# R CMD BATCH --no-timing --no-restore --no-save unit_test.R unit_test.Rout # Get rid of anything in the workspace: rm(list=ls()) library(httk) # # MW BPA is 228.29 g/mol # 1 mg/L -> 1/228.29*1000 = 4.38 uM convert_units("mg/L","uM",chem.cas="80-05-7") # # MW Diclofenac is 296.148 g/mol # 1 uM -> 296.148/1000 = 0.296 convert_units("uM","mg/L",chem.name="diclofenac") # # Compare with # https://www.eurofinsus.com/environment-testing/services/air-and-vapor/unit-conversion-calculator/ # STP assumes 24.45 = (25?C and 1 atm) # 1 ug/L Toluene -> 0.26539 ppmv convert_units("ug/L","ppmv", chem.name="toluene", state="gas") # # 1 ppmv Toluene -> 0.0038 mg/L convert_units("ppmv","mg/L", chem.name="toluene", state="gas") # 1 ug/L Styrene -> 0.23478 ppmv convert_units("ug/L","ppmv", chem.name="styrene", state="gas") # Test that convert_solve_x doesn't throw any errors: signif(head(solve_gas_pbtk(chem.name="bisphenol a", times=c(0,0.1,0.05), output.units=setNames("mg/m3","Cendexhppmv"), method = "lsode", mf = 10, rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-7)), 2) # Quit without saving or displaying messages: quit("no")