public({ with_mock_api({ test_that("Can load an object and file extension is added", { a <- GET("api/") expect_identical(content(a), list(value = "api/object1/")) b <- GET(content(a)$value) expect_identical(content(b), list(object = TRUE)) }) test_that("GET with query", { obj <- GET("api/object1/", query = list(a = 1)) expect_json_equivalent( content(obj), list(query = list(a = 1), mocked = "yes") ) }) test_that("GET with special characters", { a <- GET("api/x(y='1',z='2')") expect_identical(content(a), list(object = TRUE)) }) test_that("GET files that don't exist errors", { expect_GET(GET("api/NOTAFILE/"), "api/NOTAFILE/") expect_GET( GET("api/NOTAFILE/", query = list(a = 1)), "api/NOTAFILE/?a=1" ) }) test_that("POST method reads from correct file", { b <- POST("api/object1") expect_identical(content(b), list(method = "POST")) b2 <- POST("api/object1", body = "", content_type_json(), add_headers( Accept = "application/json", "Content-Type" = "application/json" ) ) expect_identical(content(b2), list(method = "POST")) }) test_that("Request body is appended to mock file path", { p <- POST("api/object1", body = '{"a":1}', content_type_json(), add_headers( Accept = "application/json", "Content-Type" = "application/json" ) ) expect_identical(content(p), list(content = TRUE)) expect_POST( POST("api/object1", body = '{"b":2}', content_type_json(), add_headers( Accept = "application/json", "Content-Type" = "application/json" ) ), 'api/object1 {"b":2} (api/object1-3e8d9a-POST.json)' ) }) test_that("max.print option", { options(httptest.max.print = 3) on.exit(options(httptest.max.print = NULL)) expect_PUT( PUT("", body = '{"test":true}'), "", '{"t ', "(" ) }) test_that("Request body and query", { expect_PATCH( PATCH("api/object2?d=1", body = '{"arg":45}'), 'api/object2?d=1 {"arg":45} (api/object2-899b0e-3d8d62-PATCH.json)' ) }) test_that("Other verbs error too", { expect_PUT(PUT("api/"), "api/") expect_PATCH(PATCH("api/"), "api/") expect_POST(POST("api/"), "api/") expect_POST( POST("api/", body = '{"arg":true}'), "api/", '{"arg":true}' ) expect_DELETE(DELETE("api/"), "api/") }) test_that("mock API with http:// URL, not file path", { expect_GET( GET(""), "", "(" ) expect_GET( GET(""), "", "(" ) expect_identical( content(GET("")), list(loaded = TRUE) ) }) test_that("Mocking a GET with more function args (path, auth)", { expect_identical( content(GET("", path = "/get", add_headers("Content-Type" = "application/json"), authenticate("d", "d") )), list(loaded = TRUE) ) }) test_that("Mock GET with non-JSON", { dick <- GET("") expect_true(grepl("Melville", content(dick, "text"))) }) test_that("POST/PUT/etc. with other body types", { b2 <- "" expect_POST( POST(b2, body = list(x = "A simple text string")), "", 'list(x = "A simple text string") ', "(" ) expect_POST( POST(b2, body = list(x = "A simple text string"), encode = "form"), "", "x=A%20simple%20text%20string ", "(" ) expect_PUT( PUT(b2, body = list(x = "A simple text string")), "", 'list(x = "A simple text string") ', "(" ) expect_POST( POST(b2, body = list(x = "A simple text string"), encode = "json"), "", '{"x":"A simple text string"} ', "(" ) expect_POST( POST(b2, body = list(y = upload_file(testthat::test_path("setup.R")))), "", 'list(y = list(path = "', testthat::test_path("setup.R"), '", type = "text/plain")) ', "(" ) }) test_that("PUT/POST with only a upload_file in body", { b1 <- "" expect_POST( POST(b1, body = upload_file(testthat::test_path("setup.R"))), "", "(" ) # and ensure that there are no floating connections still open open_conns <- showConnections() expect_false(any(open_conns[, "description"] == "setup.R")) b2 <- "" expect_PUT( PUT(b2, body = upload_file(testthat::test_path("setup.R"))), "", "(" ) # and ensure that there are no floating connections still open open_conns <- showConnections() expect_false(any(open_conns[, "description"] == "setup.R")) }) test_that("Regular expressions in expect_VERB", { expect_GET(GET(""), "[0-9]{4}/[a-z]{4}/", fixed = FALSE ) expect_GET(GET(""), "[0-9]{4}/[a-z]{4}/", fixed = FALSE, = TRUE ) expect_POST(POST(""), "[0-9]{4}/[a-z]{4}/", fixed = FALSE ) expect_DELETE(DELETE(""), "[0-9]{4}/[a-z]{4}/", fixed = FALSE ) }) test_that("Returned (JSON) mock response contains the actual request", { a <- GET("api/", add_headers(`X-FakeHeader` = "fake_value")) expect_true("X-FakeHeader" %in% names(a$request$headers)) }) test_that("Request preprocessing via set_requester: change the request URL", { g1 <- GET("") old <- getOption("httptest.requester") on.exit(options(httptest.requester = old)) set_requester(function(request) { gsub_request(request, "", "") }) expect_identical( content(GET("")), content(g1) ) }) }) }) test_that("build_mock_url file path construction with character URL", { # GET (default) method file <- build_mock_url("") expect <- "" expect_identical(file, expect, label = "Get method without query string") # GET method with query in URL file <- build_mock_url("") expect <- "" expect_identical(file, expect, label = "Get method with query string") # POST method file <- build_mock_url("", method = "POST") expect <- "" expect_identical(file, expect, "POST method without query string") # POST method with query in URL file <- build_mock_url("", method = "POST") expect <- "" expect_identical(file, expect, "POST method with query string") }) test_that("build_mock_url returns file names that are valid on all R platforms", { u <- "" expect_identical( build_mock_url(u), "" ) }) test_that("load_response invalid extension handling", { expect_error( load_response("foo.qwert"), "Unsupported mock file extension: qwert" ) }) test_that("mock_request code paths are covered (outside of trace)", { expect_s3_class( mock_request(list(method = "GET", url = "api/")), "response" ) expect_s3_class( mock_request(list(method = "GET", url = "")), "response" ) expect_error(mock_request(list(method = "PUT", url = "api/"))) })