test_that("HMS is stopped when tree_height is smaller than 1", { expected_error <- "Max tree height has to be greater or equal 1." expect_error(hms(fitness = function(x) { x }, tree_height = 0), expected_error) expect_error(hms(fitness = function(x) { x }, tree_height = -1), expected_error) }) test_that("HMS is stopped when lower or upper is missing", { expected_error <- "A lower and upper range of values must be provided." expect_error(hms(fitness = function(x) { x }), expected_error) expect_error(hms(fitness = function(x) { x }, lower = -5), expected_error) expect_error(hms(fitness = function(x) { x }, upper = 5), expected_error) }) test_that("HMS is stopped when fitness is not a function", { expected_error <- "Fitness function must be provided." expect_error(hms(fitness = 1), expected_error) })