context("ctstm.R unit tests") library("flexsurv") library("mstate") library("data.table") rm(list = ls()) # Helper functions ------------------------------------------------------------ pv <- function(z, r, t1, t2) { z * ((exp(-r * t1) - exp(-r * t2))/r) } # Strategies, population, and model structure --------------------------------- strategies <- data.table(strategy_id = c(1, 2)) patients <- data.table(patient_id = seq(1, 3), age = c(45, 50, 60), female = c(0, 0, 1)) states <- data.table(state_id = c(1, 2)) hesim_dat <- hesim_data(strategies = strategies, patients = patients, states = states) n_samples <- 2 # Statistical models to estimate parameters ----------------------------------- # Utility utility_tbl <- stateval_tbl(data.frame(state_id = states$state_id, est = c(0.90, 0.55)), dist = "fixed") # Costs ## Medical medcost_tbl <- stateval_tbl(data.frame(state_id = states$state_id, mean = c(800, 1500), se = c(100, 150)), dist = "gamma") ## Drugs drugcost_tbl <- stateval_tbl(tbl = data.frame(strategy_id = strategies$strategy_id, est = c(10000, 12500)), dist = "fixed") # Clock-reset multi-state model ## Separate dat <- data.table(bosms3) ### fits msfit_list <- vector(length = 3, mode = "list") for (i in 1:length(msfit_list)){ msfit_list[[i]] <- flexsurvreg(Surv(years, status) ~ 1, data = dat[trans == i], dist = "exp") } msfit_list_wei <- vector(length = 3, mode = "list") for (i in 1:length(msfit_list)){ msfit_list_wei[[i]] <- flexsurvreg(Surv(years, status) ~ 1, data = dat[trans == i], dist = "weibull") } ### Flexsurvreg lists msfit_list_mix <- flexsurvreg_list(msfit_list[[1]], msfit_list[[2]], msfit_list_wei[[3]]) msfit_list <- flexsurvreg_list(msfit_list) ## Joint data("ebmt4") tmat_ebmt4 <- transMat( x = list(c(2, 3, 5, 6), c(4, 5, 6), c(4, 5, 6), c(5, 6), c(), c()), names = c("Tx", "Rec", "AE", "Rec+AE", "Rel", "Death") ) msebmt <- msprep(data = ebmt4, trans = tmat_ebmt4, time = c(NA, "rec", "ae", "recae", "rel", "srv"), status = c(NA, "rec.s", "ae.s", "recae.s", "rel.s", "srv.s"), keep = c("match", "proph", "year", "agecl")) covs <- c("match", "proph", "year", "agecl") msebmt <- expand.covs(msebmt, covs, longnames = FALSE) msfit <- flexsurvreg(Surv(time/365.25, status) ~ factor(trans), data = msebmt, dist = "weibull") msfit_cf <- flexsurvreg(Surv(Tstart/365.25, Tstop/365.25, status) ~ factor(trans), data = msebmt, dist = "weibull") # State probabilities --------------------------------------------------------- sample <- c(rep(1, 9), rep(2, 4)) strategy_id <- c(rep(2, 5), rep(3, 4), rep(2, 2), rep(3, 2)) patient_id <- c(rep(2, 3), rep(3, 2), rep(2, 2), rep(3, 2), rep(2, 2), rep(3, 2)) from <- c(1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, rep(1, 4)) to <- c(2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, rep(3, 4)) final <- c(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, rep(1, 4)) time_start <- c(0, 2, 5, 0, 3, 2, 4, 0, 5, rep(0, 4)) time_stop <- c(2, 5, 7, 3, 8, 4, 8, 5, 11, rep(2, 2), rep(2.6, 2)) disprog <- data.frame(sample = sample, strategy_id = strategy_id, patient_id = patient_id, from = from, to = to, final = final, time_start = time_start, time_stop = time_stop) stprob_fun <- function(time){ data.table( hesim:::C_ctstm_indiv_stateprobs( disprog, t = time, n_samples = 2, n_strategies = 2, unique_strategy_id = unique(strategy_id), strategy_index = c(rep(0, 5), rep(1, 4), rep(0, 2), rep(1, 2)), n_grps = 1, unique_grp_id = 1, grp_index = rep(0, 