context("basic") test_that("Basic functionality", { s1 <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( call = function(req) { list( status = 200L, headers = list('Content-Type' = 'text/html'), body = "server 1" ) } ) ) expect_equal(length(listServers()), 1) s2 <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( call = function(req) { list( status = 200L, headers = list('Content-Type' = 'text/html'), body = "server 2" ) } ) ) expect_equal(length(listServers()), 2) r1 <- fetch(local_url("/", s1$getPort()), gzip = FALSE) r2 <- fetch(local_url("/", s2$getPort())) expect_equal(r1$status_code, 200) expect_equal(r2$status_code, 200) expect_identical(rawToChar(r1$content), "server 1") expect_identical(rawToChar(r2$content), "server 2") expect_identical(parse_headers_list(r1$headers)$`content-type`, "text/html") expect_identical(parse_headers_list(r1$headers)$`content-length`, "8") s1$stop() expect_equal(length(listServers()), 1) stopAllServers() expect_equal(length(listServers()), 0) }) test_that("Empty and NULL headers are OK", { s <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( call = function(req) { if (req$PATH_INFO == "/null") { list( status = 200L, headers = NULL, body = "" ) } else if (req$PATH_INFO == "/emptylist") { list( status = 200L, headers = list(), body = "" ) } else if (req$PATH_INFO == "/noheaders") { list( status = 200L, body = "" ) } } ) ) on.exit(s$stop()) expect_equal(length(listServers()), 1) r <- fetch(local_url("/null", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(r$content, raw()) r <- fetch(local_url("/emptylist", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(r$content, raw()) r <- fetch(local_url("/noheaders", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r$status_code, 200) expect_identical(r$content, raw()) }) test_that("Content length depends on the presence of 'body'", { s <- startServer("", randomPort(), list( call = function(req) { if (req$PATH_INFO == "/ok") { list( status = 200L, headers = list('Content-Type' = 'text/html'), body = if (req$REQUEST_METHOD != "HEAD") raw() ) } else if (req$PATH_INFO == "/nullbody") { list( status = 204L, headers = list('Content-Type' = 'text/html'), body = NULL ) } else if (req$PATH_INFO == "/nobody") { list( status = 204L, headers = list('Content-Type' = 'text/html') ) } } ) ) on.exit(s$stop()) expect_equal(length(listServers()), 1) r1 <- fetch(local_url("/ok", s$getPort()), gzip = FALSE) # HEAD requests should not have a body. r2 <- fetch(local_url("/ok", s$getPort()), new_handle(nobody = TRUE)) r3 <- fetch(local_url("/nullbody", s$getPort())) r4 <- fetch(local_url("/nobody", s$getPort())) expect_equal(r1$status_code, 200) expect_equal(r2$status_code, 200) expect_equal(r3$status_code, 204) expect_equal(r3$status_code, 204) expect_equal(length(r1$content), 0) expect_equal(length(r2$content), 0) expect_equal(length(r3$content), 0) expect_equal(length(r4$content), 0) expect_identical(parse_headers_list(r1$headers)$`content-length`, "0") # HEAD requests *can* have a content-length, but they don't have to. expect_identical(parse_headers_list(r2$headers)$`content-length`, NULL) expect_identical(parse_headers_list(r3$headers)$`content-length`, NULL) expect_identical(parse_headers_list(r4$headers)$`content-length`, NULL) })