R Under development (unstable) (2024-12-19 r87451 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > # R CMD BATCH --no-timing --no-restore --no-save caco2_test.R caco2_test.Rout > > # Get rid of anything in the workspace: > rm(list=ls()) > > library(httk) > > p <- parameterize_pbtk(chem.cas="80-05-7") Warning messages: 1: In get_clint(dtxsid = dtxsid, chem.name = chem.name, chem.cas = chem.cas, : Clint is provided as a distribution. 2: In apply_clint_adjustment(Clint.point, Fu_hep = Fu_hep, suppress.messages = suppress.messages) : Clint adjusted for in vitro partitioning (Kilford, 2008), see calc_hep_fu. 3: In get_fup(dtxsid = dtxsid, chem.name = chem.name, chem.cas = chem.cas, : Fraction unbound is provided as a distribution. 4: In apply_fup_adjustment(fup.point, fup.correction = fup.adjustment, : Fup adjusted for in vivo lipid partitioning (Pearce, 2017), see calc_fup_correction. 5: In available_rblood2plasma(chem.cas = chem.cas, species = species, : Human in vivo measured Rblood2plasma used. 6: In get_caco2(chem.cas = chem.cas, chem.name = chem.name, dtxsid = dtxsid, : Default value of 1.6 used for Caco2 permeability. > print(p[["MW"]]) [1] 228.3 > print(p[["BW"]]) [1] 70 > print(p[["Fabsgut"]]) [1] 0.6441 > > # calculate what initial dose of 1 mg/kg should be in uM in the gut: > initial.dose <- signif(1/1e3*1e6/p[["MW"]]*p[["BW"]]*p[["Fabsgut"]], + 4) > # This should be the same as what solve_pbtk givesus: > initial.dose == solve_pbtk(chem.cas="80-05-7",days=1)[1,"Agutlumen"] None of the monitored components undergo unit conversions (i.e. conversion factor of 1). AUC is area under the plasma concentration curve in uM*days units with Rblood2plasma = 0.795. The model outputs are provided in the following units: umol: Agutlumen, Atubules, Ametabolized uM: Cgut, Cliver, Cven, Clung, Cart, Crest, Ckidney, Cplasma uM*days: AUC Agutlumen TRUE Warning messages: 1: In get_clint(dtxsid = dtxsid, chem.name = chem.name, chem.cas = chem.cas, : Clint is provided as a distribution. 2: In apply_clint_adjustment(Clint.point, Fu_hep = Fu_hep, suppress.messages = suppress.messages) : Clint adjusted for in vitro partitioning (Kilford, 2008), see calc_hep_fu. 3: In get_fup(dtxsid = dtxsid, chem.name = chem.name, chem.cas = chem.cas, : Fraction unbound is provided as a distribution. 4: In apply_fup_adjustment(fup.point, fup.correction = fup.adjustment, : Fup adjusted for in vivo lipid partitioning (Pearce, 2017), see calc_fup_correction. 5: In available_rblood2plasma(chem.cas = chem.cas, species = species, : Human in vivo measured Rblood2plasma used. 6: In get_caco2(chem.cas = chem.cas, chem.name = chem.name, dtxsid = dtxsid, : Default value of 1.6 used for Caco2 permeability. > > > # By default we now include calculation of Fabs and Fgut (always had Fhep): > calc_analytic_css(chem.name="bisphenol a", + model="pbtk") Plasma concentration returned in uM units. [1] 0.9417 Warning messages: 1: In get_clint(dtxsid = dtxsid, chem.name = chem.name, chem.cas = chem.cas, : Clint is provided as a distribution. 2: In apply_clint_adjustment(Clint.point, Fu_hep = Fu_hep, suppress.messages = suppress.messages) : Clint adjusted for in vitro partitioning (Kilford, 2008), see calc_hep_fu. 3: In get_fup(dtxsid = dtxsid, chem.name = chem.name, chem.cas = chem.cas, : Fraction unbound is provided as a distribution. 4: In apply_fup_adjustment(fup.point, fup.correction = fup.adjustment, : Fup adjusted for in vivo lipid partitioning (Pearce, 2017), see calc_fup_correction. 5: In available_rblood2plasma(chem.cas = chem.cas, species = species, : Human in vivo measured Rblood2plasma used. 6: In get_caco2(chem.cas = chem.cas, chem.name = chem.name, dtxsid = dtxsid, : Default value of 1.6 used for Caco2 permeability. > # Therefore if we set Fabs = Fgut = 1 with keetit100=TRUE, we should get a > # higher predicted plasma steady-state concentration: > calc_analytic_css(chem.name="bisphenol a", + model="pbtk", + Caco2.options=list(keepit100=TRUE)) Plasma concentration returned in uM units. [1] 1.462 Warning messages: 1: In get_clint(dtxsid = dtxsid, chem.name = chem.name, chem.cas = chem.cas, : Clint is provided as a distribution. 