context("input_data unit tests") library("flexsurv") library("data.table") rm(list = ls()) strategies <- data.table(strategy_id = c(1, 2)) patients <- data.table( patient_id = seq(1, 3), age = c(45, 47, 60), female = c(1, 0, 0), group = factor(c("Good", "Medium", "Poor")), ecog = c("Asymptomatic", "Symptomatic (ambulatory)", "In bed <50%") ) states <- data.table( state_id = seq(1, 3), state_name = factor(paste0("state", seq(1, 3))) ) transitions <- data.table( transition_id = seq(1, 4), from = c(1, 1, 2, 2), to = c(2, 3, 1, 3) ) hesim_dat <- hesim_data( strategies = strategies, patients = patients, states = states, transitions = transitions ) input_data <- expand(hesim_dat) # input_mats class works as expected ------------------------------------------- im <- input_mats( X = list(mu = model.matrix(~ age, input_data)), strategy_id = input_data$strategy_id, n_strategies = length(unique(input_data$strategy_id)), patient_id = input_data$patient_id, n_patients = length(unique(input_data$patient_id)) ) test_that("input_mats() works as expected", { expected_X <- as.matrix(data.frame(1, input_data$age)) colnames(expected_X) <- c("(Intercept)", "age") expect_true(inherits(im, "input_mats")) expect_equivalent(im$X$mu, expected_X) }) test_that("print.input_mats() works as expected", { expect_output(print(im), "An \"input_mats\" object") expect_output(print(im), paste0("Column binding the ID variables with all ", "variables contained in the X matrices:")) expect_output(print(im), "Number of unique values of ID variables:") }) test_that(" works as expected", { imd <- expect_true(inherits(imd, "data.table")) expect_equal(imd$age, input_data$age) }) # input_mats class throws errors ----------------------------------------------- test_that("input_mats() throws error if X is not a list", { expect_error( input_mats( X = model.matrix(~ age, input_data), strategy_id = input_data$strategy_id, n_strategies = length(unique(input_data$strategy_id)), patient_id = input_data$patient_id, n_patients = length(unique(input_data$patient_id)) ), "'X' must be a list or a list of lists." ) }) test_that("input_mats() throws error if X is not a list of matrices", { expect_error( input_mats( X = list(2), strategy_id = input_data$strategy_id, n_strategies = length(unique(input_data$strategy_id)), patient_id = input_data$patient_id, n_patients = length(unique(input_data$patient_id)) ), "'X' must be a list or list of lists of matrices." ) }) test_that("input_mats() throws error if the rows in X are inconsistent with strategy_id", { expect_error( input_mats( X = list(mu = model.matrix(~ age, input_data)), strategy_id = input_data$strategy_id[-1], n_strategies = length(unique(input_data$strategy_id)), patient_id = input_data$patient_id, n_patients = length(unique(input_data$patient_id)) ), "The length of 'strategy_id' does not equal the number of rows in the 'X' matrices." ) }) # create_input_mats with lm objects -------------------------------------------- input_data <- expand(hesim_dat, by = c("strategies", "patients", "states")) fit1 <- lm(costs ~ female + state_name, data = psm4_exdata$costs$medical) test_that("create_input_mats.lm() works with both data.table and data.frame input data", { # With data.table input data im1 <- create_input_mats(fit1, input_data) expect_equal(ncol(im1$X$mu), 4) expect_equal(as.numeric(im1$X$mu[, "female"]), input_data$female) # With data.frame input data input_data2 <- copy(input_data) setattr(input_data2, "class", c("expanded_hesim_data", "data.frame")) im2 <- create_input_mats(fit1, input_data2) expect_equal(im1, im2) }) test_that("create_input_mats.lm() works with times", { d <- expand(hesim_dat, by = c("strategies", "patients", "states"), times = c(0, 2)) im <- create_input_mats(fit1, d) expect_output(print(im), "Time intervals:") imd <- expect_true( all(c("strategy_id", "patient_id", "state_id", "time_id", "time_start", "time_stop", "state_namestate2", "state_namestate3") %in% colnames(imd)) ) expect_equal(d$female, imd$female) }) test_that("create_input_mats.lm() thows error if input data is not a data.table or data.frame", { d <- copy(input_data) setattr(d, "class", "expanded_hesim_data") expect_error( create_input_mats(fit1, d), "'input_data' must inherit from either 'data.table' or 'data.frame'" ) }) # create_input_mats with params_lm objects ------------------------------------- test_that("create_input_mats.params_lm() works as expected", { p <- params_lm( coef = data.frame(intercept = c(.2, .3), age = c(.02, .05)) ) id <- expand(hesim_dat)[, intercept := 1] im <- create_input_mats(p, id) expect_equal(im$X$mu[, "age"], id$age) expect_equal(im$patient_id, id$patient_id) }) # create_input_mats with flexsurvreg objects ----------------------------------- input_data <- expand(hesim_dat)[, intercept := 1] test_that("input_mats.flexsurvreg() returns the correct columns", { lung <- data.table(survival::lung) lung[, status := ifelse(status == 2, 0, 1)] lung[, ecog := factor( ph.ecog, levels = 0:3, labels = c("Asymptomatic", "Symptomatic (ambulatory)", "In bed <50%", "In bed > 50% of the day") )] fit <- flexsurvreg(Surv(time, status) ~ poly(age, 2) + factor(ecog), data = lung, dist = "weibull") p <- create_params(fit) terms <- colnames(p$coefs$scale) im <- create_input_mats(fit, input_data) expect_equal(colnames(im$X$scale)[-1], terms[-1]) }) test_that(paste0("create_input_mats.flexsurvreg() works with regression ", "coefficients on ancillary parameters"), { fit <- flexsurvreg(Surv(recyrs, censrec) ~ group, data = bc, anc = list(sigma = ~ group), dist = "gengamma") im <- create_input_mats(fit, input_data) expect_equal(im$strategy_id, input_data$strategy_id) expect_equal(im$state_id, input_data$state_id) expect_equal(im$patient_id, input_data$patient_id) expect_equal(class(im$X), "list") expect_true(inherits(im$X[[1]], "matrix")) expect_equal(length(im$X), 3) expect_equal(ncol(im$X$mu), 3) expect_equal(ncol(im$X$sigma), 3) expect_equal(ncol(im$X$Q), 1) }) test_that("create_input_mats.flexsurv_list() works as expected", { fw <- flexsurvreg(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ 1, data = ovarian, dist = "weibull") fe <- flexsurvreg(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ 1, data = ovarian, dist = "exp") fl <- flexsurvreg_list(wei = fw, exp = fe) im <- create_input_mats(fl, input_data) expect_true(inherits(im, "input_mats")) expect_true(inherits(im$X$wei$shape, "matrix")) }) # create_input_mats with params_surv objects ----------------------------------- p_wei <- params_surv( coef = list( scale = data.frame(intercept = c(.2, .3), age = c(.02, .05)), shape = data.frame(intercept = c(.2, .3)) ), dist = "weibull" ) test_that("create_input_mats.params_surv() works as expected", { im <- create_input_mats(p_wei, input_data) expect_equal(im$X$shape[, "intercept"], input_data$intercept) expect_equal(im$X$scale[, "age"], input_data$age) expect_equal(im$strategy_id, input_data$strategy_id) }) test_that("create_input_mats.params_surv_list() works as expected", { p_exp <- params_surv( coef = list( rate = data.frame(intercept = c(.2, .3), age = c(.02, .05)) ), dist = "exp" ) p <- params_surv_list(wei = p_wei, exp = p_exp) im <- create_input_mats(p, input_data) expect_equal(im$X$wei$scale[, "age"], input_data$age) expect_equal(im$X$exp$rate[, "age"], input_data$age) expect_equal(im$strategy_id, input_data$strategy_id) })