context("cea.R unit tests") library("data.table") # Output for testing ---------------------------------------------------------- n_samples <- 50 # cost c <- vector(mode = "list", length = 6) names(c) <- c("Strategy 1, Grp 1", "Strategy 1, Grp 2", "Strategy 2, Grp 1", "Strategy 2, Grp 2", "Strategy 3, Grp 1", "Strategy 3, Grp 2") c[[1]] <- rlnorm(n_samples, 2, .1) c[[2]] <- rlnorm(n_samples, 2, .1) c[[3]] <- rlnorm(n_samples, 11, .15) c[[4]] <- rlnorm(n_samples, 11, .15) c[[5]] <- rlnorm(n_samples, 11, .15) c[[6]] <- rlnorm(n_samples, 11, .15) # effectiveness e <- c e[[1]] <- rnorm(n_samples, 8, .2) e[[2]] <- rnorm(n_samples, 8, .2) e[[3]] <- rnorm(n_samples, 10, .8) e[[4]] <- rnorm(n_samples, 10.5, .8) e[[5]] <- rnorm(n_samples, 8.5, .6) e[[6]] <- rnorm(n_samples, 11, .6) # cost and effectiveness by strategy and simulation ce <- data.table(sample = rep(seq(n_samples), length(e)), strategy = rep(paste0("Strategy ", seq(1, 3)), each = n_samples * 2), grp = rep(rep(c("Group 1", "Group 2"), each = n_samples), 3), cost ="c", c), qalys ="c", e)) ce2 <- copy(ce) setnames(ce2, c("sample", "strategy", "grp"), c("samp", "strategy_name", "group")) # net benefits by willingess to pay krange <- seq(0, 200000, by = 25000) kval1 <- sample(krange, 1) kval2 <- sample(krange, 1) ce[, nmb1 := qalys * kval1 - cost] ce[, nmb2 := qalys * kval2 - cost] # Functions to use for testing ------------------------------------------------ # probabilistic sensitivity analysis ceaR <- function(x, kval, grpname){ x <- x[grp == grpname] x[, nmb := qalys * kval - cost] nmb <- dcast(x, sample ~ strategy, value.var = "nmb") strategies <- seq(1, ncol(nmb) - 1) nmb_names <- paste0("nmb", strategies) setnames(nmb, colnames(nmb), c("sample", nmb_names)) nmb[, maxj := apply(nmb[, -1, with = FALSE], 1, which.max)] nmb[, maxj := factor(maxj, levels = strategies)] prob_ce <- as.numeric(prop.table(table(nmb$maxj))) enmb <- as.numeric(nmb[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = nmb_names]) enmb_maxj <- which.max(enmb) ret <- list() # mce ret$mce <- prob_ce # CEAF ret$ceaf <- prob_ce[enmb_maxj] # evpi nmb[, nmbpi := apply(nmb[, 2:(ncol(nmb) -1), with = FALSE], 1, max)] nmb$nmbci <- nmb[[nmb_names[enmb_maxj]]] vpi <- nmb$nmbpi - nmb$nmbci ret$evpi <- mean(vpi) # return return(ret) } # incemental changes deltaR <- function(x, comparator, grpname){ x <- x[grp == grpname] x.comparator <- x[strategy == comparator] x.treat <- x[strategy != comparator] x.treat.qalys <- dcast(x.treat, sample ~ strategy, value.var = c("qalys")) x.treat.cost <- dcast(x.treat, sample ~ strategy, value.var = c("cost")) delta.qalys <- x.treat.qalys[, -1, with = FALSE] - x.comparator$qalys delta.cost <- x.treat.cost[, -1, with = FALSE] - x.comparator$cost n_samples <- max(x$sample) ret <- data.table(sample = seq(1, n_samples), strategy = rep(unique(x.treat$strategy), each = n_samples), grp = grpname, ie = c(as.matrix(delta.qalys)), ic = c(as.matrix(delta.cost))) return(ret) } # ceac ceacR <- function(ix, kval, grpname) { ix <- ix[grp == grpname] ix[, nmb := ie * kval - ic] ceac <- ix[, .