# R CMD BATCH --no-timing --no-restore --no-save adddata_test.R adddata_test.Rout # Get rid of anything in the workspace: rm(list=ls()) library(httk) # Number of chemicals distributed with the package: num.chems <- length(get_cheminfo()) fake <- data.frame(Compound="Tester", CASRN="222-11-1", DTXSID="DTX111222", MW=200, logP=3.5, Fup=0.1, Clint=0.1, Clint.pValue=0.001,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) chem.physical_and_invitro.data <- add_chemtable( fake, current.table=chem.physical_and_invitro.data, data.list=list( Compound="Compound", CAS="CASRN", DTXSID="DTXSID", MW="MW", logP="logP", Funbound.plasma="Fup", Clint="Clint", Clint.pValue="Clint.pValue"), species="Human", reference="Fake") calc_css(chem.name="Tester") #load_sipes2017() # We should have the ADMet Predicted chemicals from Sipes et al. (2017), # this one is a good test since the logP is nearly 10! #calc_css(chem.cas="26040-51-7") #Let's see how many chemicals we have now with the Sipes (2017) data loaded)=: #length(get_cheminfo()) #Now let's reset reset_httk() # We should be back to our original number: num.chems == length(get_cheminfo()) quit("no")