library(hipread) context("Yields - long") test_that("reading full data is equivalent to yields (.dat)", { full <- hipread_long( hipread_example("test-basic.dat"), list( H = hip_fwf_positions( c(1, 2, 5, 8), c(1, 4, 7, 10), c("rt", "hhnum", "hh_char", "hh_dbl"), c("c", "i", "c", "d") ), P = hip_fwf_widths( c(1, 3, 1, 3, 1), c("rt", "hhnum", "pernum", "per_dbl", "per_mix"), c("c", "i", "i", "d", "c") ) ), hip_rt(1, 1) ) yield <- hipread_long_yield( hipread_example("test-basic.dat"), list( H = hip_fwf_positions( c(1, 2, 5, 8), c(1, 4, 7, 10), c("rt", "hhnum", "hh_char", "hh_dbl"), c("c", "i", "c", "d") ), P = hip_fwf_widths( c(1, 3, 1, 3, 1), c("rt", "hhnum", "pernum", "per_dbl", "per_mix"), c("c", "i", "i", "d", "c") ) ), hip_rt(1, 1) ) yield_data <- list() while (!yield$is_done()) { yield_data[[length(yield_data) + 1]] <- yield$yield(4) } yield_data <-, yield_data) expect_equal(full, yield_data) }) test_that("reading full data is equivalent to yields (.dat.gz)", { full <- hipread_long( hipread_example("test-basic.dat.gz"), list( H = hip_fwf_positions( c(1, 2, 5, 8), c(1, 4, 7, 10), c("rt", "hhnum", "hh_char", "hh_dbl"), c("c", "i", "c", "d") ), P = hip_fwf_widths( c(1, 3, 1, 3, 1), c("rt", "hhnum", "pernum", "per_dbl", "per_mix"), c("c", "i", "i", "d", "c") ) ), hip_rt(1, 1) ) yield <- hipread_long_yield( hipread_example("test-basic.dat.gz"), list( H = hip_fwf_positions( c(1, 2, 5, 8), c(1, 4, 7, 10), c("rt", "hhnum", "hh_char", "hh_dbl"), c("c", "i", "c", "d") ), P = hip_fwf_widths( c(1, 3, 1, 3, 1), c("rt", "hhnum", "pernum", "per_dbl", "per_mix"), c("c", "i", "i", "d", "c") ) ), hip_rt(1, 1) ) yield_data <- list() while (!yield$is_done()) { yield_data[[length(yield_data) + 1]] <- yield$yield(4) } yield_data <-, yield_data) expect_equal(full, yield_data) }) test_that("first yield equals first yield after reset (.dat)", { yield <- hipread_long_yield( hipread_example("test-basic.dat"), list( H = hip_fwf_positions( c(1, 2, 5, 8), c(1, 4, 7, 10), c("rt", "hhnum", "hh_char", "hh_dbl"), c("c", "i", "c", "d") ), P = hip_fwf_widths( c(1, 3, 1, 3, 1), c("rt", "hhnum", "pernum", "per_dbl", "per_mix"), c("c", "i", "i", "d", "c") ) ), hip_rt(1, 1) ) first_yield <- yield$yield(4) ignore <- yield$yield(2) yield$reset() expect_equal(yield$yield(4), first_yield) }) test_that("first yield equals first yield after reset (.dat.gz)", { yield <- hipread_long_yield( hipread_example("test-basic.dat.gz"), list( H = hip_fwf_positions( c(1, 2, 5, 8), c(1, 4, 7, 10), c("rt", "hhnum", "hh_char", "hh_dbl"), c("c", "i", "c", "d") ), P = hip_fwf_widths( c(1, 3, 1, 3, 1), c("rt", "hhnum", "pernum", "per_dbl", "per_mix"), c("c", "i", "i", "d", "c") ) ), hip_rt(1, 1) ) first_yield <- yield$yield(4) ignore <- yield$yield(2) yield$reset() expect_equal(yield$yield(4), first_yield) }) test_that("cur_pos is updated correctly", { yield <- hipread_long_yield( hipread_example("test-basic.dat"), list( H = hip_fwf_positions( c(1, 2, 5, 8), c(1, 4, 7, 10), c("rt", "hhnum", "hh_char", "hh_dbl"), c("c", "i", "c", "d") ), P = hip_fwf_widths( c(1, 3, 1, 3, 1), c("rt", "hhnum", "pernum", "per_dbl", "per_mix"), c("c", "i", "i", "d", "c") ) ), hip_rt(1, 1) ) expect_equal(yield$cur_pos, 1) first_yield <- yield$yield(4) expect_equal(yield$cur_pos, 5) next_yield <- yield$yield(2) expect_equal(yield$cur_pos, 7) yield$reset() final_yield <- yield$yield(3) expect_equal(yield$cur_pos, 4) }) context("Yields - list") test_that("reading full data is equivalent to yields (.dat)", { full <- hipread_list( hipread_example("test-basic.dat"), list( H = hip_fwf_positions( c(1, 2, 5, 8), c(1, 4, 7, 10), c("rt", "hhnum", "hh_char", "hh_dbl"), c("c", "i", "c", "d") ), P = hip_fwf_widths( c(1, 3, 1, 3, 1), c("rt", "hhnum", "pernum", "per_dbl", "per_mix"), c("c", "i", "i", "d", "c") ) ), hip_rt(1, 1) ) yield <- hipread_list_yield( hipread_example("test-basic.dat"), list( H = hip_fwf_positions( c(1, 2, 5, 8), c(1, 4, 7, 10), c("rt", "hhnum", "hh_char", "hh_dbl"), c("c", "i", "c", "d") ), P = hip_fwf_widths( c(1, 