2: In apply_clint_adjustment(Clint.point, Fu_hep = Fu_hep, suppress.messages = suppress.messages) : Clint adjusted for in vitro partitioning (Kilford, 2008), see calc_hep_fu. 3: In get_fup(dtxsid = dtxsid, chem.name = chem.name, chem.cas = chem.cas, : Fraction unbound is provided as a distribution. 4: In apply_fup_adjustment(fup.point, fup.correction = fup.adjustment, : Fup adjusted for in vivo lipid partitioning (Pearce, 2017), see calc_fup_correction. 5: In available_rblood2plasma(chem.cas = chem.cas, species = species, : Human in vivo measured Rblood2plasma used. 6: In get_caco2(chem.cas = chem.cas, chem.name = chem.name, dtxsid = dtxsid, : Default value of 1.6 used for Caco2 permeability. > > # By default we now include calculation of Fabs and Fgut (we explicitly model > # first-pass hepatic metabolism in the model "pbtk") > head(solve_pbtk(chem.cas="80-05-7",days=1)) None of the monitored components undergo unit conversions (i.e. conversion factor of 1). AUC is area under the plasma concentration curve in uM*days units with Rblood2plasma = 0.795. The model outputs are provided in the following units: umol: Agutlumen, Atubules, Ametabolized uM: Cgut, Cliver, Cven, Clung, Cart, Crest, Ckidney, Cplasma uM*days: AUC time Agutlumen Cgut Cliver Cven Clung Cart Crest [1,] 0.0000 197.5 0.0000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000 0.00000 0.000000 [2,] 0.0001 197.3 0.1582 0.000479 0.000001 0.0000 0.00000 0.000000 [3,] 0.0104 180.0 10.1300 3.063000 0.036390 0.2967 0.03130 0.007976 [4,] 0.0208 164.1 13.6200 7.596000 0.102500 0.8846 0.09679 0.056220 [5,] 0.0312 149.6 14.7600 11.110000 0.162000 1.4230 0.15740 0.149600 [6,] 0.0416 136.3 14.9800 13.380000 0.206900 1.8320 0.20360 0.275500 Ckidney Cplasma Atubules Ametabolized AUC [1,] 0.0000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 [2,] 0.0000 0.000001 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 [3,] 0.3831 0.045780 0.000583 0.003302 0.000170 [4,] 1.7530 0.128900 0.004221 0.018490 0.001074 [5,] 3.2900 0.203700 0.011570 0.045260 0.002818 [6,] 4.5510 0.260300 0.021980 0.080160 0.005247 Warning messages: 1: In get_clint(dtxsid = dtxsid, chem.name = chem.name, chem.cas = chem.cas, : Clint is provided as a distribution. 2: In apply_clint_adjustment(Clint.point, Fu_hep = Fu_hep, suppress.messages = suppress.messages) : Clint adjusted for in vitro partitioning (Kilford, 2008), see calc_hep_fu. 3: In get_fup(dtxsid = dtxsid, chem.name = chem.name, chem.cas = chem.cas, : Fraction unbound is provided as a distribution. 4: In apply_fup_adjustment(fup.point, fup.correction = fup.adjustment, : Fup adjusted for in vivo lipid partitioning (Pearce, 2017), see calc_fup_correction. 5: In available_rblood2plasma(chem.cas = chem.cas, species = species, : Human in vivo measured Rblood2plasma used. 6: In get_caco2(chem.cas = chem.cas, chem.name = chem.name, dtxsid = dtxsid, : Default value of 1.6 used for Caco2 permeability. > # Therefore if we set Fabs = Fgut = 1 with keetit100=TRUE, we should get a > # higher tissue concentrations: > head(solve_pbtk(chem.cas="80-05-7",days=1, + Caco2.options=list(keepit100=TRUE))) None of the monitored components undergo unit conversions (i.e. conversion factor of 1). AUC is area under the plasma concentration curve in uM*days units with Rblood2plasma = 0.795. The model outputs are provided in the following units: umol: Agutlumen, Atubules, Ametabolized uM: Cgut, Cliver, Cven, Clung, Cart, Crest, Ckidney, Cplasma uM*days: AUC time Agutlumen Cgut Cliver Cven Clung Cart Crest Ckidney [1,] 0.0000 306.60 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0000 0.00000 0.000 [2,] 0.0001 305.00 1.44 0.004367 0.000005 0.000002 0.0000 0.00000 0.000 [3,] 0.0104 177.90 72.10 23.760000 0.285200 2.344000 0.2485 0.06568 3.123 [4,] 0.0208 103.30 73.24 49.150000 0.678500 5.911000 0.6502 0.41250 12.340 [5,] 0.0312 59.93 59.47 59.110000 0.896400 7.952000 0.8846 0.97640 19.620 [6,] 0.0416 34.78 45.57 58.000000 0.954400 8.533000 0.9537 1.60100 22.760 Cplasma Atubules Ametabolized AUC [1,] 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000 [2,] 0.000006 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000 [3,] 0.358800 0.004803 0.02682 0.001386 [4,] 0.853500 0.031050 0.13340 0.007826 [5,] 1.128000 0.075960 0.28980 0.018340 [6,] 1.201000 0.129300 0.45730 0.030580 Warning messages: 1: In get_clint(dtxsid = dtxsid, chem.name = chem.name, chem.cas = chem.cas, : Clint is provided as a distribution. 