop()) # mtime of the target file, rounded down to nearest second. file_mtime <- as.POSIXct(trunc("apps/content/mtcars.csv"))$mtime)) # First time retrieving: no Last-Modified header. r <- fetch(local_url("/mtcars.csv", s$getPort())) h <- parse_headers_list(r$headers) http_mtime <- r$modified expect_equal(file_mtime, http_mtime) # Use the Last-Modified value in the If-Modified-Since header. r1 <- fetch(local_url("/mtcars.csv", s$getPort()), handle_setheaders(new_handle(), "If-Modified-Since" = h$`last-modified` ) ) expect_identical(r1$status_code, 304L) expect_true(length(r1$content) == 0) h1 <- parse_headers_list(r1$headers) # A 304 response should contain only the following headers (and must contain # them if the corresponding 200 response would have them): # Cache-Control, Content-Location, Date, ETag, Expires, Vary # expect_identical(h[c("cache-control", "etag")], h1[c("cache-control", "etag")]) # The Date header differs from the previous response because the request was # made at a different time. We just need to check that it's present. expect_true("date" %in% names(h1)) # The mtime plus 1 second should result in a 304. r1 <- fetch(local_url("/mtcars.csv", s$getPort()), handle_setheaders(new_handle(), "If-Modified-Since" = http_date_string(file_mtime + 1) ) ) expect_identical(r1$status_code, 304L) # Last-Modified header minus 1 second should result in a regular 200 response. r1 <- fetch(local_url("/mtcars.csv", s$getPort()), handle_setheaders(new_handle(), "If-Modified-Since" = http_date_string(file_mtime - 1) ) ) expect_identical(r1$status_code, 200L) h1 <- parse_headers_list(r1$headers) expect_identical(h[setdiff(names(h), "date")], h1[setdiff(names(h1), "date")]) # Malformed If-Modified-Since value should be ignored. # # First, a date far in the future should result in 304. Note that the 2038 # date is used here because on 32-bit Windows, dates that are beyond # 2038-01-19 will overflow and wrap around, and this request will get a 200 # instead of 304. Other platforms seem not to have this limitation. r1 <- fetch(local_url("/mtcars.csv", s$getPort()), handle_setheaders(new_handle(), "If-Modified-Since" = "Mon, 01 Jan 2038 12:00:00 GMT" ) ) expect_identical(r1$status_code, 304L) # Next, almost the same date, but slightly malformed, should result in 200. r1 <- fetch(local_url("/mtcars.csv", s$getPort()), handle_setheaders(new_handle(), "If-Modified-Since" = "Mon, 01 Jan 2038 12:100:00 GMT" ) ) expect_identical(r1$status_code, 200L) }) test_that("Paths with non-ASCII characters", { # Workaround for # On Unix platforms that are using a non-UTF-8 locale, don't do these tests. testthat::skip_if( .Platform$OS.type == "unix" && !l10n_info()[["UTF-8"]], "Skipping non-ASCII path tests on UTF-8 Unix system" ) # "apps/fü", in UTF-8 encoding. nonascii_path <- test_path("apps/f\U00FC") dir.create(nonascii_path) on.exit(unlink(nonascii_path, recursive = TRUE)) index_file_path <- file.path(nonascii_path, "index.html") writeLines("Hello world!", index_file_path) file_content <- raw_file_content(index_file_path) s <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( call = function(req) { list( status = 200L, headers = list('Content-Type' = 'text/html'), body = "R code path" ) }, staticPaths = list( "/f\U00FC" = nonascii_path, "/foo" = nonascii_path ) ) ) on.exit(s$stop(), add = TRUE) # URL-encoded non-ASCII URL path, which maps to non-ASCII local path. r <- fetch(local_url("/f%C3%BC", s$getPort())) expect_identical(r$status_code, 200L) expect_identical(r$content, file_content) # ASCII URL path, which maps to non-ASCII local path. r <- fetch(local_url("/foo", s$getPort())) expect_identical(r$status_code, 200L) expect_identical(r$content, file_content) })