3, 1, 3, 1), c("rt", "hhnum", "pernum", "per_dbl", "per_mix"), c("c", "i", "i", "d", "c") ) ), hip_rt(1, 1) ) yield_data <- list() while (!yield$is_done()) { yield_data[[length(yield_data) + 1]] <- yield$yield(4) } yield_h_data <-, lapply(yield_data, function(x) x$H)) yield_p_data <-, lapply(yield_data, function(x) x$P)) expect_equal(full$H, yield_h_data) expect_equal(full$P, yield_p_data) }) test_that("reading full data is equivalent to yields (.dat.gz)", { full <- hipread_list( hipread_example("test-basic.dat.gz"), list( H = hip_fwf_positions( c(1, 2, 5, 8), c(1, 4, 7, 10), c("rt", "hhnum", "hh_char", "hh_dbl"), c("c", "i", "c", "d") ), P = hip_fwf_widths( c(1, 3, 1, 3, 1), c("rt", "hhnum", "pernum", "per_dbl", "per_mix"), c("c", "i", "i", "d", "c") ) ), hip_rt(1, 1) ) yield <- hipread_list_yield( hipread_example("test-basic.dat.gz"), list( H = hip_fwf_positions( c(1, 2, 5, 8), c(1, 4, 7, 10), c("rt", "hhnum", "hh_char", "hh_dbl"), c("c", "i", "c", "d") ), P = hip_fwf_widths( c(1, 3, 1, 3, 1), c("rt", "hhnum", "pernum", "per_dbl", "per_mix"), c("c", "i", "i", "d", "c") ) ), hip_rt(1, 1) ) yield_data <- list() while (!yield$is_done()) { yield_data[[length(yield_data) + 1]] <- yield$yield(4) } yield_h_data <-, lapply(yield_data, function(x) x$H)) yield_p_data <-, lapply(yield_data, function(x) x$P)) expect_equal(full$H, yield_h_data) expect_equal(full$P, yield_p_data) }) test_that("first yield equals first yield after reset (.dat)", { yield <- hipread_list_yield( hipread_example("test-basic.dat"), list( H = hip_fwf_positions( c(1, 2, 5, 8), c(1, 4, 7, 10), c("rt", "hhnum", "hh_char", "hh_dbl"), c("c", "i", "c", "d") ), P = hip_fwf_widths( c(1, 3, 1, 3, 1), c("rt", "hhnum", "pernum", "per_dbl", "per_mix"), c("c", "i", "i", "d", "c") ) ), hip_rt(1, 1) ) first_yield <- yield$yield(4) ignore <- yield$yield(2) yield$reset() expect_equal(yield$yield(4), first_yield) }) test_that("first yield equals first yield after reset (.dat.gz)", { yield <- hipread_list_yield( hipread_example("test-basic.dat.gz"), list( H = hip_fwf_positions( c(1, 2, 5, 8), c(1, 4, 7, 10), c("rt", "hhnum", "hh_char", "hh_dbl"), c("c", "i", "c", "d") ), P = hip_fwf_widths( c(1, 3, 1, 3, 1), c("rt", "hhnum", "pernum", "per_dbl", "per_mix"), c("c", "i", "i", "d", "c") ) ), hip_rt(1, 1) ) first_yield <- yield$yield(4) ignore <- yield$yield(2) yield$reset() expect_equal(yield$yield(4), first_yield) }) test_that("can reset after end of file is reached (.dat)", { yield <- hipread_list_yield( hipread_example("test-basic.dat"), list( H = hip_fwf_positions( c(1, 2, 5, 8), c(1, 4, 7, 10), c("rt", "hhnum", "hh_char", "hh_dbl"), c("c", "i", "c", "d") ), P = hip_fwf_widths( c(1, 3, 1, 3, 1), c("rt", "hhnum", "pernum", "per_dbl", "per_mix"), c("c", "i", "i", "d", "c") ) ), hip_rt(1, 1) ) full_yield <- yield$yield() expect_null(yield$yield()) yield$reset() expect_equal(full_yield, yield$yield()) }) test_that("can reset after end of file is reached (.dat.gz)", { yield <- hipread_list_yield( hipread_example("test-basic.dat.gz"), list( H = hip_fwf_positions( c(1, 2, 5, 8), c(1, 4, 7, 10), c("rt", "hhnum", "hh_char", "hh_dbl"), c("c", "i", "c", "d") ), P = hip_fwf_widths( c(1, 3, 1, 3, 1), c("rt", "hhnum", "pernum", "per_dbl", "per_mix"), c("c", "i", "i", "d", "c") ) ), hip_rt(1, 1) ) full_yield <- yield$yield() expect_null(yield$yield()) yield$reset() expect_equal(full_yield, yield$yield()) }) test_that("cur_pos is updated correctly", { yield <- hipread_long_yield( hipread_example("test-basic.dat"), list( H = hip_fwf_positions( c(1, 2, 5, 8), c(1, 4, 7, 10), c("rt", "hhnum", "hh_char", "hh_dbl"), c("c", "i", "c", "d") ), P = hip_fwf_widths( c(1, 3, 1, 3, 1), c("rt", "hhnum", "pernum", "per_dbl", "per_mix"), c("c", "i", "i", "d", "c") ) ), hip_rt(1, 1) ) expect_equal(yield$cur_pos, 1) first_yield <- yield$yield(4) expect_equal(yield$cur_pos, 5) next_yield <- yield$yield(2) expect_equal(yield$cur_pos, 7) yield$reset() final_yield <- yield$yield(3) expect_equal(yield$cur_pos, 4) })