13), n_states = 3, n_patients = 2 ) ) } test_that("C_ctstm_indiv_stateprobs", { # Time 2.5 stprobs <- stprob_fun(2.5) expect_equal(stprobs[sample == 0 & state_id == 1 & strategy_id == 2, prob], .5) expect_equal(stprobs[sample == 0 & state_id == 2 & strategy_id == 2, prob], 0) expect_equal(stprobs[sample == 0 & state_id == 0 & strategy_id == 3, prob], .5) expect_equal(stprobs[sample == 0 & state_id == 1 & strategy_id == 3, prob], .5) expect_equal(stprobs[sample == 1 & state_id == 2 & strategy_id == 2, prob], 1) expect_equal(stprobs[sample == 1 & state_id == 0 & strategy_id == 3, prob], 1) # Time 3 stprobs <- stprob_fun(3) expect_equal(stprobs[sample == 0 & state_id == 1 & strategy_id == 2, prob], 1) expect_equal(stprobs[sample == 0 & state_id == 1 & strategy_id == 3, prob], .5) # Time 10 stprobs <- stprob_fun(10) expect_equal(stprobs[sample == 0 & state_id == 1 & strategy_id == 2, prob], 0) expect_equal(stprobs[sample == 0 & state_id == 2 & strategy_id == 2, prob], 1) expect_equal(stprobs[sample == 0 & state_id == 0 & strategy_id == 3, prob], .5) expect_equal(stprobs[sample == 0 & state_id == 2 & strategy_id == 3, prob], .5) }) # Create transition model ------------------------------------------------------ # Transition specific models msfit_list_data <- expand(hesim_dat) test_that("create_IndivCtstmTrans has correct fields for transition specific models", { m <- create_IndivCtstmTrans(msfit_list, input_data = msfit_list_data, trans_mat = tmat_ebmt4, clock = "reset", n = n_samples) expect_equal(m$clock, "reset") expect_equal(m$trans_mat, tmat_ebmt4) expect_equal(m$params[[1]]$n_samples, n_samples) m <- create_IndivCtstmTrans(msfit_list, input_data = msfit_list_data, trans_mat = tmat_ebmt4, clock = "forward", n = n_samples) expect_equal(m$clock, "forward") }) # Joint model transitions <- create_trans_dt(tmat_ebmt4) transitions[, trans := transition_id] hesim_dat$transitions <- transitions msfit_data <- expand(hesim_dat, by = c("strategies", "patients", "transitions")) test_that("create_IndivCtstmTrans has correct fields for joint model", { m <- create_IndivCtstmTrans(msfit, input_data = msfit_data, trans_mat = tmat_ebmt4, clock = "reset", n = n_samples) expect_equal(m$clock, "reset") expect_equal(m$trans_mat, tmat_ebmt4) expect_equal(m$params$n_samples, n_samples) m <- create_IndivCtstmTrans(msfit_cf, input_data = msfit_data, trans_mat = tmat_ebmt4, clock = "forward", n = n_samples) expect_equal(m$clock, "forward") }) # Simulate economic model ------------------------------------------------------ # Construct economic model ## Utility utilmod <- create_StateVals(utility_tbl, n = n_samples, hesim_data = hesim_dat) ## Costs medcostsmod <- create_StateVals(medcost_tbl, n = n_samples, hesim_data = hesim_dat) drugcostsmod <- create_StateVals(drugcost_tbl, n = n_samples, hesim_data = hesim_dat) ## Transitions ### With transition specific survival models tmat <- rbind(c(NA, 1, 2), c(NA, NA, 3), c(NA, NA, NA)) test_that("IndivCtstmTrans - transition specific", { mstate_list <- create_IndivCtstmTrans(msfit_list, input_data = msfit_list_data, trans_mat = tmat, uncertainty = "none") # Hazard hesim_hazard <- mstate_list$hazard(3) expect_equal(hesim_hazard[transition_id == 1][1]$hazard, summary(msfit_list[[1]], type = "hazard", t = 3, ci = FALSE)[[1]][1, "est"]) expect_equal(hesim_hazard[transition_id == 2][1]$hazard, summary(msfit_list[[2]], type = "hazard", t = 3, ci = FALSE)[[1]][1, "est"]) # Cumulative