public({ test_that("Outside of without_internet, requests work", { skip_if_disconnected() skip_on_ci() expect_error(GET(""), NA) }) test_that("without_internet throws errors on GET", { without_internet({ expect_error( GET(""), "GET" ) expect_GET( GET(""), "" ) }) }) without_internet({ test_that("without_internet throws error on other verbs", { expect_PUT( PUT(""), "" ) expect_POST( POST(""), "" ) expect_PATCH( PATCH(""), "" ) expect_DELETE( DELETE(""), "" ) }) test_that("without_internet includes request body in message", { expect_PUT( PUT("", body = '{"test":true}'), "", '{"test":true}' ) expect_POST( POST("", body = '{"test":true}'), "", '{"test":true}' ) expect_PATCH( PATCH("", body = '{"test":true}'), "", '{"test":true}' ) b2 <- "" expect_POST( POST(b2, body = list(x = "A simple text string")), "", 'list(x = "A simple text string")' ) }) test_that("max.print option", { options(httptest.max.print = 3) on.exit(options(httptest.max.print = NULL)) expect_PUT( PUT("", body = '{"test":true}'), "", '{"t' ) # Just to be explicit since the expectations do partial matching skip_if(third_edition) expect_failure( expect_PUT( PUT("", body = '{"test":true}'), "", '{"test":true}' ) ) }) test_that("without_internet respects query params", { expect_GET( GET("", query = list(test = "a phrase", two = 3) ), "" ) }) test_that("expect_no_request", { expect_no_request(rnorm(5)) expect_failure(expect_no_request(GET(""))) }) }) })