public({ test_that("with_mock_dir works when the directory with mock files exists", { temporary_dir <- tempfile() # The directory exists, so we'll read mocks from it dir.create(temporary_dir) # Put mocks in it file.copy(testthat::test_path(""), temporary_dir, recursive = TRUE) current_mock_paths <- .mockPaths() with_mock_dir(temporary_dir, { # There's nothing on the mock paths other than our mock dir expect_identical(.mockPaths(), temporary_dir) expect_no_request(resp <- GET("")) # We've read from the mock expect_equal(headers(resp)$date, "Sat, 24 Feb 2018 00:22:11 GMT") }) # Original mock paths are reset expect_true(all.equal(current_mock_paths, .mockPaths())) }) test_that("with_mock_dir creates mock files directory", { skip_if_disconnected() skip_on_ci() temporary_dir <- tempfile() current_mock_paths <- .mockPaths() with_mock_dir(temporary_dir, { # Since the directory doesn't exist, we will create it and capture expect_identical(.mockPaths(), temporary_dir) # The first one makes the request resp <- GET("") # And it's a real request, not using our fixture expect_false(headers(resp)$date == "Sat, 24 Feb 2018 00:22:11 GMT") }) expect_true(all.equal(current_mock_paths, .mockPaths())) }) test_that("with_mock_dir prefers to be in tests/testthat", { d <- tempfile() dir.create(file.path(d, "tests", "testthat"), recursive = TRUE) old <- setwd(d) on.exit(setwd(old)) with_mock_dir("asdf", { expect_identical(.mockPaths(), file.path("tests", "testthat", "asdf")) }) with_mock_dir("/asdf", { expect_identical(.mockPaths(), "/asdf") }) }) test_that("with_mock_dir uses the set requester", { set_requester(function (request) { gsub_request( request, "", "api/", fixed = TRUE ) }) d <- tempfile() dir.create(file.path(d, "tests", "testthat"), recursive = TRUE) old <- setwd(d) on.exit(setwd(old)) with_mock_dir("asdf", { resp <- GET("") expect_true(dir.exists(file.path("tests", "testthat", "asdf", "api"))) }) }) })