hazard hesim_cumhazard <- mstate_list$cumhazard(5) expect_equal(hesim_cumhazard[transition_id == 1][1]$cumhazard, summary(msfit_list[[1]], type = "cumhaz", t = 5)[[1]][1, "est"]) expect_equal(hesim_cumhazard[transition_id == 2][1]$cumhazard, summary(msfit_list[[2]], type = "cumhaz", t = 5)[[1]][1, "est"]) # State probabilities only stprobs <- mstate_list$sim_stateprobs(t = c(0, 1, 2, 3)) expect_true(inherits(stprobs, "data.table")) stprobs <- mstate_list$sim_stateprobs(t = c(0, 1, 2, 3), max_t = 2) expect_true(inherits(stprobs, "data.table")) # Disease progression and then state probabilities disprog <- mstate_list$sim_disease(max_t = 2) expect_true(inherits(disprog, "data.table")) stprobs <- mstate_list$sim_stateprobs(t = c(0, 2), disprog = disprog) expect_true(inherits(stprobs, "data.table")) # No errors expect_error(create_IndivCtstmTrans(msfit_list, input_data = msfit_list_data, trans_mat = tmat, death_state = nrow(tmat), uncertainty = "none"), NA) # Errors expect_error(create_IndivCtstmTrans(msfit_list, input_data = msfit_list_data, trans_mat = tmat, start_age = rep(55, nrow(dt_patients) + 1))) expect_error(create_IndivCtstmTrans(msfit_list, input_data = msfit_list_data, trans_mat = tmat, death_state = nrow(tmat) + 1, uncertainty = "none")) mstate_list2 <- mstate_list$clone() mstate_list2$trans_mat <- matrix(1) mstate_list2$trans_mat <-1 expect_error(mstate_list2$sim_stateprobs(t = 2)) mstate_list2$trans_mat <- matrix(seq(1, 6), nrow = 2) expect_error(mstate_list2$sim_stateprobs(t = 2)) }) ### With a joint model test_that("IndivCtstmTrans - joint", { mstate <- create_IndivCtstmTrans(msfit, input_data = msfit_data, trans_mat = tmat_ebmt4, uncertainty = "none") # hazard hesim_hazard <- mstate$hazard(3) expect_equal(hesim_hazard[transition_id == 1][1]$hazard, summary(msfit, type = "hazard", t = 3, ci = FALSE)[[1]][1, "est"]) expect_equal(hesim_hazard[transition_id == 4][1]$hazard, summary(msfit, type = "hazard", t = 3, ci = FALSE)[[4]][1, "est"]) # Cumulative hazard hesim_cumhazard <- mstate$cumhazard(3) expect_equal(hesim_cumhazard[transition_id == 1][1]$cumhazard, summary(msfit, type = "cumhaz", t = 3, ci = FALSE)[[1]][1, "est"]) expect_equal(hesim_cumhazard[transition_id == 4][1]$cumhazard, summary(msfit, type = "cumhaz", t = 3, ci = FALSE)[[4]][1, "est"]) # Simulate state probabilities expect_true(inherits(mstate$sim_stateprobs(t = c(0, 1, 2)), "data.table")) }) # Simulate outcomes ## With transition specific survival models test_that("Simulate disease progression with transition specific models", { mstate_list <- create_IndivCtstmTrans(msfit_list, input_data = msfit_list_data, trans_mat = tmat, uncertainty = "none") ictstm <- IndivCtstm$new(trans_model = mstate_list, utility_model = utilmod) # Errors expect_error(ictstm$sim_stateprobs()) expect_error(ictstm$sim_disease(max_age = 12)) ictstm2 <- IndivCtstm$new(trans_model = 2) expect_error(ictstm2$sim_disease()) # Base case simulation ## Simulate disease progression set.seed(101) disprog <- ictstm$sim_disease()$disprog_ expect_true(inherits(disprog, "data.table")) ### Time from first state set.seed(101) time_1a <- rexp(1, rate = msfit_list[[1]]$res[, "est"]) time_1b <- rexp(1, rate = msfit_list[[2]]$res[, "est"]) time1 <- min(time_1a, time_1b) state1 <- which.min(c(time_1a, time_1b)) + 1 expect_equal(disprog[1, time_stop], time1) expect_equal(disprog[1, to], state1) #### Time from second state time2 <- rexp(1, rate = msfit_list[[3]]$res[, "est"]) expect_equal(disprog[2, time_stop], time1 + time2) ## Simulate state probabilities stprobs <- ictstm$sim_stateprobs(t = c(0, 1, 2, 3))$stateprobs_ expect_true(all(stprobs[t == 0 & state_id == 1, prob] == 1)) expect_true(all(stprobs[t == 0 & state_id != 1, prob] == 0)) # Simulation with other cases ## Maximum time = 2 disprog <- ictstm$sim_disease(max_t = 2)$disprog_ expect_equal(ictstm$stateprobs_, NULL) expect_equal(max(disprog$time_stop), 2) expect_true(all(disprog[final == 1 & time_stop == 2 & from == 1, to] == 1)) # All should have remained in initial state expect_true(all(disprog[final == 1 & time_stop == 2 & from == 2, to] == 2)) ## Maximum age = 43 (i.e., max_t = 5) disprog <- ictstm$sim_disease(max_age = 43)$disprog_ expect_true(all(disprog[time_stop == 5 & final == 1, to] == 3)) # All should have moved to death state }) test_that("Simulate costs and QALYs", { mstate_list <- create_IndivCtstmTrans(msfit_list, input_data = msfit_list_data, trans_mat = tmat, n = n_samples) ictstm <- IndivCtstm$new(trans_model = mstate_list, utility_model = utilmod, cost_models = list(medical = medcostsmod, drugs = drugcostsmod)) ictstm$sim_disease() # Simulate QALYs ## Across patients ### Time constant utility #### Errors ##### Incorrect utility model ictstm2 <- ictstm$clone() ictstm2$utility_model <- 2 expect_error(ictstm2$sim_qalys()) ##### Cannot repeat discount rates expect_error(ictstm$sim_qalys(dr = c(.03, .03))$qalys) ##### Incorrect number of PSA samples ictstm2 <- ictstm$clone(deep = TRUE) ictstm2$utility_model$params$n_samples <- -1 expect_error( ictstm2$sim_qalys(), paste0("The number of samples in each 'StateVals' model must equal the ", "number of samples in the 'disprog' object, which is 2.") ) ##### Incorrect number of strategies ictstm2 <- ictstm$clone(deep = TRUE) ictstm2$utility_model$params$n_strategies <- -1 expect_error( ictstm2$sim_qalys(), paste0("The number of strategies in each 'StateVals' model must equal the ", "number of strategies in the 'disprog' object, which is 2.") ) ##### Incorrect number of patients ictstm2 <- ictstm$clone(deep = TRUE) ictstm2$utility_model$params$n_patients <- -1 expect_error( ictstm2$sim_qalys(), paste0("The number of patients in each 'StateVals' model must equal the ", "number of patients in the 'disprog' object, which is 3.") ) ##### Incorrect number of health states ictstm2 <- ictstm$clone(deep = TRUE) ictstm2$utility_model$params$n_states <- -1 expect_error( ictstm2$sim_qalys(), paste0("The number of states in each 'StateVals' model must equal ", "the number of states in the 'disprog' object less the number ", "of absorbing states, which is 2."), fixed = TRUE ) #### No errors expect_error(ictstm$sim_qalys(dr = .03)$qalys_, NA) ## By patient ### Time constant utility #### dr = .03 ictstm$sim_qalys(dr = .03, by_patient = TRUE)$qalys_ disprog1 <- ictstm$disprog_[sample == 1 & strategy_id == 1 & patient_id == 2] qalys1 <- ictstm$qalys_[sample == 1 & strategy_id == 1 & patient_id == 2] utilvals <- merge(data.frame(state_id = disprog1$from), utility_tbl, by = "state_id") qalys_expected <- sum(pv(utilvals$est, .03, disprog1$time_start, disprog1$time_stop)) expect_equal(sum(qalys1$qalys), qalys_expected) #### dr = 0 ictstm <- ictstm$clone(deep = TRUE) ictstm$utility_model$params$value <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(ictstm$utility_model$params$value), ncol = ncol(ictstm$utility_model$params$value)) ictstm$sim_qalys(dr = 0, by_patient = TRUE) qalys <- ictstm$sim_qalys(dr = 0, by_patient = TRUE)$qalys_ expect_equal(ictstm$disprog_[final == 1][sample == 1 & strategy_id == 2 & patient_id == 2, time_stop], sum(qalys[sample == 1 & strategy_id == 2 & patient_id == 2, qalys])) expect_true(all(qalys$qalys == qalys$lys)) # life-years are computed correctly ### Time varying utility t2 <- .2 utility_tbl2 <- data.table(state_id = rep(states$state_id, 2), time_start = c(0, 0, t2, t2), est = c(.90, .55, .70, .35)) utility_tbl2 <- stateval_tbl(utility_tbl2, dist = "fixed") utilmod2 <- create_StateVals(utility_tbl2, n = n_samples, hesim_data = hesim_dat) ictstm2 <- ictstm$clone() ictstm2$utility_model <- utilmod2 ictstm2$sim_disease() ictstm2$sim_qalys(by_patient = TRUE, dr = .03) disprog1 <- ictstm2$disprog_[sample == 1 & strategy_id == 1 & patient_id == 2] qalys1 <- ictstm2$qalys_[sample == 1 & strategy_id == 1 & patient_id == 2] wlos1 <- rep(NA, nrow(disprog1)) for (i in 1:2){ if (i <= nrow(disprog1)){ if (disprog1$time_start[i] < t2){ z <- utility_tbl2[state_id == disprog1[i]$from & time_start == 0]$est wlos1[i] <- pv(z, .03, disprog1[i]$time_start, min(t2, disprog1[i]$time_stop)) if (disprog1[i]$time_stop > t2){ z <- utility_tbl2[state_id == disprog1[i]$from & time_start == t2]$est wlos1[i] <- wlos1[i] + pv(z, .03, t2, disprog1[i]$time_stop) } } else{ z <- utility_tbl2[state_id == disprog1[i]$from & time_start == t2]$est wlos1[i] <- pv(z, .03, disprog1[i]$time_start, disprog1[i]$time_stop) } } else{ wlos1[i] <- 0 } } expect_equal(wlos1, qalys1$qalys) # Simulate costs ## Errors ### Cost models must be lists of StateVal objects ictstm2$cost_models <- 2 expect_error(ictstm2$sim_costs()) ictstm2$cost_models <- list(2) expect_error(ictstm2$sim_costs()) ## Working costs <- ictstm$sim_costs(dr = c(0, .03), max_t = c(Inf, 2))$costs_ expect_true(inherits(costs, "data.table")) costs <- ictstm$sim_costs(dr = c(0, .03), max_t = c(Inf, Inf))$costs_ expect_true(inherits(costs, "data.table")) costs <- ictstm$sim_costs(dr = c(0, .03), max_t = c(1, 0))$costs_ expect_equal(costs[category == "drugs", costs], rep(0, nrow(costs[category == "drugs"])), tolerance = .001, scale = 1) costs <- ictstm$sim_costs(dr = c(0, .03), max_t = c(0, 0))$costs_ expect_equal(costs$costs, rep(0, length(costs$costs)), tolerance = .001, scale = 1) costs <- ictstm$sim_costs(dr = c(0, .03), by_patient = TRUE)$costs_ expect_equal(unique(costs$category), c("medical", "drugs")) expect_equal(unique(costs$dr), c(0, .03)) ## Time-varying costs with reset ### Simulate drugcost_tbl_tv <- stateval_tbl(tbl = data.frame(strategy_id = rep(strategies$strategy_id, each = 2), time_start = c(0, 1.2, 0, 1.2), est = c(10000, 500, 12500, 250)), dist = "fixed") drugcostsmod_tv <- create_StateVals(drugcost_tbl_tv, n = n_samples, time_reset = TRUE, hesim_data = hesim_dat) ictstm2$cost_models <- list(medical = medcostsmod, drugs = drugcostsmod_tv) ictstm2$sim_costs(dr = 0, by_patient = TRUE) ictstm2$disprog_[, time_elapsed := time_stop - time_start] ### Test test_tv_cost <- function(state){ row <- ictstm2$disprog_[from == state][1] drug_costs <- drugcost_tbl_tv[strategy_id == row$strategy_id] expected_costs <- 0 j <- 1 while(j <= nrow(drug_costs) & (drug_costs[j]$time_start < row$time_elapsed)){ time_j <- min(row$time_elapsed - drug_costs[j]$time_start, drug_costs[j]$time_stop - drug_costs[j]$time_start) expected_costs <- expected_costs + time_j * drug_costs[j, est] j <- j + 1 } expect_equal(ictstm2$costs_[category == "drugs" & sample == row$sample & strategy_id == row$strategy_id & patient_id == row$patient_id & state_id == row$from]$costs, expected_costs) } test_tv_cost(1) test_tv_cost(2) ## Using method = "starting" drugcost_tbl_tv2 <- stateval_tbl(tbl = data.frame(strategy_id = rep(strategies$strategy_id, each = 3), time_start = c(0, 1.2, 4, 0, 1.2, 4), est = c(10000, 500, 0, 12500, 250, 0)), dist = "fixed") drugcostsmod_tv2 <- create_StateVals(drugcost_tbl_tv2, n = n_samples, time_reset = FALSE, method = "starting", hesim_data = hesim_dat) ictstm2$cost_models$drugs <- drugcostsmod_tv2 ictstm2$sim_costs(dr = .03, by_patient = TRUE) test_starting <- function(model){ cost_params <- model$cost_models$drugs$params n_obs <- nrow(cost_params$value) n_samples <- ncol(cost_params$value) cost_tbl <- data.table(value = c(cost_params$value), sample = rep(1:n_samples, each = n_obs), strategy_id = rep(cost_params$strategy_id, times = n_samples), patient_id = rep(cost_params$patient_id, times = n_samples), time_id = rep(cost_params$time_id, times = n_samples), from = rep(cost_params$state_id, times = n_samples)) new_disprog <- copy(model$disprog_) new_disprog[, time_id := findInterval(time_start, cost_params$time_intervals$time_start)] new_disprog <- merge(new_disprog, cost_tbl, by = c("sample", "strategy_id", "patient_id", "from", "time_id")) new_disprog[, R_cost := exp(-.03 * time_start) * value] setnames(new_disprog, "from", "state_id") R_costs <- new_disprog[, .(R_costs = sum(R_cost)), by = c("sample", "strategy_id", "patient_id", "state_id")] model_costs <- model$costs_[category == "drugs"] costs <- merge(model_costs, R_costs, by = c("sample", "strategy_id", "patient_id", "state_id"), all.x = TRUE) costs[, R_costs := 0] expect_equal(costs$costs, costs$R_costs) } test_starting(ictstm2) # Summarize costs and QALYs ## By patient = TRUE ce_summary <- ictstm$summarize() expect_true(inherits(ce_summary, "ce")) ictstm$sim_disease() expect_error(ictstm$summarize()) ictstm$sim_costs() expect_error(ictstm$summarize()) ## By patient = FALSE ictstm$sim_qalys(by_patient = TRUE) ictstm$sim_costs(by_patient = TRUE) expect_error(ictstm$summarize(), NA) # Cost-effectiveness analysis cea <- cea(ce_summary, dr_costs = 0, dr_qalys = 0) expect_true("mce" %in% names(cea)) cea <- cea(ce_summary, dr_qalys = 0, dr_costs = .03) expect_true("mce" %in% names(cea)) cea_pw <- cea_pw(ce_summary, comparator = 1, dr_costs = 0, dr_qalys = 0) expect_true("ceac" %in% names(cea_pw)) }) ## With a joint survival model test_that("IndivCtstm - joint", { # Clock-reset mstate <- create_IndivCtstmTrans(msfit, input_data = msfit_data, trans_mat = tmat_ebmt4, n = n_samples) ictstm <- IndivCtstm$new(trans_model = mstate) # Simulate disease progression expect_error(ictstm$sim_disease()$disprog_, NA) disprog <- ictstm$sim_disease()$disprog_ expect_error(ictstm$sim_disease(progress = 1), NA) # outputs sample = 1 and sample = 2 expect_true( # Simulate state probabilities stprobs <- ictstm$sim_stateprobs(t = c(0, 1, 2, 3))$stateprobs_ expect_true(all(stprobs[t == 0 & state_id == 1, prob] == 1)) expect_true(all(stprobs[t == 0 & state_id != 1, prob] == 0)) # Clock-forward mstate_cf <- create_IndivCtstmTrans(msfit_cf, input_data = msfit_data, trans_mat = tmat_ebmt4, clock = "forward", n = n_samples) ictstm <- IndivCtstm$new(trans_model = mstate_cf) disprog <- ictstm$sim_disease()$disprog_ expect_true( # Mixture - states params <- create_params(msfit, n = 2) msfit_data <- cbind(msfit_data, model.matrix(~factor(trans), msfit_data)) mstate_mix <- create_IndivCtstmTrans(params, input_data = msfit_data, trans_mat = tmat_ebmt4, clock = "mix", reset_states = 1:nrow(tmat_ebmt4)) expect_true(inherits(mstate_mix, "IndivCtstmTrans")) ictstm <- IndivCtstm$new(trans_model = mstate_mix) disprog <- ictstm$sim_disease()$disprog_ expect_true( # Mixture - transitions test_mixt <- function(trans_type) { mstate_mixt <- create_IndivCtstmTrans(params, input_data = msfit_data, trans_mat = tmat_ebmt4, clock = "mixt", transition_types = trans_type) expect_true(inherits(mstate_mixt, "IndivCtstmTrans")) ictstm <- IndivCtstm$new(trans_model = mstate_mixt) disprog <- ictstm$sim_disease()$disprog_ expect_true( } test_mixt(rep("reset", max(tmat_ebmt4, na.rm=TRUE))) test_mixt(rep("age", max(tmat_ebmt4, na.rm=TRUE))) test_mixt(rep("time", max(tmat_ebmt4, na.rm=TRUE))) }) ## With fractional polynomial or survival spline from parameters object ### Input data edat <- copy(msfit_data[patient_id == 1]) edat$intercept <- 1 ### Simulate disease progression sim_disprog <- function(params){ mstate_fp <- create_IndivCtstmTrans(params, input_data = edat, trans_mat = tmat_ebmt4) ictstm <- IndivCtstm$new(trans_model = mstate_fp) return(ictstm$sim_disease()$disprog_) } test_that("IndivCtstm - fracpoly", { # Initial parameters coefs_fp <- list(gamma0 = matrix(log(1/5), nrow = 2, ncol = 1), gamma1 = matrix(1, nrow = 2, ncol = 1)) colnames(coefs_fp$gamma0) <- colnames(coefs_fp$gamma1) <- c("intercept") fp_args <- list(coefs = coefs_fp, dist = "fracpoly", aux = list(powers = 0)) params_fp <-"params_surv", fp_args) # Working ## Inverse CDF and quadrature expect_true( ## Inverse CDF and riemann params_fp$aux$cumhaz_method <- "riemann" params_fp$aux$step <- 1/12 expect_true( ## Sample and riemann params_fp$aux$random_method <- "discrete" expect_true( ## Sample and quadrature params_fp$aux$cumhaz_method <- "quad" expect_true( # Errors ## Need step size ### (1) fp_args$aux$random_method <- "discrete" expect_error("params_surv", fp_args)) ### (2) fp_args$aux$random_method <- "invcdf" fp_args$aux$cumhaz_method <- "riemann" expect_error("params_surv", fp_args)) }) ## With survival splines from parameters object test_that("IndivCtstm - survspline", { # Initial parameters coefs_spline <- list(gamma0 = matrix(-2, nrow = 2, ncol = 1), gamma1 = matrix(1, nrow = 2, ncol = 1)) colnames(coefs_spline$gamma0) <- colnames(coefs_spline$gamma1) <- c("intercept") spline_args <- list(coefs = coefs_spline, dist = "survspline", aux = list(knots = c(-10, 10), scale = "log_hazard", timescale = "log", random_method = "invcdf")) params_spline <-"params_surv", spline_args) # Working expect_equal(params_spline$aux$random_method, "invcdf") expect_equal(params_spline$aux$cumhaz_method, "quad") # Warnings spline_args$aux$random_method <- "sample" spline_args$aux$scale <- "log_cumhazard" expect_warning("params_surv", spline_args), "'random_method' = 'sample' is deprecated. Use 'discrete' instead." ) # Errors ## Need step size ### (1) spline_args$aux$random_method <- "discrete" spline_args$aux$scale <- "log_hazard" expect_error("params_surv", spline_args), "'step' must be specified" ) ### (2) spline_args$aux$random_method <- "invcdf" spline_args$aux$cumhaz_method <- "riemann" expect_error("params_surv", spline_args), "'step' must be specified" ) })