library(curl) library(promises) curl_fetch_async <- function(url, pool = NULL, data = NULL, handle = new_handle()) { p <- promises::promise(function(resolve, reject) { curl_fetch_multi(url, done = resolve, fail = reject, pool = pool, data = data, handle = handle) }) finished <- FALSE poll <- function() { if (!finished) { multi_run(timeout = 0, poll = TRUE, pool = pool) later::later(poll, 0.01) } } poll() p %>% finally(function() { finished <<- TRUE }) } # A way of sending an HTTP request using a socketConnection. This isn't as # reliable as using curl, so we'll use it only when curl can't do what we want. http_request_con_async <- function(request, host, port) { resolve_fun <- NULL reject_fun <- NULL con <- NULL p <- promises::promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve_fun <<- resolve reject_fun <<- reject con <<- socketConnection(host, port) writeLines(c(request, ""), con) }) result <- NULL # finished <- FALSE poll <- function() { result <<- readLines(con) if (length(result) > 0) { resolve_fun(result) } else { later::later(poll, 0.01) } } poll() p %>% finally(function() { close(con) }) } wait_for_it <- function() { while (!later::loop_empty()) { later::run_now() } } # Block until the promise is resolved/rejected. If resolved, return the value. # If rejected, throw (yes throw, not return) the error. extract <- function(promise) { promise_value <- NULL error <- NULL promise %...>% (function(value) promise_value <<- value) %...!% (function(reason) error <<- reason) wait_for_it() if (!is.null(error)) stop(error) else promise_value } # Make an HTTP request using curl. fetch <- function(url, handle = curl::new_handle(), gzip = TRUE) { if (!gzip) { # Disable gzip; this is often needed only because the unit tests predate # gzip support in httpuv handle_setopt(handle, accept_encoding = NULL) } p <- curl_fetch_async(url, handle = handle) extract(p) } # Make an HTTP request using a socketConnection. Not as robust as fetch(), so # we'll use this only when necessary. http_request_con <- function(request, host, port) { p <- http_request_con_async(request, host, port) extract(p) } local_url <- function(path, port) { stopifnot(grepl("^/", path)) paste0("", port, path) } parse_http_date <- function(x) { strptime(x, format = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", tz = "GMT") } raw_file_content <- function(filename) { size <-$size readBin(filename, "raw", n = size) } # Given a POSIXct object, return a date string in the format required for a # HTTP Date header. For example: "Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT" http_date_string <- function(time) { weekday_names <- c("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat") weekday_num <- as.integer(strftime(time, format = "%w", tz = "GMT")) weekday_name <- weekday_names[weekday_num + 1] month_names <- c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec") month_num <- as.integer(strftime(time, format = "%m", tz = "GMT")) month_name <- month_names[month_num] strftime(time, paste0(weekday_name, ", %d ", month_name, " %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"), tz = "GMT" ) }