(prob = mean(nmb >= 0)), by = "strategy"] } # Test cea() ------------------------------------------------------------------- cea_out <- cea(ce, k = krange, sample = "sample", strategy = "strategy", grp = "grp", e = "qalys", c = "cost") test_that("cea() produced expected results", { # Function gets expected results kval <- sample(krange, 1) ceaR_1 <- ceaR(ce, kval , "Group 1") ceaR_2 <- ceaR(ce, kval , "Group 2") ## Summary ### Group 2 ce_mean <- ce[grp == "Group 2", .(e_mean = mean(qalys), c_mean = mean(cost)), by = "strategy"] ce_lower <- ce[grp == "Group 2", .(e_lower = quantile(qalys, .025), c_lower = quantile(cost, .025)), by = "strategy"] ce_upper <- ce[grp == "Group 2", .(e_upper = quantile(qalys, .975), c_upper = quantile(cost, .975)), by = "strategy"] summary_test <- data.table(strategy = ce_mean$strategy, e_mean = ce_mean$e_mean, e_lower = ce_lower$e_lower, e_upper = ce_upper$e_upper, c_mean = ce_mean$c_mean, c_lower = ce_lower$c_lower, c_upper = ce_upper$c_upper) expect_equal(summary_test, cea_out$summary[grp == "Group 2", -2, with = FALSE]) # MCE ### Group 1 mce <- cea_out$mce[grp == "Group 1" & k == kval] mce_test <- ceaR_1$mce expect_equal(mce$prob, mce_test) ### Group 2 mce <- cea_out$mce[grp == "Group 2" & k == kval] mce_test <- ceaR_2$mce expect_equal(mce$prob, mce_test) ## CEAF ### Group 1 ceaf <- cea_out$mce[best == 1 & grp == "Group 1" & k == kval] ceaf_test <- ceaR_1$ceaf expect_equal(ceaf$prob, ceaf_test) ### Group 2 ceaf <- cea_out$mce[best == 1 & grp == "Group 2" & k == kval] ceaf_test <- ceaR_2$ceaf expect_equal(ceaf$prob, ceaf_test) ## EVPI ### Group 1 evpi <- cea_out$evpi[grp == "Group 1" & k == kval] evpi_test <- ceaR_1$evpi expect_equal(evpi$evpi, evpi_test) # Function works with non-default names cea_out2 <- cea(ce2, k = krange, sample = "samp", strategy = "strategy_name", grp = "group", e = "qalys", c = "cost") evpi_v2 <- cea_out2$evpi[group == "Group 1" & k == kval] expect_equal(evpi_v2$evpi, evpi$evpi) }) # Test cea_pw() ---------------------------------------------------------------- cea_pw_out <- cea_pw(ce, k = krange, comparator = "Strategy 1", sample = "sample", strategy = "strategy", grp = "grp", e = "qalys", c = "cost") cea_pw_out2 <- cea_pw(ce2, k = krange, comparator = "Strategy 1", sample = "samp", strategy = "strategy_name", grp = "group", e = "qalys", c = "cost") test_that("cea_pw() produces expected results", { ### function gets expected results kval <- sample(krange, 1) ## delta delta <- cea_pw_out$delta delta_test <- deltaR(ce, comparator = "Strategy 1", grpname = "Group 1") expect_equal(delta[grp == "Group 1"], delta_test) ## summary # group 2 delta_mean <- delta[grp == "Group 2", .(ie_mean = mean(ie), ic_mean = mean(ic)), by = "strategy"] delta_lower <- delta[grp == "Group 2", .(ie_lower = quantile(ie, .025), ic_lower = quantile(ic, .025)), by = "strategy"] delta_upper <- delta[grp == "Group 2", .