R Under development (unstable) (2023-12-07 r85661 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > # R CMD BATCH --no-timing --no-restore --no-save fetal_pbtk_testing.R fetal_pbtk_testing.Rout > > # Get rid of anything in the workspace: > rm(list=ls()) > > library(httk) > > head(solve_fetal_pbtk(chem.name = 'bisphenol a', daily.dose = 1, + doses.per.day = 3)) None of the monitored components undergo unit conversions (i.e. conversion factor of 1). AUC is area under the maternal plasma concentration curve in uM*days units. fAUC is area under the fetal plasma concentration curve in uM*days units. The model outputs are provided in the following units: umol: Agutlumen, Atubules, Ametabolized, Aplacenta uM: Cgut, Cliver, Cven, Clung, Cart, Cadipose, Crest, Ckidney, Cplasma, Cplacenta, Cfliver, Cfven, Cfart, Cfgut, Cflung, Cfrest, Cfthyroid, Cfkidney, Cfbrain, Cfplasma unitless: Rblood2plasma, Rfblood2plasma uM*days: AUC, fAUC L/d: Qcardiac, Qthyroid time Agutlumen Cgut Cliver Cven Clung Cart Cadipose Crest Ckidney [1,] 91 0.000e+00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 [2,] 92 2.047e-06 5.906 8.418 1.576 3.309 1.577 2.679 2.301 9.061 [3,] 93 2.047e-06 9.405 13.410 2.510 5.270 2.510 4.266 3.665 14.430 [4,] 94 2.047e-06 11.480 16.360 3.062 6.433 3.063 5.206 4.473 17.610 [5,] 95 2.047e-06 12.710 18.120 3.389 7.122 3.390 5.764 4.952 19.500 [6,] 96 2.047e-06 13.440 19.160 3.583 7.531 3.584 6.095 5.237 20.620 Cplasma Atubules Ametabolized Rblood2plasma AUC fAUC Aplacenta [1,] 0.0000 0.000 0.00 3.390 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 [2,] 0.4653 1.880 66.52 3.388 0.3601 0.2806 0.1829 [3,] 0.7409 5.658 196.90 3.387 1.0820 0.8467 0.2976 [4,] 0.9044 10.570 365.10 3.386 2.0190 1.5820 0.3709 [5,] 1.0010 16.150 555.80 3.385 3.0830 2.4180 0.4193 [6,] 1.0590 22.140 759.70 3.384 4.2220 3.3130 0.4525 Cplacenta Cfliver Cfven Cfart Cfgut Cflung Cfrest Cfthyroid Cfkidney [1,] 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 [2,] 1.676 7.84 1.394 1.394 5.614 3.226 2.178 3.069 8.439 [3,] 2.669 12.49 2.228 2.228 8.941 5.138 3.469 4.887 13.440 [4,] 3.258 15.24 2.728 2.728 10.910 6.271 4.234 5.966 16.410 [5,] 3.607 16.87 3.030 3.030 12.080 6.944 4.689 6.605 18.170 [6,] 3.814 17.84 3.213 3.213 12.780 7.343 4.958 6.985 19.210 Cfbrain Cfplasma Rfblood2plasma Qcardiac Qthyroid [1,] 0.000 0.0000 3.788 8656 118.6 [2,] 2.452 0.4115 3.800 8673 118.7 [3,] 3.906 0.6576 3.812 8690 118.8 [4,] 4.767 0.8055 3.824 8707 118.9 [5,] 5.279 0.8950 3.836 8724 119.0 [6,] 5.582 0.9496 3.848 8741 119.1 > head(solve_fetal_pbtk(chem.cas="80-05-7")) None of the monitored components undergo unit conversions (i.e. conversion factor of 1). AUC is area under the maternal plasma concentration curve in uM*days units. fAUC is area under the fetal plasma concentration curve in uM*days units. The model outputs are provided in the following units: umol: Agutlumen, Atubules, Ametabolized, Aplacenta uM: Cgut, Cliver, Cven, Clung, Cart, Cadipose, Crest, Ckidney, Cplasma, Cplacenta, Cfliver, Cfven, Cfart, Cfgut, Cflung, Cfrest, Cfthyroid, Cfkidney, Cfbrain, Cfplasma unitless: Rblood2plasma, Rfblood2plasma uM*days: AUC, fAUC L/d: Qcardiac, Qthyroid time Agutlumen Cgut Cliver Cven Clung Cart Cadipose Crest Ckidney [1,] 91 230.3 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 [2,] 92 0.0 4.9130 7.0030 1.3110 2.7530 1.3120 2.2280 1.9140 7.5370 [3,] 93 0.0 2.9140 4.1540 0.7776 1.6330 0.7777 1.3220 1.1350 4.4710 [4,] 94 0.0 1.7290 2.4650 0.4613 0.9690 0.4614 0.7843 0.6738 2.6530 [5,] 95 0.0 1.0270 1.4630 0.2737 0.5752 0.2738 0.4656 0.4000 1.5750 [6,] 96 0.0 0.6097 0.8691 0.1625 0.3416 0.1626 0.2765 0.2375 0.9354 Cplasma Atubules Ametabolized Rblood2plasma AUC fAUC Aplacenta [1,] 