2: In apply_clint_adjustment(Clint.point, Fu_hep = Fu_hep, suppress.messages = suppress.messages) : Clint adjusted for in vitro partitioning (Kilford, 2008), see calc_hep_fu. 3: In get_fup(dtxsid = dtxsid, chem.name = chem.name, chem.cas = chem.cas, : Fraction unbound is provided as a distribution. 4: In apply_fup_adjustment(fup.point, fup.correction = fup.adjustment, : Fup adjusted for in vivo lipid partitioning (Pearce, 2017), see calc_fup_correction. 5: In available_rblood2plasma(chem.cas = chem.cas, species = species, : Human in vivo measured Rblood2plasma used. 6: In get_caco2(chem.cas = chem.cas, chem.name = chem.name, dtxsid = dtxsid, : Default value of 1.6 used for Caco2 permeability. > > # Reduce the number of samples used by Monte Carlo to decrease runtime for > # CRAN checks (never use predictions with only ten draws): > NSAMP <- 10 > > set.seed(1234) > # Let's make sure that the monte carlo Css is also lower when some chemical > # is not absorbed: > Css1.caco <- calc_mc_css(chem.cas="15972-60-8", + model="3compartment", + samples=NSAMP) Human plasma concentration returned in mg/L units for 0.95 quantile. Warning messages: 1: In calc_ma(chem.cas = chem.cas, chem.name = chem.name, dtxsid = dtxsid, : Membrane affintity (MA) predicted with method of Yun and Edginton (2013), see calc_ma. 2: In available_rblood2plasma(chem.cas = chem.cas, species = species, : Human in vivo measured Rblood2plasma used. 3: In get_caco2(chem.cas = chem.cas, chem.name = chem.name, dtxsid = dtxsid, : Default value of 1.6 used for Caco2 permeability. 4: In (function (chem.name = NULL, chem.cas = NULL, dtxsid = NULL, : calc_analytic_css deprecated argument daily.dose replaced with new argument dose, value given assigned to dose > # The monte carlo Css should be higher with keepit100-TRUE > set.seed(1234) > Css1.100 <- calc_mc_css(chem.cas="15972-60-8", + model="3compartment", + samples=NSAMP, + Caco2.options=list(keepit100=TRUE)) Human plasma concentration returned in mg/L units for 0.95 quantile. Warning messages: 1: In calc_ma(chem.cas = chem.cas, chem.name = chem.name, dtxsid = dtxsid, : Membrane affintity (MA) predicted with method of Yun and Edginton (2013), see calc_ma. 2: In available_rblood2plasma(chem.cas = chem.cas, species = species, : Human in vivo measured Rblood2plasma used. 3: In get_caco2(chem.cas = chem.cas, chem.name = chem.name, dtxsid = dtxsid, : Default value of 1.6 used for Caco2 permeability. 4: In (function (chem.name = NULL, chem.cas = NULL, dtxsid = NULL, : calc_analytic_css deprecated argument daily.dose replaced with new argument dose, value given assigned to dose > Css1.caco < Css1.100 95% TRUE > > set.seed(1234) > Css2.caco <- calc_mc_css(dtxsid="DTXSID6034392", + samples=NSAMP, + which.quantile=0.5) Human plasma concentration returned in mg/L units for 0.5 quantile. Warning messages: 1: In get_caco2(chem.cas = chem.cas, chem.name = chem.name, dtxsid = dtxsid, : Clint is provided as a distribution. 2: In (function (chem.name = NULL, chem.cas = NULL, dtxsid = NULL, : calc_analytic_css deprecated argument daily.dose replaced with new argument dose, value given assigned to dose > set.seed(1234) > Css2.100 <- calc_mc_css(dtxsid="DTXSID6034392", + samples=NSAMP, + Caco2.options = list(keepit100=TRUE), + which.quantile=0.5) Human plasma concentration returned in mg/L units for 0.5 quantile. Warning messages: 1: In get_caco2(chem.cas = chem.cas, chem.name = chem.name, dtxsid = dtxsid, : Clint is provided as a distribution. 2: In (function (chem.name = NULL, chem.cas = NULL, dtxsid = NULL, : calc_analytic_css deprecated argument daily.dose replaced with new argument dose, value given assigned to dose > Css2.caco < Css2.100 50% TRUE > > quit("no") > proc.time() user system elapsed 12.57 0.29 12.86