(ie_upper = quantile(ie, .975), ic_upper = quantile(ic, .975)), by = "strategy"] icer <- delta_mean$ic_mean/delta_mean$ie_mean summary_test <- data.table::data.table(strategy = delta_mean$strategy, ie_mean = delta_mean$ie_mean, ie_lower = delta_lower$ie_lower, ie_upper = delta_upper$ie_upper, ic_mean = delta_mean$ic_mean, ic_lower = delta_lower$ic_lower, ic_upper = delta_upper$ic_upper, icer = icer) expect_equal(summary_test, cea_pw_out$summary[grp == "Group 2", -2, with = FALSE]) ## ceac # group 1 ceac <- cea_pw_out$ceac[grp == "Group 1" & k == kval] ceac_test <- ceacR(delta, kval = kval, grpname = "Group 1") expect_equal(ceac$prob, ceac_test$prob) # group 2 ceac <- cea_pw_out$ceac[grp == "Group 2" & k == kval] ceac_test <- ceacR(delta, kval = kval, grpname = "Group 2") expect_equal(ceac$prob, ceac_test$prob) ## inmb # group 2 inmb <- cea_pw_out$inmb[k == kval & grp == "Group 2"] einmb_test <- delta[grp == "Group 2", .(einmb = mean(ie * kval - ic)), by = "strategy"] expect_equal(inmb$einmb, einmb_test$einmb) # Function works with non-default names ceac_v2 <- cea_pw_out2$ceac[group == "Group 2" & k == kval] expect_equal(ceac$prob, ceac_v2$prob) }) # Test icer_tbl() -------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("icer_tbl() produces expected results", { # No "credible interval" expect_warning(icer <- icer_tbl(cea_pw_out)) expect_true(inherits(icer, "list")) expect_true(inherits(icer[[1]], "matrix")) # With "credible interval" expect_warning(icer <- icer_tbl(cea_pw_out, cri = TRUE)) expect_true(inherits(icer, "list")) # data.table output expect_warning(icer <- icer_tbl(cea_pw_out, output = "data.table")) expect_true(inherits(icer, "data.table")) # Single group with output = "matrix" cea_pw_out2 <- cea_pw(ce[grp == "Group 1"], k = krange, comparator = "Strategy 1", sample = "sample", strategy = "strategy", e = "qalys", c = "cost") expect_warning(icer <- icer_tbl(cea_pw_out2)) expect_true(inherits(icer, "matrix")) expect_equal(ncol(icer), 3) # Single group with output = "matrix" and drop = FALSE expect_warning(icer <- icer_tbl(cea_pw_out2, drop = FALSE)) expect_true(inherits(icer, "list")) # Specifying row and column names cols <- c("S1", "S2", "S3") rows <- c("iqalys", "icosts", "inmb", "icer", "conclusion") expect_warning(icer <- icer_tbl(cea_pw_out2, colnames = cols, rownames = rows)) expect_true(inherits(icer, "matrix")) expect_equal(colnames(icer), cols) expect_equal(rownames(icer), rows) # Expect errors expect_error(expect_warning(icer_tbl(2))) expect_error(expect_warning(icer_tbl(cea_pw_out, prob = 1.4))) }) # Test icer() ------------------------------------------------------------------ labs <- list("strategy" = c("s1" = "Strategy 1", "s2" = "Strategy 2", "s3" = "Strategy 3"), "grp" = c("g1" = "Group 1", "g2" = "Group 2")) test_that("icer() and format.icer() return the correct columns", { # icer() x <- icer(cea_pw_out2) expect_equal(colnames(x), c("strategy", "grp", "outcome", "estimate", "lower", "upper")) # Formatting ## Pivoting ### Default y <- format(x) expect_true("Strategy 2" %in% colnames(y)) ### No pivoting y <- format(x, pivot_from = NULL) expect_equal(colnames(y), c("Strategy", "Group", "Outcome", "Value")) ### Pivot strategy y <- format(x, pivot_from = "strategy") expect_true("Strategy 3" %in% colnames(y)) ### Pivot group y <- format(x, pivot_from = "grp") expect_true("Group 1" %in% colnames(y)) ### Pivot group and outcome y <- format(x, pivot_from = c("grp", "outcome")) expect_true(!"Outcome" %in% colnames(y)) expect_true(!"Group" %in% colnames(y)) }) test_that("icer() correctly