0.00000 0.000 0.00 3.390 0.0000 0.0000 0.00000 [2,] 0.38700 2.663 92.96 3.388 0.5100 0.3988 0.15220 [3,] 0.22960 4.240 146.10 3.387 0.8115 0.6366 0.09219 [4,] 0.13620 5.178 177.70 3.386 0.9903 0.7776 0.05587 [5,] 0.08087 5.735 196.40 3.385 1.0960 0.8613 0.03386 [6,] 0.04803 6.066 207.50 3.384 1.1600 0.9111 0.02053 Cplacenta Cfliver Cfven Cfart Cfgut Cflung Cfrest Cfthyroid Cfkidney [1,] 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 [2,] 1.3940 6.5220 1.1600 1.1600 4.6700 2.6840 1.8120 2.5530 7.0200 [3,] 0.8270 3.8690 0.6902 0.6902 2.7700 1.5920 1.0750 1.5140 4.1640 [4,] 0.4907 2.2960 0.4109 0.4109 1.6440 0.9446 0.6378 0.8986 2.4710 [5,] 0.2913 1.3630 0.2447 0.2447 0.9760 0.5608 0.3787 0.5335 1.4670 [6,] 0.1730 0.8094 0.1458 0.1458 0.5797 0.3331 0.2249 0.3169 0.8714 Cfbrain Cfplasma Rfblood2plasma Qcardiac Qthyroid [1,] 0.0000 0.00000 3.788 8656 118.6 [2,] 2.0400 0.34230 3.800 8673 118.7 [3,] 1.2100 0.20380 3.812 8690 118.8 [4,] 0.7181 0.12130 3.824 8707 118.9 [5,] 0.4263 0.07228 3.836 8724 119.0 [6,] 0.2532 0.04307 3.848 8741 119.1 > head(solve_fetal_pbtk(parameters=parameterize_fetal_pbtk(chem.cas="80-05-7"))) None of the monitored components undergo unit conversions (i.e. conversion factor of 1). AUC is area under the maternal plasma concentration curve in uM*days units. fAUC is area under the fetal plasma concentration curve in uM*days units. The model outputs are provided in the following units: umol: Agutlumen, Atubules, Ametabolized, Aplacenta uM: Cgut, Cliver, Cven, Clung, Cart, Cadipose, Crest, Ckidney, Cplasma, Cplacenta, Cfliver, Cfven, Cfart, Cfgut, Cflung, Cfrest, Cfthyroid, Cfkidney, Cfbrain, Cfplasma unitless: Rblood2plasma, Rfblood2plasma uM*days: AUC, fAUC L/d: Qcardiac, Qthyroid time Agutlumen Cgut Cliver Cven Clung Cart Cadipose Crest Ckidney [1,] 91 230.3 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 [2,] 92 0.0 4.9130 7.0030 1.3110 2.7530 1.3120 2.2280 1.9140 7.5370 [3,] 93 0.0 2.9140 4.1540 0.7776 1.6330 0.7777 1.3220 1.1350 4.4710 [4,] 94 0.0 1.7290 2.4650 0.4613 0.9690 0.4614 0.7843 0.6738 2.6530 [5,] 95 0.0 1.0270 1.4630 0.2737 0.5752 0.2738 0.4656 0.4000 1.5750 [6,] 96 0.0 0.6097 0.8691 0.1625 0.3416 0.1626 0.2765 0.2375 0.9354 Cplasma Atubules Ametabolized Rblood2plasma AUC fAUC Aplacenta [1,] 0.00000 0.000 0.00 3.390 0.0000 0.0000 0.00000 [2,] 0.38700 2.663 92.96 3.388 0.5100 0.3988 0.15220 [3,] 0.22960 4.240 146.10 3.387 0.8115 0.6366 0.09219 [4,] 0.13620 5.178 177.70 3.386 0.9903 0.7776 0.05587 [5,] 0.08087 5.735 196.40 3.385 1.0960 0.8613 0.03386 [6,] 0.04803 6.066 207.50 3.384 1.1600 0.9111 0.02053 Cplacenta Cfliver Cfven Cfart Cfgut Cflung Cfrest Cfthyroid Cfkidney [1,] 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 [2,] 1.3940 6.5220 1.1600 1.1600 4.6700 2.6840 1.8120 2.5530 7.0200 [3,] 0.8270 3.8690 0.6902 0.6902 2.7700 1.5920 1.0750 1.5140 4.1640 [4,] 0.4907 2.2960 0.4109 0.4109 1.6440 0.9446 0.6378 0.8986 2.4710 [5,] 0.2913 1.3630 0.2447 0.2447 0.9760 0.5608 0.3787 0.5335 1.4670 [6,] 0.1730 0.8094 0.1458 0.1458 0.5797 0.3331 0.2249 0.3169 0.8714 Cfbrain Cfplasma Rfblood2plasma Qcardiac Qthyroid [1,] 0.0000 0.00000 3.788 8656 118.6 [2,] 2.0400 0.34230 3.800 8673 118.7 [3,] 1.2100 0.20380 3.812 8690 118.8 [4,] 0.7181 0.12130 3.824 8707 118.9 [5,] 0.4263 0.07228 3.836 8724 119.0 [6,] 0.2532 0.04307 3.848 8741 119.1 Warning messages: 1: In solve_model(chem.name = chem.name, chem.cas = chem.cas, dtxsid = dtxsid, : Rblood2plasma not recalculated. Set recalc.blood2plasma to TRUE if desired. 2: In solve_model(chem.name = chem.name, chem.cas = chem.cas, dtxsid = dtxsid, : Clearance not recalculated. Set recalc.clearance to TRUE if desired. > > quit("no") > proc.time() user system elapsed 6.14 0.37 6.46