library(testthat) context("htmlTable - the total argument") test_that("Throws errors",{ mx <- matrix(1, ncol=3, nrow=6) expect_error(htmlTable(mx, total = c(TRUE, TRUE))) expect_error(htmlTable(mx, total = c(TRUE, TRUE), tspanner = letters[1:3], n.tspanner = rep(2, times = 3))) expect_error(htmlTable(mx, total = -1)) expect_error(htmlTable(mx, total = nrow(mx) + 1)) expect_error(htmlTable(mx, total = "asdasd")) }) test_that("Correct rows",{ mx <- matrix(1:6, ncol=3, nrow=6) table_str <- htmlTable(mx, = "color: red", total=TRUE) expect_match(table_str, "]*>[^>]+color: red[^>]+>6") table_str <- htmlTable(mx, = "color: red", total=4) expect_match(table_str, "]*>[^>]+color: red[^>]+>4") table_str <- htmlTable(mx, = "color: red", total=c(4, 2)) expect_false(grepl("]*>[^>]+color: red[^>]+>[1356789]+", table_str)) expect_match(table_str, "]*>[^>]+color: red[^>]+>2") expect_match(table_str, "]*>[^>]+color: red[^>]+>4") table_str <- htmlTable(mx, = "color: red", total=c(4, 2)) expect_false(grepl("]*>[^>]+color: red[^>]+>[1356789]+", table_str)) expect_match(table_str, "]*>[^>]+color: red[^>]+>2") expect_match(table_str, "]*>[^>]+color: red[^>]+>4") }) test_that("Check tspanner", { mx <- matrix(1:6, ncol=3, nrow=6) table_str <- htmlTable(mx, tspanner = letters[1:2], n.tspanner = c(3, 3), = "color: red", total="tspanner") expect_false(grepl("]*>[^>]+color: red[^>]+>[1245789]+", table_str)) expect_match(table_str, "]*>[^>]+color: red[^>]+>3") expect_match(table_str, "]*>[^>]+color: red[^>]+>6") }) test_that("Check choosing", { mx <- matrix(1:6, ncol=3, nrow=6) table_str <- htmlTable(mx, tspanner = letters[1:2], n.tspanner = c(3, 3), = c("color: red", "color: green"), total="tspanner") expect_false(grepl("]*>[^>]+color: red[^>]+>[1245789]+", table_str)) expect_match(table_str, "]*>[^>]+color: red[^>]+>3") expect_match(table_str, "]*>[^>]+color: green[^>]+>6") }) test_that("The total should be added to the output if used with addmargins", { var1 <- LETTERS[1:3] var2 <- LETTERS[c(4:5, 5)] total_out <- table(var1, var2) %>% addmargins %>% htmlTable( = "background: purple") expect_match(total_out, "]+background: purple[^>]+>[^>]*Sum", info = "Expect the variable name to appear as a cgroup") expect_match(total_out, "]*>var2", info = "Expect the variable name to appear as a cgroup") })