passes labels", { x <- icer(cea_pw_out, labels = labs) expect_equal(c("s2", "s3"), as.character(unique(x$strategy))) expect_equal(c("g1", "g2"), as.character(unique(x$grp))) }) test_that("format.icer() will drop groups", { z <- cea_pw(ce[grp == "Group 1"], k = krange, comparator = "Strategy 1", sample = "sample", strategy = "strategy", grp = "grp", e = "qalys", c = "cost") x <- format(icer(z)) expect_true(!"grp" %in% colnames(x)) }) # Test plot_ceplane() ---------------------------------------------------------- p <- plot_ceplane(cea_pw_out, labels = labs) test_that("plot_ceplane() returns ggplot", { expect_true(inherits(p, "ggplot")) }) test_that("plot_ceplane() correctly passes labels", { expect_equal(levels(p$data$strategy), names(labs$strategy)) expect_equal(levels(p$data$grp), names(labs$grp)) }) test_that("plot_ceplane() throws error if 'x' is wrong class", { expect_error(plot_ceplane(2), "'x' must be of class 'cea_pw'.") }) # Test plot_ceac() ------------------------------------------------------------- p1 <- plot_ceac(cea_out, labels = labs) p2 <- plot_ceac(cea_pw_out, labels = labs) test_that("plot_ceac returns ggplot from cea object", { expect_true(inherits(p1, "ggplot")) }) test_that("plot_ceac returns ggplot from cea_pw object", { expect_true(inherits(p2, "ggplot")) }) test_that("plot_ceac works with no labels", { expect_true(inherits(plot_ceac(cea_out), "ggplot")) }) # Test plot_ceaf() ------------------------------------------------------------- p <- plot_ceaf(cea_out, labels = labs) test_that("plot_ceaf() only uses data for optimal treatment strategy", { expect_equal(unique(p$data$best), 1) }) test_that("plot_ceaf() throws error if 'x' is wrong class", { expect_error(plot_ceaf(2), "'x' must be of class 'cea'.") }) # Test plot_evpi() ------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("plot_evpi() throws error if 'x' is wrong class", { expect_error(plot_evpi(2), "'x' must be of class 'cea'.") }) test_that("plot_evpi() works with one group", { z <- cea(ce[grp == "Group 1"], k = krange, sample = "sample", strategy = "strategy", grp = "grp", e = "qalys", c = "cost") expect_true(inherits(plot_evpi(z), "ggplot")) }) # Test incr_effect() ----------------------------------------------------------- test_that("incr_effect", { # Default delta <- incr_effect(ce, comparator = "Strategy 1", sample = "sample", strategy = "strategy", grp = "grp", outcomes = c("cost", "qalys")) expect_equal(delta[strategy == "Strategy 2" & grp == "Group 1", icost][1], ce[strategy == "Strategy 2" & grp == "Group 1", cost][1] - ce[strategy == "Strategy 1" & grp == "Group 1", cost][1]) expect_equal(delta[strategy == "Strategy 2" & grp == "Group 2", icost][5], ce[strategy == "Strategy 2" & grp == "Group 2", cost][5] - ce[strategy == "Strategy 1" & grp == "Group 2", cost][5]) # Without group ce2 <- ce[grp == "Group 1"] ce2[, grp := NULL] delta <- incr_effect(ce2, comparator = "Strategy 1", sample = "sample", strategy = "strategy", outcomes = c("cost", "qalys")) expect_equal(delta[strategy == "Strategy 2", icost][3], ce[strategy == "Strategy 2", cost][3] - ce[strategy == "Strategy 1", cost][3]) })